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Supports application of multiple values for n and k. The function works on magnitude tables containing negative cell values by calculating contribution based on absolute values.


  n = NULL,
  k = NULL,
  pPercent = NULL,
  protectZeros = FALSE,
  charVar = NULL,
  removeCodes = character(0),
  removeCodesFraction = 1,
  sWeightVar = NULL,
  domWeightMethod = "default",
  allDominance = FALSE,
  outputWeightedNum = !is.null(sWeightVar),
  dominanceVar = NULL,
  structuralEmpty = FALSE,
  apply_abs_directly = FALSE,
  max_contribution_output = NULL,

DominanceRule(data, n, k, protectZeros = FALSE, ...)

PPercentRule(data, pPercent, protectZeros = FALSE, ...)



the dataset


ModelMatrix generated by parent function


vector containing numeric values in the data set


Parameter n in dominance rule.


Parameter k in dominance rule.


Parameter in the p% rule, when non-NULL. Parameters n and k will then be ignored. Technically, calculations are performed internally as if n = 1:2. The results of these intermediate calculations can be viewed by setting allDominance = TRUE.


Parameter determining whether cells with value 0 should be suppressed. Unless structuralEmpty is TRUE (see below), cells that result in a value of 0 due to removed removeCode contributions are also suppressed.


Variable in data holding grouping information. Dominance will be calculated after aggregation within these groups.


A vector of charVar codes that are to be excluded when calculating dominance percentages. Essentially, the corresponding numeric values from dominanceVar or numVar are set to zero before proceeding with the dominance calculations. With empty charVar row indices are assumed and conversion to integer is performed. See also removeCodesFraction below.


Numeric value(s) in the range [0, 1]. This can be either a single value or a vector with the same length as removeCodes. A value of 1 represents the default behavior, as described above. A value of 0 indicates that dominance percentages are calculated as if removeCodes were not removed, but percentages associated with removeCodes are still excluded when identifying major contributions. Values between 0 and 1 modify the contributions of removeCodes proportionally in the calculation of percentages.


variable with sampling weights to be used in dominance rule


character representing how weights should be treated in the dominance rule. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, additional information is included in the output. When n = 2, the following variables are added:

  • "dominant2": The fraction associated with the dominance rule.

  • "max2contributor": IDs associated with the second largest contribution. These IDs are taken from charVar if provided, or the row indices if charVar is not supplied.

  • "n_contr" and "n_non0_contr": Outputs from max_contribution. If removeCodes is used as input, "n_contr_all" and "n_non0_contr_all" are also included. The parameter max_contribution_output can be used to specify custom outputs from max_contribution. Note that if max_contribution_output is provided, only the specified outputs will be included, and the default outputs ("n_contr" and "n_non0_contr") will not be added unless explicitly listed.


logical value to determine whether weighted numerical value should be included in output. Default is TRUE if sWeightVar is provided.


When specified, dominanceVar is used in place of numVar. Specifying dominanceVar is beneficial for avoiding warnings when there are multiple numVar variables. Typically, dominanceVar will be one of the variables already included in numVar.


Parameter as input to GaussSuppressionFromData. It is needed also here to handle structural zeros caused by removeCodes.


Logical. Determines how negative values are treated in the rules. When apply_abs_directly = FALSE (default), absolute values are taken after summing contributions, as performed by max_contribution. When apply_abs_directly = TRUE, absolute values are computed directly on the input values, prior to any summation. This corresponds to the old behavior of the function.


See the description of the allDominance parameter.


Output numeric data generated by parent function. This parameter is needed when protectZeros is TRUE.


unused parameters


logical vector that is TRUE in positions corresponding to cells breaching the dominance rules.


This method only supports suppressing a single numeric variable. There are multiple ways of handling sampling weights in the dominance rule. the default method implemented here compares unweighted sample values with the corresponding weighted cell totals. if domWeightMethod is set to "tauargus", the method implemented in tauArgus is used. For more information on this method, see "Statistical Disclosure Control" by Hundepool et al (2012, p. 151).


