arbmark.groups package


arbmark.groups.age module

alder_5grp(alder, display='label')

Categorize a pandas Series of person ages into predefined groups used in ARBLONN.

  • alder (Series) – A pandas Series containing the person ages.

  • display (str) – If ‘label’, returns group labels; if ‘number’, returns keys; for any other string, returns a combination of keys and labels.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(_ScalarType_co, bound= generic, covariant=True)]]


A numpy Array where the original person ages are replaced by group labels, keys, or a combination.

alder_grp(alder, display='label')

Categorize a pandas Series of person ages into predefined groups used in SYKEFR.

  • alder (Series) – A pandas Series containing the person ages.

  • display (str) – If ‘label’, returns group labels; if ‘number’, returns keys; for any other string, returns a combination of keys and labels.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(_ScalarType_co, bound= generic, covariant=True)]]


A numpy Array where the original person ages are replaced by group labels, keys, or a combination.

arbmark.groups.company_size module

virk_str_8grp(ansatte, display='label')

Categorize a pandas Series of employee counts into predefined groups.

  • ansatte (Series) – A pandas Series containing the employee counts.

  • display (str) – If ‘label’, returns group labels; if ‘number’, returns keys; for any other string, returns a combination of keys and labels.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(_ScalarType_co, bound= generic, covariant=True)]]


A numpy Array where the original employee counts are replaced by group labels or keys.

arbmark.groups.country_origin module

landbakgrunn_grp(landbakgrunn, display='label')

Categorize a pandas Series of country origins from 3 generations into world regions.

  • landbakgrunn (Series) – A pandas Series containing the country origins.

  • display (str) – If ‘label’, returns group labels; if ‘number’, returns keys; if ‘arblonn’, returns specific labels for ARBLONN; for any other string, returns a combination of keys and labels.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(_ScalarType_co, bound= generic, covariant=True)]]


A numpy Array where the original country origins are replaced by group labels or keys.

arbmark.groups.nace module


Cleans the NACE code value by removing redundant parts.

This function checks if the input string val contains a hyphen (‘-’) and if the parts before and after the hyphen are identical. If they are, it returns only the part before the hyphen. Otherwise, it returns the original input value.


val (str) – A string containing the NACE code to be cleaned.

Return type:



A string with the cleaned NACE code.

nace_sn07_47grp(nace_sn07, display='label')

Categorize a pandas Series of NACE-codes (SN07) into predefined groups.

  • nace_sn07 (Series) – A pandas Series containing the NACE-codes.

  • display (str) – If ‘label’, returns group labels; if ‘number’, returns keys; for any other string, returns a combination of keys and labels.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(_ScalarType_co, bound= generic, covariant=True)]]


A numpy Array where the original NACE-codes are replaced by group labels or keys.

nace_to_17_groups(nace, label=False)

Converts NACE codes in a Pandas Series to their corresponding group codes or labels.

NACE (Nomenclature of Economic Activities) is the European industry standard classification system. This function maps NACE codes to a higher-level group (level 2) and optionally returns the group’s name instead of its code.

  • nace (Series) – A Pandas Series containing NACE codes.

  • label (bool) – If True, returns the names of the groups instead of their codes. Defaults to False.

Return type:



A Pandas Series with the mapped group codes or names, depending on the ‘label’ argument.


The function relies on a predefined mapping (‘KlassVariant(1616).data’) to perform the conversion. It assumes that this mapping has a specific structure, with ‘level’, ‘code’, and ‘parentCode’ (or ‘name’ if labels are requested) columns.

arbmark.groups.sector module

sektor2_grp(sektor, display='label')

Categorize a pandas Series of sectors into predefined groups.

  • sektor (Series) – A pandas Series containing the sector codes.

  • display (str) – If ‘label’, returns group labels; if ‘number’, returns keys; for any other string, returns a combination of keys and labels.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(_ScalarType_co, bound= generic, covariant=True)]]


A numpy Array where the original sector is replaced by group labels or keys.

arbmark.groups.shift_work module


Assigns codes based on work schedule categories.

This function takes a pandas Series containing work schedule categories and assigns corresponding codes based on specific conditions. The conditions are as follows: - ‘20’ is assigned to categories [‘dogn355’, ‘helkont336’, ‘offshore336’, ‘skift365’, ‘andre_skift’] - ‘25’ is assigned to the ‘ikke_skift’ category - ‘99’ is assigned to values [‘-2’, ‘’, ‘-1’] or NaN values in the series Any value that doesn’t match these conditions will be assigned an empty string.


arb_tid_ordning (Series) – A pandas Series object containing strings that represent different work schedule categories.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(_ScalarType_co, bound= generic, covariant=True)]]


An array of strings, where each string is a code corresponding to the work schedule category in arb_tid_ordning.


>>> arb_tid_ordning = pd.Series(['dogn355', 'helkont336', 'ikke_skift', '-2', 'offshore336', ''])
>>> turnuskoder(arb_tid_ordning)
array(['20', '20', '25', '99', '20', '99'], dtype='<U2')

Module contents

A collection of useful groups.