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Extended version of GaussSuppressionFromData that takes into account suppression pattern in suppressed data sent as input


  fun = GaussSuppressionFromData,
  primary = GetDefault(fun, "primary"),
  suppressedData = NULL,
  makePrimary = TRUE,
  makeForced = TRUE,
  forceNotPrimary = TRUE



Input data as a data frame


Further parameters to GaussSuppressionFromData


A function: GaussSuppressionFromData or one of its wrappers such as SuppressSmallCounts and SuppressDominantCells.


As input to GaussSuppressionFromData before possible extension caused by suppressedData. Supply NULL if all primary suppressions are retrieved form suppressedData.


A data frame or a list of data frames as output from GaussSuppressionFromData.


When TRUE, suppression in suppressedData is preserved.


When TRUE, non-suppression in suppressedData is preserved. An exception is possible primary suppression which has priority over forced. Use forceNotPrimary to avoid this exception.


When TRUE, non-suppression in suppressedData is forced to be not primary suppressed.


Aggregated data with suppression information


This function is an easy alternative to using PrimaryFromSuppressedData and the relating functions manually. See the examples of PrimaryFromSuppressedData. By default, the suppression pattern in suppressedData is preserved. The behavior can be tuned by the parameters.

Note that the variables used in suppressedData in addition to "suppressed" are those with matching names in crossTable. Others are ignored. See examples (d3, d4, d5). NOW A FIX IS INCLUDED by attribute totCode. EXAMPLES NOT YET CHANGED.


z1 <- SSBtoolsData("z1")
z2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
z3 <- SSBtoolsData("z3")

# Ordinary suppressions
a <- GaussSuppressionFromData(z1, 1:2, 3, maxN = 5)
#> GaussSuppression_anySum: ........................................
b <- GaussSuppressionFromData(z2, 1:4, 5, maxN = 1)
#> GaussSuppression_anySum: ..............................

# As b and also suppression pattern in a preserved 
b1 <- AdditionalSuppression(z2, 1:4, 5, maxN = 1, suppressedData = a)
#> GaussSuppression_anySum: ...........................

# Rows with differences
cbind(b, b1)[b1$suppressed != b$suppressed, ]
#>    region hovedint ant primary suppressed region hovedint ant primary forced
#> 2       1    annet  14   FALSE      FALSE      1    annet  14   FALSE  FALSE
#> 3       1   arbeid  11   FALSE      FALSE      1   arbeid  11   FALSE  FALSE
#> 37      8    annet  15   FALSE      FALSE      8    annet  15   FALSE  FALSE
#> 38      8   arbeid   7   FALSE      FALSE      8   arbeid   7   FALSE  FALSE
#> 47      A    annet  11   FALSE       TRUE      A    annet  11   FALSE   TRUE
#> 48      A   arbeid  11   FALSE       TRUE      A   arbeid  11   FALSE   TRUE
#> 57      C    annet   5   FALSE      FALSE      C    annet   5    TRUE  FALSE
#> 58      C   arbeid   8   FALSE      FALSE      C   arbeid   8    TRUE  FALSE
#> 62      D    annet  13   FALSE      FALSE      D    annet  13    TRUE  FALSE
#> 63      D   arbeid   2   FALSE      FALSE      D   arbeid   2    TRUE  FALSE
#> 77      G    annet   6   FALSE      FALSE      G    annet   6    TRUE  FALSE
#> 78      G   arbeid   4   FALSE      FALSE      G   arbeid   4    TRUE  FALSE
#> 82      H    annet   9   FALSE      FALSE      H    annet   9    TRUE  FALSE
#> 83      H   arbeid   3   FALSE      FALSE      H   arbeid   3    TRUE  FALSE
#>    unsafe suppressed
#> 2   FALSE       TRUE
#> 3   FALSE       TRUE
#> 37  FALSE       TRUE
#> 38  FALSE       TRUE
#> 47  FALSE      FALSE
#> 48  FALSE      FALSE
#> 57  FALSE       TRUE
#> 58  FALSE       TRUE
#> 62  FALSE       TRUE
#> 63  FALSE       TRUE
#> 77  FALSE       TRUE
#> 78  FALSE       TRUE
#> 82  FALSE       TRUE
#> 83  FALSE       TRUE

# All primary from a 
b2 <- AdditionalSuppression(z2, 1:4, 5, suppressedData = a, primary = NULL, singleton = NULL)
#> GaussSuppression_none: ............................

