klass.classes package¶
klass.classes.classification module¶
- class KlassClassification(classification_id, language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Classifications are the main level people are used to thinking about “things in KLASS”.
they represent “groupings of general, official codelists”.
can have many Versions, versions are the classification placed in time. When the classification is updated with new codes, a new version is created.
has Codes, actually owned by the Versions (placed in time), but they are directly available under the classification as well, by adding time-parameters.
has Variants, which are differently grouped aggregations of codelists.
can Correspond with other Classifications and their codelists.
belongs undera Family, a general statistical group, like “Education”.
Print an initialized Classification object to see extensive information.
To see all the Classification’s Variants (different aggregations of codelists), you first need to get the classification at a specific time (a KlassVersion) by using get_version() for example.
- versions¶
A list of the data the Classifications has on its versions. Versions represent the changes to the classifications codelists placed in time.
- Type:
- name¶
The name of the classification.
- Type:
- classification_id¶
The ID of the classification.
- Type:
- classificationType¶
The type of the classification.
- Type:
- lastModified¶
The last time the classification was modified. ISO-stringified datetime(ISO-datetime)
- Type:
- description¶
A longer description of the classification.
- Type:
- primaryLanguage¶
The primary language of the classification. “nb”, “nn” or “en”.
- Type:
- language¶
The language chosen at initialization of the classification. “nb”, “nn” or “en”.
- Type:
- copyrighted¶
Whether the classification is copyrighted.
- Type:
- includeShortName¶
If true, indicates that classificationItems may have shortnames.
- Type:
- includeNotes¶
If true, indicates that classificationItems may have notes.
- Type:
- contactPerson¶
A dictionary containing the contact person of the classification.
- Type:
- owningSection¶
The section (part of Statistics Norway)that owns the classification.
- Type:
- statisticalUnits¶
Statistical units assigned to classification
- Type:
- include_future¶
Whether to include future versions of the classification.
- Type:
- _links¶
A dictionary containing the links to different possible endpoints using the classification.
- Type:
- Parameters:
classification_id (str) – The classification_id of the classification. For example: ‘36’
language (str) – The language of the classification. “nb”, “nn” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future versions of the classification.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the language is not “no”, “nb” or “en”. If the include_future is not a bool.
Get the data for the classification from the API.
- get_changes(from_date, to_date='', language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Return a KlassChanges object of the classification at a specific time or in a specific time range.
Different from get_codes(), this method does not return all codes, but only what has changed since the last update or within the time range.
- Parameters:
from_date (str) – The start date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
to_date (str) – The end date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
language (str) – The language of the version. “nn”, “nb” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future versions of the version.
- Returns:
A pandas DataFrame of the changes in the classification at a specific time (from the last time it changed) or within the specific time range.
- Return type:
- get_codes(from_date='', to_date='', select_codes='', select_level='', presentation_name_pattern='', language='', include_future=None)¶
Return a KlassCodes object of the classification at a specific time or in a specific time range.
- Parameters:
from_date (str) – The start date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
to_date (str) – The end date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
select_codes (str) – Limit the result to codes matching this pattern. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_selectcodes.
select_level (str) – The level of the version to keep in the data.
presentation_name_pattern (str) – Used to build an alternative presentation name for the codes. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_presentationnamepattern.
language (str) – The language of the version. “nn”, “nb” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future versions of the version.
- Returns:
A KlassCodes object of the classification at a specific time or in a specific time range.
- Return type:
- get_correspondence_to(target_classification_id, from_date, to_date='', language='', include_future=None)¶
Treats the current classification as a source of correspondences, specifying the target’s ID and a date.
Returns a KlassCorrespondence object of the correspondences.
- Parameters:
target_classification_id (str) – The classification ID of the target classification.
from_date (str) – The start date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
to_date (str) – The end date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
language (str) – The language of the correspondences. “nn”, “nb” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future correspondences.
- Returns:
A KlassCorrespondence object of the correspondences between the current classification and the target classification.
- Return type:
- get_variant_by_name(name, from_date, to_date='', select_codes='', select_level='', presentation_name_pattern='', language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Get a KlassVariant by searching for its name under the Variants owned by the current classification.