Explicit protectZeros in wrappers since default needed by GaussSuppressionFromData


Daniel Lupp and Øyvind Langsrud


z <- SSBtools::MakeMicro(SSBtoolsData("z2"), "ant")
z$value <- sample(1:1000, nrow(z), replace = TRUE)

GaussSuppressionFromData(z, dimVar = c("region", "fylke", "kostragr", "hovedint"), 
numVar = "value", candidates = CandidatesNum, primary = DominanceRule, preAggregate = FALSE,
singletonMethod = "sub2Sum", n = c(1, 2), k = c(65, 85), allDominance = TRUE)
#> GaussSuppression_numFFT: ............................
#>     region hovedint  value   dominant1  dominant2 max1contributor
#> 1        1    Total  58761 0.017001072 0.03384898             505
#> 2        1    annet   5053 0.185632298 0.34751633               6
#> 3        1   arbeid   4184 0.213910134 0.40941683              94
#> 4        1 soshjelp  35414 0.027842096 0.05565596             177
#> 5        1    trygd  14110 0.070800850 0.14096386             505
#> 6       10    Total  48787 0.020394777 0.04066657             687
#> 7       10    annet   6212 0.137475853 0.26207341              83
#> 8       10   arbeid   1675 0.555820896 1.00000000             141
#> 9       10 soshjelp  24620 0.040170593 0.07997563             440
#> 10      10    trygd  16280 0.061117936 0.12057740             687
#> 11     300    Total 292658 0.003413541 0.00680658             505
#> 12     300    annet  37034 0.026705190 0.05341038              23
#> 13     300   arbeid  24402 0.040283583 0.08011638             102
#> 14     300 soshjelp 145491 0.006790798 0.01357472             339
#> 15     300    trygd  85731 0.011652728 0.02323547             505
#> 16       4    Total  30525 0.032432432 0.06358722             533
#> 17       4    annet   3735 0.205622490 0.39544846              17
#> 18       4   arbeid    928 1.000000000 1.00000000             100
#> 19       4 soshjelp  16062 0.059208069 0.11798033             213
#> 20       4    trygd   9800 0.101020408 0.19530612             533
#> 21     400    Total  55366 0.017971318 0.03585233             687
#> 22     400    annet   6841 0.124835550 0.23797690              83
#> 23     400   arbeid   1675 0.555820896 1.00000000             141
#> 24     400 soshjelp  29418 0.033618873 0.06693181             440
#> 25     400    trygd  17432 0.057078935 0.11387104             687
#> 26       5    Total  58837 0.016809151 0.03351632              23
#> 27       5    annet  10363 0.095435685 0.18739747              23
#> 28       5   arbeid   5211 0.188639417 0.36288620             102
#> 29       5 soshjelp  25095 0.039171150 0.07814306             232
#> 30       5    trygd  18168 0.052619991 0.10413915             565
#> 31       6    Total  97942 0.010087603 0.02014458             339
#> 32       6    annet  11461 0.083413315 0.16516883              49
#> 33       6   arbeid   9342 0.097409548 0.19267823             114
#> 34       6 soshjelp  45906 0.021522241 0.04297913             339
#> 35       6    trygd  31233 0.031056895 0.06172958             590
#> 36       8    Total  53172 0.018675243 0.03727526             665
#> 37       8    annet   7051 0.140263792 0.26294143              58
#> 38       8   arbeid   4737 0.205193160 0.40743086             134
#> 39       8 soshjelp  27812 0.035488278 0.07011362             377
#> 40       8    trygd  13572 0.073165340 0.14559387             665
#> 41   Total    Total 348024 0.002870492 0.00572949             505
#> 42   Total    annet  43875 0.022541311 0.04508262              23
#> 43   Total   arbeid  26077 0.037696054 0.07497028             102
#> 44   Total soshjelp 174909 0.005654369 0.01130302             440
#> 45   Total    trygd 103163 0.009683704 0.01932864             505
#> 46       A    Total  52182 0.019144533 0.03803994             505
#> 47       A    annet   4424 0.212025316 0.39692586               6
#> 48       A   arbeid   4184 0.213910134 0.40941683              94
#> 49       A soshjelp  30616 0.032205383 0.06437810             177
#> 50       A    trygd  12958 0.077095231 0.14384936             505
#> 51       B    Total  30525 0.032432432 0.06358722             533
#> 52       B    annet   3735 0.205622490 0.39544846              17
#> 53       B   arbeid    928 1.000000000 1.00000000             100
#> 54       B soshjelp  16062 0.059208069 0.11798033             213
#> 55       B    trygd   9800 0.101020408 0.19530612             533
#> 56       C    Total  35800 0.027625698 0.05508380              23
#> 57       C    annet   3030 0.326402640 0.64092409              23
#> 58       C   arbeid   4980 0.197389558 0.37971888             102
#> 59       C soshjelp  16843 0.058362524 0.11642819             232
