Source code for sgis.geopandas_tools.conversion

import numbers
import re
from import Callable
from import Collection
from import Iterable
from import Iterator
from import Mapping
from import Sized
from typing import Any

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyproj
import rasterio
import shapely
from affine import Affine
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from pandas.api.types import is_array_like
from pandas.api.types import is_dict_like
from pandas.api.types import is_list_like
from pyproj import CRS
from rasterio import features
from shapely import Geometry
from shapely import box
from shapely import wkb
from shapely import wkt
from shapely.errors import GEOSException
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely.ops import unary_union

    from torchgeo.datasets.geo import RasterDataset
except ImportError:

[docs] class RasterDataset: # type: ignore """Placeholder."""
[docs] def crs_to_string(crs: Any) -> str: """Extract the string of a CRS-like object.""" if crs is None: return "None" crs = pyproj.CRS(crs) crs_str = str(crs.to_json_dict()["name"]) pattern = r"\d{4,5}" match =, crs_str) return if match else crs_str
[docs] def to_geoseries(obj: Any, crs: Any | None = None) -> GeoSeries: """Convert an object to GeoSeries.""" if crs is None: try: crs = except AttributeError: pass try: if hasattr(obj.index, "values"): # pandas objects index = obj.index else: # list index = None except AttributeError: index = None try: # this works for geodataframe, geoseries and DataFrame with geometry column obj = obj.geometry.values except AttributeError: try: # if pandas series obj = obj.values except AttributeError: # geoseries will raise an Exception for non-geometry objects, # so we can safely pass here pass return GeoSeries(obj, index=index, crs=crs)
[docs] def to_shapely(obj: Any) -> Geometry: """Convert a geometry object or bounding box to a shapely Geometry.""" if isinstance(obj, Geometry): return obj if not hasattr(obj, "__iter__"): raise TypeError(type(obj)) try: return obj.unary_union except AttributeError: pass try: return Point(*obj) except TypeError: pass try: return box(*to_bbox(obj)) except TypeError: pass try: return shapely.wkt.loads(obj) except TypeError: pass try: return shapely.wkb.loads(obj) except TypeError: pass raise TypeError(type(obj))
[docs] def to_bbox( obj: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries | Geometry | Collection | Mapping, ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Returns 4-length tuple of bounds if possible, else raises ValueError. Args: obj: Object to be converted to bounding box. Can be geopandas or shapely objects, iterables of exactly four numbers or dictionary like/class with a the keys/attributes "minx", "miny", "maxx", "maxy" or "xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax". """ if isinstance(obj, (GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries)): bounds = tuple(obj.total_bounds) assert isinstance(bounds, tuple) return bounds try: bounds = tuple(obj.bounds) assert isinstance(bounds, tuple) return bounds except Exception: pass try: minx = int(np.min(obj["minx"])) # type: ignore [index] miny = int(np.min(obj["miny"])) # type: ignore [index] maxx = int(np.max(obj["maxx"])) # type: ignore [index] maxy = int(np.max(obj["maxy"])) # type: ignore [index] return minx, miny, maxx, maxy except Exception: try: minx = int(np.min(obj.minx)) # type: ignore [union-attr] miny = int(np.min(obj.miny)) # type: ignore [union-attr] maxx = int(np.max(obj.maxx)) # type: ignore [union-attr] maxy = int(np.max(obj.maxy)) # type: ignore [union-attr] return minx, miny, maxx, maxy except Exception: pass if hasattr(obj, "geometry"): try: return tuple(GeoSeries(obj["geometry"]).total_bounds) # type: ignore [index] except Exception: return tuple(GeoSeries(obj.geometry).total_bounds) if ( hasattr(obj, "__len__") and len(obj) == 4 and all(isinstance(x, numbers.Number) for x in obj) ): return tuple(obj) try: of_length = f" of length {len(obj)}" except TypeError: of_length = "" raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert type {obj.__class__.__name__}{of_length} to bbox")
[docs] def from_4326(lon: float, lat: float, crs=25833) -> tuple[float, float]: """Get utm 33 N coordinates from lonlat (4326).""" transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( "EPSG:4326", f"EPSG:{crs}", always_xy=True ) return transformer.transform(lon, lat)
[docs] def to_4326(lon: float, lat: float, crs=25833) -> tuple[float, float]: """Get degree coordinates 33 N coordinates from lonlat (4326).""" transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( f"EPSG:{crs}", "EPSG:4326", always_xy=True ) return transformer.transform(lon, lat)
[docs] def coordinate_array( gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, strict: bool = False, include_z: bool = False, ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Creates a 2d ndarray of coordinates from point geometries. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries of point geometries. strict: If False (default), geometries without coordinates are given the value None. include_z: Whether to include z-coordinates. Defaults to False. Returns: np.ndarray of np.ndarrays of coordinates. Examples: --------- >>> import sgis as sg >>> points = sg.to_gdf( ... [ ... (0, 1), ... (1, 0), ... (1, 1), ... (0, 0), ... (0.5, 0.5), ... (0.5, 0.25), ... (0.25, 0.25), ... (0.75, 0.75), ... (0.25, 0.75), ... (0.75, 0.25), ... ] ... ) >>> points geometry 0 POINT (0.59376 0.92577) 1 POINT (0.34075 0.91650) 2 POINT (0.74841 0.10627) 3 POINT (0.00966 0.87868) 4 POINT (0.38046 0.87879) >>> sg.coordinate_array(points) array([[0.59376221, 0.92577159], [0.34074678, 0.91650446], [0.74840912, 0.10626954], [0.00965935, 0.87867915], [0.38045827, 0.87878816]]) >>> sg.coordinate_array(points.geometry) array([[0.59376221, 0.92577159], [0.34074678, 0.91650446], [0.74840912, 0.10626954], [0.00965935, 0.87867915], [0.38045827, 0.87878816]]) """ try: return shapely.get_coordinates(gdf.geometry.values, include_z=include_z) except AttributeError: return shapely.get_coordinates(gdf, include_z=include_z)
[docs] def to_gdf( obj: ( Geometry | str | bytes | list | tuple | dict | GeoSeries | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame | Iterator ), crs: str | tuple[str] | None = None, geometry: str | tuple[str] | int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> GeoDataFrame: """Converts geometry-like objects to a GeoDataFrame. Constructs a GeoDataFrame from any geometry-like object (coordinates, wkt, wkb), or any interable of such objects. Meant for convenience in testing and exploring, not for production code since it introduces unnecessary overhead. If obj is a DataFrame or dictionary, geometries can be in one column/key or 2-3 if coordiantes are in x and x (and z) columns. The column/key "geometry" is used by default if it exists. The index and other columns/keys are preserved. Args: obj: the object to be converted to a GeoDataFrame. crs: if None (default), it uses the crs of the GeoSeries if GeoSeries is the input type. Otherwise, no crs is used. geometry: Name of column(s) or key(s) in obj with geometry-like values. If not specified, the key/column 'geometry' will be used if it exists. If multiple columns, can be given as e.g. "xyz" or ["x", "y"]. **kwargs: additional keyword arguments taken by the GeoDataFrame constructor. Returns: A GeoDataFrame with one column, the geometry column. Examples: --------- >>> import sgis as sg >>> coords = (10, 60) >>> sg.to_gdf(coords, crs=4326) geometry 0 POINT (10.00000 60.00000) From wkt. >>> wkt = "POINT (10 60)" >>> sg.to_gdf(wkt, crs=4326) geometry 0 POINT (10.00000 60.00000) From DataFrame with x, y (optionally z) coordinate columns. Index and columns are preserved. >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [10, 11], "y": [60, 59]}, index=[1,3]) x y 1 10 60 3 11 59 >>> gdf = sg.to_gdf(df, geometry=["x", "y"], crs=4326) >>> gdf x y geometry 1 