In Klass, a Variant is a different way of aggregating an existing codelist. It does not have to be extensive (all filled out), but can, for example, redefine upper levels for some lower-level codes.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The start of the name of the variant.
from_date (str) – The start date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
to_date (str) – The end date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
select_codes (str) – Limit the result to codes matching this pattern. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_selectcodes.
select_level (str) – The level of the version to keep in the data.
presentation_name_pattern (str) – Used to build an alternative presentation name for the codes. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_presentationnamepattern.
language (str) – The language of the version. “nn”, “nb” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future versions of the version.
- Returns:
A KlassVariantSearchByName object based on the classification’s ID and searching for the name passed in.
- Return type:
- get_version(version_id=0, select_level=0, language='', include_future=None)¶
Return a KlassVersion object of the classification based on ID.
A Version in Klass is a Classification placed in time. If no ID is specified, will get the first version under the attribute .versions on this class.
- Parameters:
version_id (int) – The version ID of the version.
select_level (int) – The level of the version to keep in the data.
language (str) – The language of the version. “nn”, “nb” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future versions of the version.
- Returns:
A KlassVersion object of the specified ID.
- Return type:
- versions_dict()¶
Reformats the versions into a simple dict with just the IDs as keys and names as values.
- Returns:
Version IDs as keys, and version names as values.
- Return type:
klass.classes.codes module¶
- class KlassCodes(classification_id='', from_date='', to_date='', select_codes='', select_level='', presentation_name_pattern='', language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Get codes from Klass.
The codelist is owned by the Classification through a Version, and will be valid for a time period.
- data¶
The pandas DataFrame of the codes.
- Type:
- classification_id¶
The classification ID.
- Type:
- from_date¶
The start date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
- Type:
- to_date¶
The end date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
- Type:
- Parameters:
classification_id (str) – The classification ID.
from_date (str) – The start date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
to_date (str) – The end date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
select_codes (str) – A list of codes to be selected.
select_level (str) – A list of levels to be selected.
presentation_name_pattern (str) – A pattern for filtering the code names.
language (str) – The language of the code names. Defaults to “nb”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future codes. Defaults to False.
- Raises:
ValueError – If from_date or to_date is not a valid date or date-string YYYY-MM-DD.
ValueError – If select_codes contains anything except numbers and the special characters “*” (star) or “-” (dash).
ValueError – If select_level is anything except a whole number.
ValueError – If presentation_name_pattern is not a valid pattern.
ValueError – If language is not “nb”, “nn” or “en”.
ValueError – If include_future is not a bool.
Get the data from the KLASS-api belonging to the code-list.
- change_dates(from_date='', to_date='', include_future=None)¶
Change the dates of the codelist and get the data again based on new dates.
- Parameters:
from_date (str) – The start date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
to_date (str) – The end date of the time period. “YYYY-MM-DD”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future codes.
- Returns:
Returns self to make the method more easily chainable.
- Return type:
self (KlassSearchFamilies)
- get_codes(raise_on_empty_data=True)¶
Retrieve codes from the classification specified by self.classification_id at a specific time.
If self.to_date is not None, codes will be retrieved from the date range specified by self.from_date and self.to_date. Otherwise, codes will be retrieved only for the date specified by self.from_date.
- Parameters:
raise_on_empty_data (bool) – Whether to raise an error if the returned dataframe is empty. Defaults to True.
- Returns:
Returns self to make the method more easily chainable.
- Return type:
self (KlassSearchFamilies)
- Raises:
ValueError – If the returned dataframe is empty, there is probably something too narrow in the parameters.
- pivot_level(keep=None)¶
Pivot levels into separate columns and number columns based on levels as suffixes.
Joining children codes onto their parent codes. For example, instead of “code”, gives you “code_1”, “code_2” etc.
First envisioned by @mfmssb
- Parameters:
keep (list[str]) – The start of the names of the columns you want to keep when done. Default is [“code”, “name”], but other possibilities are “presentationName”, “level”, “shortName”, “validTo”, “validFrom”, and “notes”.
- Returns:
The resulting pandas DataFrame.
- Return type:
- to_dict(key='code', value='', other='')¶
Extract two columns from the data, turning them into a dict.
If you specify a value for “other”, returns a defaultdict instead.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The name of the column with the values you want as keys.
value (str) – The name of the column with the values you want as values in your dict.
other (str) – If key is missing from dict, return this value instead, if you specify an OTHER-value.
- Returns:
The extracted columns as a dict or defaultdict.
- Return type:
dict | defaultdict
klass.classes.correspondence module¶
- class KlassCorrespondence(correspondence_id='', source_classification_id='', target_classification_id='', from_date='', to_date='', contain_quarter=0, language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Correspondences in Klass exist between two classifications at a specific time (hence actually between Versions).
