Checking an input vector
An input vector (of length one unless okSeveral is TRUE) is checked.
- x
Input vector to be checked
- alt
NULL or vector of allowed values
- min
NULL or minimum value (when type is numeric or integer)
- max
NULL or maximum value (when type is numeric or integer)
- type
One of: "character", "numeric", "integer", "logical", "varName", "varNr", "varNrName". numeric/integer is not checked against exact class, but whether the value fit into the class. Also see data below.
- data
A data frame or matrix. When above type is varNames x is checked against colnames(data). When type is varNr x is checked against column numbers. When type is varNrName x can be either column numbers or column names.
- okSeveral
When TRUE length(x)>1 is allowed
- okNULL
When TRUE NULL is allowed
- okNA
When TRUE NA is allowed
- okDuplicates
When TRUE duplicated values are allowed. Default is TRUE if alt is NULL and if type does not refer to column(s) of data.
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x is checked according to the other input parameters. When x is wrong an error is produced with appropriate text.
a <- c("no", "yes")
b <- c(3.14, 4, 5)
z <- data.frame(A = a, B = b[1:2], C = TRUE)
# Lines causing error are embedded in 'try'
try(CheckInput(a, type = "character"))
#> Error in CheckInput(a, type = "character") :
#> a : Input must be of length 1
CheckInput(a, type = "character", alt = c("no", "yes", "dontknow"), okSeveral = TRUE)
try(CheckInput("yesno", type = "character", alt = c("no", "yes", "dontknow")))
#> Error in CheckInput("yesno", type = "character", alt = c("no", "yes", :
#> "yesno" : Input must be in: no, yes, dontknow
CheckInput(a[1], type = "character", alt = c("no", "yes", "dontknow"))
try(CheckInput(b, type = "integer", max = 100, okSeveral = TRUE))
#> Error in CheckInput(b, type = "integer", max = 100, okSeveral = TRUE) :
#> b : Input is not in accordance with integer
try(CheckInput(b, type = "numeric", min = 4, okSeveral = TRUE))
#> Error in CheckInput(b, type = "numeric", min = 4, okSeveral = TRUE) :
#> b : Input must be within the interval [ 4 , Inf ]
CheckInput(b, type = "numeric", max = 100, okSeveral = TRUE)
try(CheckInput(b, type = "numeric", alt = 1:10, okSeveral = TRUE))
#> Error in CheckInput(b, type = "numeric", alt = 1:10, okSeveral = TRUE) :
#> b : Input must be in: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
CheckInput(b[2], type = "numeric", alt = 1:10)
try(CheckInput("TRUE", type = "logical"))
#> Error in CheckInput("TRUE", type = "logical") :
#> "TRUE" : Input must be logical
CheckInput(TRUE, type = "logical")
try(CheckInput("A", type = "varName"))
#> Error in CheckInput("A", type = "varName") : "A" : data missing
CheckInput("A", type = "varName", data = z)
CheckInput(c("A", "B"), type = "varNrName", data = z, okSeveral = TRUE)
try(CheckInput("ABC", type = "varNrName", data = z))
#> Error in CheckInput("ABC", type = "varNrName", data = z) :
#> "ABC" : Input must be in: A, B, C
try(CheckInput(5, type = "varNrName", data = z))
#> Error in CheckInput(5, type = "varNrName", data = z) :
#> 5 : Input must be within the interval [ 1 , 3 ]
CheckInput(3, type = "varNr", data = z)
CheckInput(2:3, type = "varNr", data = z, okSeveral = TRUE)