#> 60       C    trygd  10947 0.085502878 0.16689504             540
#> 61       D    Total  23037 0.041498459 0.08195512             565
#> 62       D    annet   7333 0.127096686 0.24587481              32
#> 63       D   arbeid    231 0.523809524 1.00000000             109
#> 64       D soshjelp   8252 0.111488124 0.21752302             276
#> 65       D    trygd   7221 0.132391636 0.25868993             565
#> 66       E    Total  69508 0.014214191 0.02838522             339
#> 67       E    annet   5632 0.166370739 0.32705966              45
#> 68       E   arbeid   6648 0.136883273 0.27075812             114
#> 69       E soshjelp  35000 0.028228571 0.05637143             339
#> 70       E    trygd  22228 0.043638654 0.08673745             590
#> 71       F    Total  28434 0.033867905 0.06748963             357
#> 72       F    annet   5829 0.164007548 0.32235375              49
#> 73       F   arbeid   2694 0.269487751 0.49591685             132
#> 74       F soshjelp  10906 0.088300018 0.17494957             357
#> 75       F    trygd   9005 0.100277624 0.20000000             647
#> 76       G    Total  20863 0.047404496 0.09471313              58
#> 77       G    annet   2946 0.335709437 0.53530210              58
#> 78       G   arbeid   2655 0.366101695 0.66177024             134
#> 79       G soshjelp  10823 0.091194678 0.17250300             377
#> 80       G    trygd   4439 0.214012165 0.42351881             658
#> 81       H    Total  32309 0.030734470 0.06115943             665
#> 82       H    annet   4105 0.210718636 0.41997564              65
#> 83       H   arbeid   2082 0.460134486 0.85110471             138
#> 84       H soshjelp  16989 0.056683737 0.11236683             388
#> 85       H    trygd   9133 0.108726596 0.21635826             665
#> 86       I    Total   6579 0.150478796 0.29305366             674
#> 87       I    annet    629 0.502384738 0.85691574              74
#> 88       I   arbeid      0 0.000000000 0.00000000              NA
#> 89       I soshjelp   4798 0.195498124 0.37265527             433
#> 90       I    trygd   1152 0.859375000 1.00000000             674
#> 91       J    Total  30046 0.033115889 0.06603208             687
#> 92       J    annet   4718 0.181008902 0.34506147              83
#> 93       J   arbeid      0 0.000000000 0.00000000              NA
#> 94       J soshjelp  16457 0.060096008 0.11964514             440
#> 95       J    trygd   8871 0.112163228 0.21564649             687
#> 96       K    Total  18741 0.051651459 0.10218238             702
#> 97       K    annet   1494 0.503346720 0.75368139              86
#> 98       K   arbeid   1675 0.555820896 1.00000000             141
#> 99       K soshjelp   8163 0.116011270 0.22920495             482
#> 100      K    trygd   7409 0.130651910 0.25577001             702
#>     max2contributor n_contr n_non0_contr primary suppressed
#> 1               674     127          127   FALSE      FALSE
#> 2                 7      14           14   FALSE      FALSE
#> 3                89      11           11   FALSE      FALSE
#> 4               174      64           64   FALSE      FALSE
#> 5               674      38           38   FALSE      FALSE
#> 6               440      96           96   FALSE      FALSE
#> 7                79      13           13   FALSE      FALSE
#> 8               142       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 9               441      50           50   FALSE      FALSE
#> 10              702      31           31   FALSE       TRUE
#> 11              665     596          596   FALSE      FALSE
#> 12               58      72           72   FALSE       TRUE
#> 13              134      52           52   FALSE       TRUE
#> 14              377     283          283   FALSE      FALSE
#> 15              665     189          189   FALSE      FALSE
#> 16              213      55           55   FALSE      FALSE
#> 17               18       7            7   FALSE      FALSE
#> 18               NA       1            1    TRUE       TRUE
#> 19              198      29           29   FALSE      FALSE
#> 20              537      18           18   FALSE       TRUE
#> 21              674     110          110   FALSE      FALSE
#> 22               79      16           16   FALSE       TRUE
#> 23              142       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 24              441      59           59   FALSE      FALSE
#> 25              674      33           33   FALSE      FALSE
#> 26              102     118          118   FALSE      FALSE
#> 27               20      18           18   FALSE      FALSE
#> 28              107      10           10   FALSE      FALSE
#> 29              240      52           52   FALSE      FALSE
#> 30              540      38           38   FALSE      FALSE
#> 31              313     205          205   FALSE      FALSE
#> 32               45      21           21   FALSE      FALSE
#> 33              120      23           23   FALSE      FALSE
#> 34              313      87           87   FALSE      FALSE
#> 35              582      74           74   FALSE      FALSE
#> 36               58     105          105   FALSE      FALSE
#> 37               65      15           15   FALSE      FALSE
#> 38              138       7            7   FALSE      FALSE
#> 39              388      60           60   FALSE      FALSE
#> 40              661      23           23   FALSE      FALSE
#> 41              687     706          706   FALSE      FALSE
#> 42               58      88           88   FALSE      FALSE
#> 43              134      54           54   FALSE      FALSE
#> 44              339     342          342   FALSE      FALSE
#> 45              687     222          222   FALSE      FALSE
#> 46              177     113          113   FALSE      FALSE
#> 47                7      11           11   FALSE       TRUE
#> 48               89      11           11   FALSE      FALSE
#> 49              174      55           55   FALSE      FALSE
#> 50              493      36           36   FALSE       TRUE
#> 51              213      55           55   FALSE      FALSE
#> 52               18       7            7   FALSE      FALSE
#> 53               NA       1            1    TRUE       TRUE
#> 54              198      29           29   FALSE      FALSE
#> 55              537      18           18   FALSE       TRUE
#> 56              102      73           73   FALSE      FALSE
#> 57               20       5            5   FALSE       TRUE
#> 58              107       8            8   FALSE       TRUE
#> 59              240      35           35   FALSE      FALSE
#> 60              546      25           25   FALSE      FALSE
#> 61               32      45           45   FALSE      FALSE
#> 62               36      13           13   FALSE       TRUE
#> 63              110       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 64              264      17           17   FALSE      FALSE
#> 65              572      13           13   FALSE      FALSE
#> 66              313     138          138   FALSE      FALSE
#> 67               44       9            9   FALSE      FALSE
#> 68              120      14           14   FALSE      FALSE
#> 69              313      63           63   FALSE      FALSE
#> 70              582      52           52   FALSE      FALSE
#> 71               49      67           67   FALSE      FALSE
#> 72               48      12           12   FALSE      FALSE
#> 73              130       9            9   FALSE      FALSE
#> 74              356      24           24   FALSE      FALSE
#> 75              636      22           22   FALSE      FALSE
#> 76              377      40           40   FALSE      FALSE
#> 77               61       6            6   FALSE       TRUE
#> 78              137       4            4   FALSE       TRUE
#> 79              372      22           22   FALSE      FALSE
#> 80              655       8            8   FALSE      FALSE
#> 81              661      65           65   FALSE      FALSE
#> 82               66       9            9   FALSE       TRUE
#> 83              139       3            3    TRUE       TRUE
#> 84              421      38           38   FALSE      FALSE
#> 85              661      15           15   FALSE      FALSE
#> 86              433      14           14   FALSE      FALSE
#> 87               75       3            3    TRUE       TRUE
#> 88               NA       0            0   FALSE      FALSE
#> 89              427       9            9   FALSE      FALSE
#> 90              675       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 91              440      61           61   FALSE      FALSE
#> 92               79       9            9   FALSE      FALSE
#> 93               NA       0            0   FALSE      FALSE
#> 94              441      32           32   FALSE      FALSE
#> 95              689      20           20   FALSE      FALSE
#> 96              482      35           35   FALSE      FALSE
#> 97               88       4            4   FALSE      FALSE
#> 98              142       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 99              477      18           18   FALSE      FALSE
#> 100             700      11           11   FALSE       TRUE

