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In addition to the examples of metadata json files present in this repository, this document briefly describes the fields in the metadata model.


These fields describe the dataset as a whole.

  • temporalityType: The temporality type of the dataset. Must be one of FIXED, ACCUMULATED, STATUS or EVENT.
  • sensitivityLevel: The sensitivity of the data in the dataset. Must be one of: PERSON_GENERAL, PERSON_SPECIAL, PUBLIC or NONPUBLIC.

    • PERSON_GENERAL: general personal data, this category applies to information that is generally handled without further notification and is not especially sensitive. Email address is an example.
    • PERSON_SPECIAL: special category of personal data, this is a category of data that is more sensitive. Health information is an example.
    • PUBLIC: data that is publicly available
    • NONPUBLIC: data that is not publicly available
  • spatialCoverageDescription: The geographic area relevant to the data.

  • populationDescription: Description of the dataset's population.


These fields describe the current version of the dataset.

  • description: Description of this version of the dataset.
  • temporalEnd (Optional): Description of why this dataset will not be updated anymore. Successor datasets can be optionally specified.


Description of the indentifier column of the dataset. It is represented as a list in the metadata model, but currently only one identifier is allowed per dataset. The identifiers are always based on a unit. A unit is centrally defined to make joining datasets across datastores easy.

  • unitType: The unitType for this dataset identifier column. Must be one of: FAMILIE, FORETAK, HUSHOLDNING, JOBB, KJORETOY, KOMMUNE, KURS, PERSON or VIRKSOMHET.


Description of the measure column of the dataset. It is represented as a list in the metadata model, but currently only one measure is allowed per dataset.

  • name: Human readable name(Label) of the measure column. This should be similar to your dataset name. Example for PERSON_INNTEKT.json: "Person inntekt".
  • description: Description of the column contents. Example: "Skattepliktig og skattefritt utbytte i... "
  • dataType: DataType for the values in the column. One of: ["STRING", "LONG", "DOUBLE", "DATE"]
  • format (Optional): More detailed description of the values. For example a regular expression.
  • uriDefinition (Optional): Link to external resource describing the measure.
  • valueDomain: See definition below.


You might find that some of your datasets contain a unitType in the measure column as well. Let's say you have a dataset PERSON_MOR where the identifier column is a population of unitType "PERSON", and the measure column is a population of unitType "PERSON". The measure here is representing the populations mothers. Then you may define it as such:

  • unitType: The unitType for this dataset measure column. Must be one of: FAMILIE, FORETAK, HUSHOLDNING, JOBB, KJORETOY, KOMMUNE, KURS, PERSON or VIRKSOMHET.
  • name: Human readable name(Label) of the measure column. This should be similar to your dataset name. Example for PERSON_MOR.json: "Person mor".
  • description: Description of the column contents. Example: "Personens registrerte biologiske mor..."


Describes the Value domain for the relevant variable. Either by codeList(enumerated value domain), or a description of expected values(described value domain).

  • description: A description of the domain. Example for the variable "BRUTTO_INNTEKT": "Alle positive tall".
  • measurementUnitDescription: A description of the unit measured. Example: "Norske Kroner"
  • measurementType: A machine readable definisjon of the unit measured. One of: [CURRENCY, WEIGHT, LENGTH, HEIGHT, GEOGRAPHICAL]
  • uriDefinition: Link to external resource describing the domain.
  • codeList: A code list of valid codes for the domain, description, and their validity period.
  • sentinelAndMissingValues: A code list where the codes represent missing or sentinel values that, while not entirely valid, are still expected to appear in the dataset. Example: Code 0 for "Unknown value".

Here is an example of two different value domains. The first value domain belongs to a measure for dataset where the measure is a persons accumulated gross income:

"valueDomain": {
    "uriDefinition": [],
    "description": [{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Norske Kroner"}],
    "measurementType": "CURRENCY",
    "measurementUnitDescription": [{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Norske Kroner"}]
This example is what we would call a described value domain.

The second example belongs to the measure variable of a dataset where the measure describes the sex of a population:

"valueDomain": {
    "uriDefinition": [],
    "codeList": [
            "code": "1",
            "categoryTitle": [{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Mann"}],
            "validFrom": "1900-01-01"
            "code": "2",
            "categoryTitle": [{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Kvinne"}],
            "validFrom": "1900-01-01"
    "sentinelAndMissingValues": [
            "code": "0",
            "categoryTitle": [{"languageCode": "no", "value": "Ukjent"}],
            "validFrom": "1900-01-01"
We expect all values in this dataset to be either "1" or "2", as this dataset only considers "Male" or "Female". But we also expect a code "0" to be present in the dataset, where it represents "Unknown". A row with "0" as measure is therefore not considered invalid. A value domain with a code list like this is what we would call an __enumerated value domain.


  • PERSON: Representation of a person in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR.
  • FAMILIE: Representation of a family in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR.
  • FORETAK: Representation of a foretak in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain ORGNR.
  • VIRKSOMHET: Representation of a virksomhet in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain ORGNR.
  • HUSHOLDNING: Representation of a husholdning in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR.
  • JOBB: Representation of a job in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR_ORGNR. FNR belongs to the employee and ORGNR belongs to the employer.
  • KOMMUNE: Representation of a kommune in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain a valid kommune number.
  • KURS: Representation of a course in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR_KURSID. Where FNR belongs to the participant and KURSID is the NUDB course id.
  • KJORETOY: Representation of a vehicle in the platform. Columns with this unit type should contain FNR_REGNR. Where FNR is the owner of the vehicle, and REGNR is the registration number for the vehicle.



A data file must be supplied as a csv file with semicolon as the column seperator. There must always be 5 columns present in this order: 1. identifier 2. measure 3. start 4. stop 5. empty column (This column is reserved for an extra attribute variable if that is considered necessary. Example: Datasource)



This dataset describes a group of persons gross income accumulated yearly. The columns can be described like this: * Identifier: FNR * Measure: Accumulated gross income for the time period * Start: start of time period * Stop: end of time period * Empty column (This column is reserved for an extra attribute variable if that is considered necessary. As there is no need here, it remains empty.)


  • There can be no empty rows in the dataset
  • There can be no more than 5 elements in a row
  • Every row must have a non-empty identifier
  • Every row must have a non-empty measure
  • Values in the stop- and start-columns must be formatted correctly: "YYYY-MM-DD". Example "2020-12-31".
  • The data file must be utf-8 encoded


  • FIXED (Constant value, ex.: place of birth)
    • All rows must have an unique identifier. (No repeating identifiers within a dataset)
    • All rows must have a stop date
  • STATUS (measurement taken at a certain point in time. (cross section))
    • All rows must have a start date
    • All rows must have a stop date
    • Start and stop date must be equal for any given row
  • ACCUMULATED (Accumulated over a period. Ex.: yearly income)
    • All rows must have a start date
    • All rows must have a stop date
    • Start can not be later than stop
    • Time periods for the same identifiers must not intersect
  • EVENT (data state for validity period)
    • All rows must have a start date
    • If there is a non-empty value in the stop column for a given row; start can not be later than stop
    • Time periods for the same identifiers must not intersect (A row without a stop date is considered an ongoing event, and will intersect with all timespans after its start date)