They are used to translate data between two classifications. For example, from geographical municipality up to county level.
You can identify the correspondence by their individual ids, or by the source classification ID + the target classification ID + a specific time.
- data¶
The pandas DataFrame of the correspondences.
- Type:
- correspondence¶
The list of the correspondences returned by the API.
- Type:
- correspondence_id¶
The ID of the correspondence.
- Type:
- source_classification_id¶
The ID of the source classification.
- Type:
- target_classification_id¶
The ID of the target classification.
- Type:
- from_date¶
The start date of the correspondence.
- Type:
- to_date¶
The end date of the correspondence.
- Type:
str, optional
- contain_quarter¶
The number of quarters the correspondence should contain, this replaces the to_date during initialization.
- Type:
- language¶
The language of the correspondence. “nb”, “nn” or “en”.
- Type:
- include_future¶
If the correspondence should include future correspondences.
- Type:
- Parameters:
correspondence_id (str) – The ID of the correspondence.
source_classification_id (str) – The ID of the source classification.
target_classification_id (str) – The ID of the target classification.
from_date (str) – The start date of the correspondence.
to_date (str, optional) – The end date of the correspondence.
contain_quarter (int) – The number of quarters the correspondence should contain, this replaces the to_date during initialization.
language (str) – The language of the correspondence. “nb”, “nn” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – If the correspondence should include future correspondences.
Get the correspondence-data from the API.
- get_correspondence()¶
Run as the last part of initialization. Actually setting the data from the API as attributes.
If you reset some attributes, maybe run this after to “update” the data of the correspondence.
Gets and reshapes correspondences based on attributes on the class.
- Returns:
Returns self to make the method more easily chainable.
- Return type:
self (KlassCorrespondence)
- Raises:
ValueError – If you are filling out the wrong combination of correspondence_id, source_classification_id, target_classification_id and from_date, we cant get make a correct query to the API.
- to_dict(key='sourceCode', value='targetCode', other='')¶
Extract two columns from the data, turning them into a dict.
If you specify a value for “other”, returns a defaultdict instead.
Columns in the data are ‘sourceCode’, ‘sourceName’, ‘sourceShortName’, ‘targetCode’, ‘targetName’, ‘targetShortName’, ‘validFrom’, ‘validTo’.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The name of the column with the values you want as keys.
value (str) – The name of the column with the values you want as values in your dict.
other (str) – The value to use for keys that don’t exist in the data.
- Returns:
The dictionary of the correspondence.
- Return type:
dict | defaultdict
klass.classes.family module¶
- class KlassFamily(family_id)¶
Families represent “general statistical areas” like “Education”.
Families in Klass “own” / “have” several classifications. Families are owned by sections (a part of Statistics Norway who is responsible for the family).
- classifications¶
A list of classifications in the family.
- Type:
- family_id¶
The ID of the family.
- Type:
- name¶
The name of the family.
- Type:
- _links¶
A dictionary of API links referencing itself.
- Type:
- Parameters:
family_id (str) – The ID of the family.
Get the family data from the klass-api, setting it as attributes on the object.
- get_classification(classification_id='')¶
Get a classification from the family.
- Parameters:
classification_id (str) – The ID of the classification. If not given, the first classification in the family is returned based on its ID.
- Returns:
The classification.
- Return type:
klass.classes.search module¶
- class KlassSearchClassifications(query='', include_codelists=True, ssbsection='', no_dupes=False)¶
Use to search for classifications.
- classifications¶
A list of KlassClassification objects.
- Type:
- query¶
The search query.
- Type:
- include_codelists¶
Whether to include codelists in the search results.
- Type:
- ssbsection¶
The SSB section who owns the classification you are searching for.
- Type:
- no_dupes¶
Whether to remove duplicates from the search results.
- Type:
- Parameters:
query (str) – The search query.
include_codelists (bool) – Whether to include codelists in the search results.
ssbsection (str) – The SSB section who owns the classification you are searching for.
no_dupes (bool) – Whether to remove duplicates from the search results. (Usually caused by languages showing up multiple times)
Get data from the KLASS-api, setting it as attributes on this object.
- static get_classification(classification_id, language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Get a Classification from the search object.
- Parameters:
classification_id (str) – The classification ID to get.
language (str) – The language to get the classification in. Default: “nb” for Norwegian, “nn” for Nynorsk, “en” for English.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future codelists.