# Rows with suppression 
b2[b2$suppressed, ]
#>    region hovedint ant primary forced unsafe suppressed
#> 17      4    annet   7   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 18      4   arbeid   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 37      8    annet  15   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 38      8   arbeid   7   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 52      B    annet   7    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 53      B   arbeid   1    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 57      C    annet   5    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 58      C   arbeid   8    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 62      D    annet  13    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 63      D   arbeid   2    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 77      G    annet   6    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 78      G   arbeid   4    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 82      H    annet   9    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 83      H   arbeid   3    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE

# All primary from b2
d1 <- AdditionalSuppression(data = z3, 1:6, 7, suppressedData = b2, primary = NULL, 
                            singleton = NULL)

# No suppression since no common codes 
d1[d1$suppressed, ]
#> [1] region     hovedint   mnd        ant        primary    forced     unsafe    
#> [8] suppressed
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

# Use another coding of fylke
z3$fylke_ <- z3$fylke - 4
d2 <- AdditionalSuppression(data = z3, c(1, 3:6, 8), 7, suppressedData = b2, primary = NULL, 
                            singleton = NULL)
#> GaussSuppression_none: .........................

# Two primary found in b2 -> several secondary
#>     region hovedint    mnd ant primary forced unsafe suppressed
#> 187      7    annet  Total  67   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 189      7    annet M06M12  32   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 192      7    annet m10m12  11   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 193      7   arbeid  Total  75   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 195      7   arbeid M06M12  24   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 198      7   arbeid m10m12  10   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 217      8    annet  Total  98    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 219      8    annet M06M12  26   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 222      8    annet m10m12   8   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 223      8   arbeid  Total  92    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 225      8   arbeid M06M12  36   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 228      8   arbeid m10m12  13   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 437      Q   arbeid m06m09   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 438      Q   arbeid m10m12   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 449      Q    trygd m06m09   3   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 450      Q    trygd m10m12   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 517      T    annet  Total   3   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 519      T    annet M06M12   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 522      T    annet m10m12   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 523      T   arbeid  Total   3   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 525      T   arbeid M06M12   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 527      T   arbeid m06m09   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 539      T    trygd m06m09   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 540      T    trygd m10m12   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 677      Y   arbeid m06m09   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 678      Y   arbeid m10m12   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 689      Y    trygd m06m09   3   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 690      Y    trygd m10m12   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 698      Z    annet M01M05   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 699      Z    annet M06M12   4   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 700      Z    annet m01m05   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 702      Z    annet m10m12   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 704      Z   arbeid M01M05   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 705      Z   arbeid M06M12   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 706      Z   arbeid m01m05   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 707      Z   arbeid m06m09   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 719      Z    trygd m06m09   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 720      Z    trygd m10m12   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 907      g    annet  Total   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 908      g    annet M01M05   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 910      g    annet m01m05   2   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 913      g   arbeid  Total   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 914      g   arbeid M01M05   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 916      g   arbeid m01m05   1   FALSE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE

# Examples demonstrating limitations of AdditionalSuppression
# Variable mnd in suppressedData is not used 

# No suppression since unsuppressed rows used by makeForced and forceNotPrimary
d3 <- AdditionalSuppression(data = z3, c(1, 3:4, 8), 7, suppressedData = d2, primary = NULL, 
                            singleton = NULL)
#> GaussSuppression_none: ...........................
d3[d3$suppressed, ]
#>     region hovedint ant primary forced unsafe suppressed
#> 32       7    annet  67    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 33       7   arbeid  75    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 37       8    annet  98    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 38       8   arbeid  92    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 87       T    annet   3    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 88       T   arbeid   3    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 152      g    annet   2    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 153      g   arbeid   1    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE

# Now suppression, but not too much
d4 <- AdditionalSuppression(data = z3, c(1, 3:4, 8), 7, suppressedData = d2, 
                            forceNotPrimary = FALSE, primary = NULL, singleton = NULL)
#> GaussSuppression_none: ...........................
d4[d4$suppressed, ]
#>     region hovedint ant primary forced unsafe suppressed
#> 32       7    annet  67    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 33       7   arbeid  75    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 37       8    annet  98    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 38       8   arbeid  92    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 87       T    annet   3    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 88       T   arbeid   3    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 152      g    annet   2    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 153      g   arbeid   1    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE

# The correct way is to limit the input
d5 <- AdditionalSuppression(data = z3, c(1, 3:4, 8), 7, suppressedData = d2[d2$mnd == "Total", ], 
                            primary = NULL, singleton = NULL)
#> GaussSuppression_none: ...........................
d5[d5$suppressed, ]
#>     region hovedint ant primary forced unsafe suppressed
#> 32       7    annet  67    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 33       7   arbeid  75    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 37       8    annet  98    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 38       8   arbeid  92    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 87       T    annet   3    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 88       T   arbeid   3    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 152      g    annet   2    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE
#> 153      g   arbeid   1    TRUE  FALSE  FALSE       TRUE