10 60 POINT (10.00000 60.00000) 3 11 59 POINT (11.00000 59.00000) For DataFrame/dict with a geometry-like column named "geometry". If the column has another name, it must be set with the geometry parameter. >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"col": [1, 2], "geometry": ["point (10 60)", (11, 59)]}) >>> df col geometry 0 1 point (10 60) 1 2 (11, 59) >>> gdf = sg.to_gdf(df, crs=4326) >>> gdf col geometry 0 1 POINT (10.00000 60.00000) 1 2 POINT (11.00000 59.00000) From Series. >>> series = Series({1: (10, 60), 3: (11, 59)}) >>> sg.to_gdf(series) geometry 1 POINT (10.00000 60.00000) 3 POINT (11.00000 59.00000) Multiple coordinates will be converted to points, unless a line or polygon geometry is constructed beforehand. >>> coordslist = [(10, 60), (11, 59)] >>> sg.to_gdf(coordslist, crs=4326) geometry 0 POINT (10.00000 60.00000) 1 POINT (11.00000 59.00000) >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> sg.to_gdf(LineString(coordslist), crs=4326) geometry 0 LINESTRING (10.00000 60.00000, 11.00000 59.00000) From 2 or 3 dimensional array. >>> arr = np.random.randint(100, size=(5, 3)) >>> sg.to_gdf(arr) geometry 0 POINT Z (82.000 88.000 82.000) 1 POINT Z (70.000 92.000 20.000) 2 POINT Z (91.000 34.000 3.000) 3 POINT Z (1.000 50.000 77.000) 4 POINT Z (58.000 49.000 46.000) """ if isinstance(obj, GeoDataFrame): if not crs: return obj if not return obj.set_crs(crs) return obj.to_crs(crs) if obj is None: raise TypeError("Cannot convert NoneType to GeoDataFrame.") if isinstance(obj, GeoSeries): geom_col = geometry or "geometry" return _geoseries_to_gdf(obj, geom_col, crs, **kwargs) if crs is None: try: crs = # type: ignore except AttributeError: try: matches ="SRID=(\d+);", obj) # type: ignore except TypeError: try: matches ="SRID=(\d+);", obj[0]) # type: ignore except Exception: pass try: crs = CRS( int( "".join( x for x in # type:ignore if x.isnumeric() ) ) ) except Exception: pass if isinstance(obj, RasterDataset): # read the entire dataset obj = obj[obj.bounds] crs = obj["crs"] array = np.array(obj["image"]) transform = get_transform_from_bounds(obj["bbox"], shape=array.shape) return gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.DataFrame( _array_to_geojson(array, transform), columns=["value", "geometry"], ), geometry="geometry", crs=crs, ) if is_array_like(geometry) and len(geometry) == len(obj): # type: ignore geometry = GeoSeries( _make_one_shapely_geom(g) for g in geometry if g is not None # type: ignore ) return GeoDataFrame(obj, geometry=geometry, crs=crs, **kwargs) geom_col: str = _find_geometry_column(obj, geometry) # type: ignore[no-redef] index = kwargs.pop("index", None) # get done with iterators that get consumed by 'all' if isinstance(obj, Iterator) and not isinstance(obj, Sized): obj = GeoSeries( (_make_one_shapely_geom(g) for g in obj if g is not None), index=index ) return GeoDataFrame({geom_col: obj}, geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) if hasattr(obj, "__len__") and not len(obj): return GeoDataFrame({"geometry": []}, crs=crs) crs = crs or get_crs_from_dict(obj) if not is_dict_like(obj): if is_bbox_like(obj): obj = GeoSeries(*obj), index=index) return GeoDataFrame({geom_col: obj}, geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) elif all(hasattr(obj, attr) for attr in ["minx", "miny", "maxx", "maxy"]): obj = GeoSeries(*to_bbox(obj)), index=index) return GeoDataFrame({geom_col: obj}, geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) if is_nested_geojson(obj): # crs = crs or get_crs_from_dict(obj) obj = pd.concat( (GeoSeries(_from_json(g)) for g in obj if g is not None), # type: ignore ignore_index=True, ) if index is not None: obj.index = index return GeoDataFrame({geom_col: obj}, geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) # list etc. else: obj = GeoSeries(_make_shapely_geoms(obj), index=index) return GeoDataFrame( {geom_col: obj}, geometry=geom_col, index=index, crs=crs, **kwargs ) # now we have dict, Series or DataFrame obj = obj.copy() # type: ignore [union-attr] # preserve Series/DataFrame index index = obj.index if hasattr(obj, "index") and index is None else index if geom_col in obj.keys(): if isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): notna = obj[geom_col].notna() obj.loc[notna, geom_col] = list( _make_shapely_geoms(obj.loc[notna, geom_col]) ) obj[geom_col] = GeoSeries(obj[geom_col]) return GeoDataFrame(obj, geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj[geom_col], Geometry): return GeoDataFrame( dict(obj), geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, index=[0], **kwargs ) if not hasattr(obj[geom_col], "__iter__") or len(obj[geom_col]) == 1: obj[geom_col] = _make_shapely_geoms(obj[geom_col]) return GeoDataFrame( dict(obj), geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, index=index, **kwargs ) obj[geom_col] = GeoSeries(_make_shapely_geoms(obj[geom_col]), index=index) return GeoDataFrame(dict(obj), geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) if geometry and all(g in obj for g in geometry): # type: ignore [union-attr] obj[geom_col] = _geoseries_from_xyz(obj, geometry, index=index) return GeoDataFrame(obj, geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) if len(obj.keys()) == 1: key = next(iter(obj.keys())) if isinstance(obj, dict): geoseries = GeoSeries( _make_shapely_geoms(next(iter(obj.values()))), index=index ) elif isinstance(obj, pd.Series): geoseries = GeoSeries(_make_shapely_geoms(obj), index=index) else: geoseries = GeoSeries(_make_shapely_geoms(obj.iloc[:, 0]), index=index) return GeoDataFrame({key: geoseries}, geometry=key, crs=crs, **kwargs) if geometry and geom_col not in obj or isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("Cannot find geometry column(s)", geometry) # geojson, __geo_interface__ if ( isinstance(obj, dict) and sum(key in obj for key in ["type", "coordinates", "features"]) >= 2 ): if "geometry" in obj: geometry = "geometry" # crs = crs or get_crs_from_dict(obj) obj = GeoSeries(_from_json(obj), index=index) return GeoDataFrame({geom_col: obj}, geometry=geom_col, crs=crs, **kwargs) try: geoseries = _series_like_to_geoseries(obj, index=index) except ValueError: geoseries = _series_like_to_geoseries(obj.dropna(), index=obj.dropna().index) return GeoDataFrame(geometry=geoseries, crs=crs, **kwargs)
def _array_to_geojson( array: np.ndarray, transform: Affine ) -> list[tuple[dict, Geometry]]: try: return [ (value, shape(geom)) for geom, value in features.shapes(array, transform=transform) ] except ValueError: array = array.astype(np.float32) return [ (value, shape(geom)) for geom, value in features.shapes(array, transform=transform) ] def get_transform_from_bounds( obj: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries | Geometry | tuple, shape: tuple[float, ...] ) -> Affine: minx, miny, maxx, maxy = to_bbox(obj) if len(shape) == 2: width, height = shape elif len(shape) == 3: _, width, height = shape else: raise ValueError return rasterio.transform.from_bounds(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, width, height) def _make_shapely_geoms(obj: Any) -> Geometry | Any: if _is_one_geometry(obj): return _make_one_shapely_geom(obj) if isinstance(obj, dict) and "coordinates" in obj: return _from_json(obj) return (_make_one_shapely_geom(g) for g in obj)
[docs] def is_bbox_like(obj: Any) -> bool: """Returns True if the object is an iterable of 4 numbers. Args: obj: Any object. """ if ( hasattr(obj, "__len__") and len(obj) == 4 and hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and all(isinstance(x, numbers.Number) for x in obj) ): return True return False
[docs] def is_nested_geojson(obj: Any) -> bool: """Returns True if the object is an iterable of all dicts. Args: obj: Any object. """ if hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and all(isinstance(g, dict) for g in obj): return True return False