- Returns:
The classification object.
- Return type:
- get_search()¶
Call during init, actually get the data from the KLASS-API.
- Return type:
- simple_search_result()¶
Reformat the resulting search into a simple string.
- Returns:
The resulting reformatted string from the search results.
- Return type:
- class KlassSearchFamilies(ssbsection='', include_codelists=False, language='nb')¶
Search for families in the Klass API.
- Parameters:
ssbsection (str) – The SSB section who owns the family you are searching for.
include_codelists (bool) – Whether to include codelists in the search.
language (str) – The language to use in the search.
Default: “nb” for Norwegian, “nn” for Nynorsk, “en” for English.
Get data from the KLASS-api, setting it as attributes on this object.
- get_family(family_id='0')¶
Return a KlassFamily object of the family with the given ID.
If no ID is given, chooses the first Family returned by the search.
- Parameters:
family_id (str) – The family ID to get.
- Returns:
The family object.
- Return type:
- get_search()¶
Get the search result from the API and reformat it into the .families and .links attributes.
This should be run after any change to the .ssbsection, .include_codelists, or .language attributes.
- Returns:
Returns self to make the method more easily chainable.
- Return type:
self (KlassSearchFamilies)
- simple_search_result()¶
Reformat the resulting search into a simple string.
- Returns:
The resulting reformatted string from the search results.
- Return type:
klass.classes.variant module¶
- class KlassVariant(variant_id, select_level=0, language='nb')¶
In Klass a Variant is a different way of aggregating an existing codelist.
It does not have to be extensive (all filled out), but can, for example, redefine upper levels, for some lower-level codes.
For example: “Study points for vocational education programmes” is a Version (ID 1959) for the Classification of Education (NUS, ID 36). It sets a new upper level of codes (amount of study points), for a set of lower-level existing codes (NUS codes, level 5).
- data¶
The classificationItems as a pandas dataframe. Usually what you’re after?
- Type:
- variant_id¶
The variant_id of the variant. For example: ‘36’.
- Type:
- name¶
The name of the variant.
- Type:
- contactPerson¶
The contact person of the variant.
- Type:
- owningSection¶
The owning section of the variant.
- Type:
- lastModified¶
Stringified iso-datetime for last modification.
- Type:
- published¶
Languages that the variant is published in.
- Type:
- validFrom¶
Date-string from when the version is valid.
- Type:
- validTo¶
Date-string to when the version is valid.
- Type:
str, optional
- introduction¶
A longer description of the variant.
- Type:
- correspondenceTables¶
The correspondence tables of the variant.
- Type:
- changelogs¶
The changelogs of the variant.
- Type:
- levels¶
The levels contained in the codelist (items).
- Type:
- classificationItems¶
The codelist-elements of the variant.
- Type:
- select_level¶
The level of the dataset to keep. For example: 0.
- Type:
- language¶
The language of the variant to select. For example: ‘nb’.
- Type:
- _links¶
The links returned from the API.
- Type:
- Parameters:
variant_id (str) – The variant_id of the variant. For example: ‘1959’.
select_level (int) – The level of the dataset to keep. For example: 5.
language (str) – The language of the variant to select. For example: ‘nb’.
Get the data from the KLASS-api to populate this objects attributes.
- get_classification_codes(select_level=0)¶
Get the data from the API, setting it as attributes on the object.
The codes are put into the .data attribute. Other keys are added dynamically to the object, like classificationItems.
- Parameters:
select_level (int) – The level of the dataset to keep. For example: 0.
- Return type:
- class KlassVariantSearchByName(classification_id, variant_name, from_date, to_date='', select_codes='', select_level='', presentation_name_pattern='', language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Look up a Variant based on the owning Classifications ID and the start of the Variants name.
The name is put into a URL-parameter, so it might be sensitive to special characters, if the name you are trying isn’t working, try keeping less of it, but keep the start of the name.
There might be a bug (2023), where you can get duplicate rows from the API on this, so if you use this class, make sure to check for duplicates before moving on.
In Klass a Variant is a different way of aggregating an existing codelist. It does not have to be extensive (all filled out), but can, for example, redefine upper levels, for some lower-level codes.
- data¶
The codelists from the Variant as a pandas dataframe. Usually what you’re after?
- Type:
- classification_id¶
The classification ID.
- Type:
- variant_name¶
The start of the variant name.