num <- c(100,
         90, 10,
         80, 20,
         70, 30,
         50, 25, 25,
         40, 20, 20, 20,
         25, 25, 25, 25)
v1 <- c("v1",
        rep(c("v2", "v3", "v4"), each = 2),
        rep("v5", 3),
        rep(c("v6", "v7"), each = 4))
sw <- c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1)
d <- data.frame(v1 = v1, num = num, sw = sw)

# without weights
GaussSuppressionFromData(d, formula = ~v1 - 1, 
 numVar = "num",  n = c(1,2), k = c(80,70),
  preAggregate = FALSE, allDominance = TRUE, candidates = CandidatesNum,
  primary = DominanceRule)
#> GaussSuppression_anySum: ..
#>   v1 num dominant1 dominant2 max1contributor max2contributor n_contr
#> 1 v1 100      1.00      1.00               1              NA       1
#> 2 v2 100      0.90      1.00               2               3       2
#> 3 v3 100      0.80      1.00               4               5       2
#> 4 v4 100      0.70      1.00               6               7       2
#> 5 v5 100      0.50      0.75               8               9       3
#> 6 v6 100      0.40      0.60              11              12       4
#> 7 v7 100      0.25      0.50              15              16       4
#>   n_non0_contr primary suppressed
#> 1            1    TRUE       TRUE
#> 2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 3            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 4            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 5            3    TRUE       TRUE
#> 6            4   FALSE       TRUE
#> 7            4   FALSE       TRUE

# with weights, standard method
GaussSuppressionFromData(d, formula = ~v1 - 1,
 numVar = "num",  n = c(1,2), k = c(80,70), sWeightVar = "sw",
 preAggregate = FALSE, allDominance = TRUE, candidates = CandidatesNum,
 primary = DominanceRule)
#> GaussSuppression_anySum: ......
#>   v1 num sw weighted.num dominant1 dominant2 max1contributor max2contributor
#> 1 v1 100  1          100 1.0000000 1.0000000               1              NA
#> 2 v2 100  3          190 0.4736842 0.5263158               2               3
#> 3 v3 100  3          180 0.4444444 0.5555556               4               5
#> 4 v4 100  3          170 0.4117647 0.5882353               6               7
#> 5 v5 100  4          150 0.3333333 0.5000000               8               9
#> 6 v6 100  5          140 0.2857143 0.4285714              11              12
#> 7 v7 100  5          125 0.2000000 0.4000000              15              16
#>   n_contr n_non0_contr primary suppressed
#> 1       1            1    TRUE       TRUE
#> 2       2            2   FALSE       TRUE
#> 3       2            2   FALSE       TRUE
#> 4       2            2   FALSE       TRUE
#> 5       3            3   FALSE       TRUE
#> 6       4            4   FALSE       TRUE
#> 7       4            4   FALSE       TRUE

# with weights, tauargus method
GaussSuppressionFromData(d, formula = ~v1 - 1,
 numVar = "num",  n = c(1,2), k = c(80,70), sWeightVar = "sw",
 preAggregate = FALSE, allDominance = TRUE, candidates = CandidatesNum,
 primary = DominanceRule, domWeightMethod = "tauargus")
#> GaussSuppression_anySum: ...
#>   v1 num sw weighted.num dominant1 dominant2 max1contributor max2contributor
#> 1 v1 100  1          100 1.0000000 1.0000000               1              NA
#> 2 v2 100  3          190 0.4736842 0.9473684               2               3
#> 3 v3 100  3          180 0.4444444 0.8888889               4               5
#> 4 v4 100  3          170 0.4117647 0.8235294               6               7
#> 5 v5 100  4          150 0.3333333 0.6666667               8               9
#> 6 v6 100  5          140 0.2857143 0.5714286              11              12
#> 7 v7 100  5          125 0.2000000 0.4000000              15              16
#>   n_contr n_non0_contr primary suppressed
#> 1       1            1    TRUE       TRUE
#> 2       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 3       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 4       2            2    TRUE       TRUE
#> 5       3            3   FALSE       TRUE
#> 6       4            4   FALSE       TRUE
#> 7       4            4   FALSE       TRUE