[docs] def get_crs_from_dict(obj: Any) -> CRS | None | Any: """Try to extract the 'crs' attribute of the object or an object in the object.""" if ( not hasattr(obj, "__iter__") or not is_dict_like(obj) and not is_dict_like(obj[0]) ): return None if not is_dict_like(obj) and is_dict_like(obj[0]): crss = list({get_crs_from_dict(g) for g in obj}) return crss[0] if len(crss) == 1 else None if "properties" in obj: return get_crs_from_dict(obj["properties"]) if "crs" in obj: obj = obj["crs"] while is_dict_like(obj): if "properties" in obj: obj = obj["properties"] elif "name" in obj: obj = obj["name"] else: return None return obj return None
def _from_json(obj: dict | list[dict]) -> Geometry: if not isinstance(obj, dict) and isinstance(obj[0], dict): return [_from_json(g) for g in obj] if "geometry" in obj: return _from_json(obj["geometry"]) if "features" in obj: return _from_json(obj["features"]) coords = obj["coordinates"] constructor: Callable = eval("shapely.geometry." + obj.get("type", Point)) try: return constructor(coords) except TypeError: while len(coords) == 1: coords = coords[0] return constructor(coords) def _series_like_to_geoseries(obj: Iterable, index: Iterable) -> GeoSeries: if index is None: index = obj.keys() if isinstance(obj, dict): return GeoSeries(_make_shapely_geoms(list(obj.values())), index=index) else: return GeoSeries(_make_shapely_geoms(obj.values), index=index) def _geoseries_to_gdf( obj: GeoSeries, geometry: str | GeoSeries | Iterable, crs: CRS | Any, **kwargs ) -> GeoDataFrame: if not crs: crs = else: obj = obj.to_crs(crs) if else obj.set_crs(crs) return GeoDataFrame({geometry: obj}, geometry=geometry, crs=crs, **kwargs) def _find_geometry_column(obj: Any, geometry: GeoSeries | Iterable | None) -> str: if geometry is None: return "geometry" # dict key if not is_list_like(geometry) and geometry in obj: return geometry # nested dict key if len(geometry) == 1 and geometry[0] in obj: return geometry[0] if len(geometry) in {2, 3}: return "geometry" raise ValueError( "geometry should be a geometry column or x, y (z) coordinate columns." ) def _geoseries_from_xyz( obj: Any, geometry: Iterable[float, float] | Iterable[float, float, float], index: Iterable | None, ) -> GeoSeries: """Make geoseries from the geometry column or columns (x y (z)).""" if len(geometry) == 2: x, y = geometry z = None elif len(geometry) == 3: x, y, z = geometry z = obj[z] else: raise ValueError( "geometry should be a geometry column or x, y (z) coordinate columns." ) return gpd.GeoSeries.from_xy(x=obj[x], y=obj[y], z=z, index=index) def _is_one_geometry(obj: Any) -> bool: if ( isinstance(obj, (str, bytes, Geometry)) # type: ignore [unreachable] or all(isinstance(i, numbers.Number) for i in obj) or not hasattr(obj, "__iter__") ): return True return False # type: ignore [unreachable] def _make_one_shapely_geom(obj: Any) -> Geometry: """Create shapely geometry from wkt, wkb or coordinate tuple. Works recursively if the object is a nested iterable. """ if isinstance(obj, str): try: return wkt.loads(obj) except GEOSException: if obj.startswith("geography"): matches ="SRID=(\d+);", obj) srid = _, _wkt = obj.split(srid) return wkt.loads(_wkt) if isinstance(obj, bytes): return wkb.loads(obj) if isinstance(obj, Geometry): return obj if not hasattr(obj, "__iter__"): raise ValueError( f"Couldn't create shapely geometry from {obj} of type {type(obj)}" ) if isinstance(obj, GeoSeries): raise TypeError( "to_gdf doesn't accept iterable of GeoSeries. Instead use: " "pd.concat(to_gdf(obj) for obj in geoseries_iterable)" ) if not any(isinstance(g, numbers.Number) for g in obj): # we're likely dealing with a nested iterable, so let's # recursively dig down to the coords/wkt/wkb if len(obj) == 2 or len(obj) == 3: try: obj = [float(g) for g in obj] return Point(obj) except Exception: pass return unary_union([_make_one_shapely_geom(g) for g in obj]) elif len(obj) == 2 or len(obj) == 3: return Point(obj) elif len(obj) == 4: return box(*obj) else: raise ValueError( "If 'geom' is an iterable, each item should consist of " "wkt, wkb or (x, y (z) or bbox). Got ", obj, )