- Type:
- from_date¶
The start of the date range.
- Type:
- to_date¶
The end of the date range.
- Type:
- select_codes¶
Limit the result to codes matching this pattern. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_selectcodes
- Type:
- select_level¶
The level of codes to keep in the dataset.
- Type:
- presentation_name_pattern¶
Used to build an alternative presentation name for the codes. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_presentationnamepattern
- Type:
- language¶
Language of the names, select “en”, “nb” or “nn”.
- Type:
- include_future¶
Whether to include future codes. Defaults to False.
- Type:
- Parameters:
classification_id (str) – The classification ID.
variant_name (str) – The start of the variant name.
from_date (str) – The start of the date range.
to_date (str) – The end of the date range.
select_codes (str) – Limit the result to codes matching this pattern. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_selectcodes
select_level (str) – The level of codes to keep in the dataset.
presentation_name_pattern (str) – Used to build an alternative presentation name for the codes. See rules: https://data.ssb.no/api/klass/v1/api-guide.html#_presentationnamepattern
language (str) – Language of the names, select “en”, “nb” or “nn”.
include_future (bool) – Whether to include future codes. Defaults to False.
Get the data from the KLASS-api, setting it as attributes on the object.
- get_variant()¶
Actually get the data from the API, called at the end of init.
- Return type:
klass.classes.version module¶
- class KlassVersion(version_id, select_level=0, language='nb', include_future=False)¶
A version of a classification is set in time.
For example, the ID of NUS valid in 2023 is 1954, while the ID of NUS without being time-specific is 36.
- data¶
The codelist of the classification-version as a pandas dataframe.
- Type:
- name¶
The name of the version.
- Type:
- validFrom¶
The date the version is valid from.
- Type:
- validTo¶
The date the version is valid to (if any).
- Type:
- lastModified¶
The date the version was last modified.
- Type:
- published¶
A list of languages that the version is published in.
- Type:
- introduction¶
A longer description of the version.
- Type:
- contactPerson¶
A dictionary of the contact person of the version.
- Type:
- owningSection¶
The name of the section that owns the version.
- Type:
- legalBase¶
The basis in law for the classification.
- Type:
- publications¶
Where the classification is published (URL).
- Type:
- derivedFrom¶
Notes on where the classification was derived from.
- Type:
- correspondenceTables¶
A list of correspondence-tables of the version.
- Type:
- Parameters:
version_id (str) – The ID of the version.
select_level (int, optional) – The level in the codelist-data to keep. Defaults to 0.
language (str, optional) – The language of the version. Defaults to “nb”, can be set to “en”, or “nn”.
include_future (bool, optional) – If the version should include future versions. Defaults to False.
Set up the object with data from the KLASS-API.
- correspondences_simple()¶
Get a simple dictionary of the correspondences.
With the IDs as keys.
- Returns:
A nested dictionary of the available correspondences.
- Return type:
- get_classification_codes(select_level=0)¶
Get the codelists of the version. Inserts the result into the KlassVersions .data attribute, instead of returning it.
Run as a part of the class initialization.
- Parameters:
select_level (int) – The level of the version to keep in the data. Setting to 0 keeps all levels.
- Returns:
Returns self to make the method more easily chainable.
- Return type:
self (KlassVersion)
- static get_correspondence(correspondence_id='', source_classification_id='', target_classification_id='', from_date='', to_date='', contain_quarter=0, language='nb', include_future=False)¶
Get a specific correspondence.
- Parameters:
correspondence_id (str) – The ID of the correspondence.
source_classification_id (str) – The ID of the source classification.
target_classification_id (str) – The ID of the target classification.
from_date (str) – The start date of the correspondence.
to_date (str) – The end date of the correspondence.
contain_quarter (int) – The number of quarters the correspondence should contain.
language (str) – The language of the correspondence. “nb”, “nn” or “en”.
include_future (bool) – If the correspondence should include future correspondences.
- Returns:
A correspondence object with the specified ID, language, and dates.
- Return type:
- static get_variant(variant_id, select_level=0, language='nb')¶
Get a specific variant.
- Parameters:
variant_id (str) – The ID of the variant.
select_level (int) – The level of the variant to keep in the data. Setting to 0 keeps all levels.
language (str) – The language of the variant.
- Returns:
A variant object with the specified ID and language.
- Return type:
- variants_simple()¶
Get a simplifed dictionary of the variants, ids as keys, names as values.
- Return type: