Cell suppression from synthetic decimal numbers
Decimal numbers, as calculated by GaussSuppressDec
, are used to decide suppression (whole numbers or not).
Technically, the calculations are done via GaussSuppressionFromData
but without running GaussSuppression
All suppressed cells are primary suppressed.
freqVar = NULL,
numVar = NULL,
preAggregate = FALSE,
digits = 9,
- data
Input data as a data frame
- decVar
One ore several (
) decimal number variables.- freqVar
A single variable holding counts (not needed)
- numVar
Other numerical variables to be aggregated
- preAggregate
Parameter to
- digits
Parameter to
. Values close to whole numbers will be rounded.- ...
Other parameters to
Several decimal number variables reduce the probability of obtaining whole numbers by chance.
z2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
# Find suppression and decimal numbers with "fylke" in model
a1 <- GaussSuppressDec(z2,
fun = SuppressSmallCounts,
dimVar = c("region", "fylke", "hovedint"),
freqVar = "ant", protectZeros = FALSE, maxN = 2,
output = "inner")
#> [extend0 44*4->44*4]
#> GaussSuppression_anySum: ..........................
# Add decimal numbers to data
z2$freqDec <- a1$freqDec
# Find suppression with "kostragr" in model
a2 <- SuppressionFromDecimals(z2, dimVar = c("region", "kostragr", "hovedint"),
freqVar = "ant", decVar = "freqDec")
#> GaussSuppression_none:
#> region hovedint ant freqDec primary suppressed
#> 65 J trygd 20 20.0000000 FALSE FALSE
#> 66 K Total 35 35.0000000 FALSE FALSE
#> 67 K annet 4 5.6718736 TRUE TRUE
#> 68 K arbeid 2 0.3281264 TRUE TRUE
#> 69 K soshjelp 18 18.0000000 FALSE FALSE
#> 70 K trygd 11 11.0000000 FALSE FALSE
b1 <- GaussSuppressDec(data = SSBtoolsData("magnitude1"),
fun = SuppressDominantCells,
numVar = "value",
formula = ~sector2 * geo + sector4 * eu,
contributorVar = "company", k = c(80, 99))
#> [preAggregate 20*6->20*7]
#> [extraAggregate 20*7->10*7] Checking .....
#> GaussSuppression_numttHTT: .........:::::
b2 <- SuppressionFromDecimals(b1[b1$isInner, ],
formula = ~(sector2 + sector4) * eu,
numVar = "value",
decVar = "freqDec")
#> GaussSuppression_none:
FormulaSelection(b2, ~sector2 * eu)
#> sector4 eu freqDec value primary suppressed
#> 1 Total Total 1.110223e-16 462.3 FALSE FALSE
#> 2 private Total -1.110223e-16 429.5 FALSE FALSE
#> 3 public Total 2.220446e-16 32.8 FALSE FALSE
#> 8 Total EU 5.551115e-16 425.2 FALSE FALSE
#> 9 Total nonEU -4.440892e-16 37.1 FALSE FALSE
#> 10 private EU 3.330669e-16 392.4 FALSE FALSE
#> 11 private nonEU -4.440892e-16 37.1 FALSE FALSE
#> 12 public EU 2.220446e-16 32.8 FALSE FALSE