Source code for sgis.geopandas_tools.general

import numbers
import warnings
from import Hashable
from import Iterable
from typing import Any

import joblib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyproj
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from geopandas.array import GeometryArray
from geopandas.array import GeometryDtype
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from shapely import Geometry
from shapely import get_coordinates
from shapely import get_exterior_ring
from shapely import get_interior_ring
from shapely import get_num_interior_rings
from shapely import get_parts
from shapely import linestrings
from shapely import make_valid
from shapely import points as shapely_points
from shapely import unary_union
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point

    import dask_geopandas
except ImportError:

from .geometry_types import get_geom_type
from .geometry_types import make_all_singlepart
from .geometry_types import to_single_geom_type

def split_geom_types(gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries) -> tuple[GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries]:
    return tuple(
        gdf.loc[gdf.geom_type == geom_type] for geom_type in gdf.geom_type.unique()

[docs] def get_common_crs( iterable: Iterable[Hashable], strict: bool = False ) -> pyproj.CRS | None: """Returns the common not-None crs or raises a ValueError if more than one. Args: iterable: Iterable of objects with the attribute "crs" or a list of CRS-like (pyproj.CRS-accepted) objects. strict: If False (default), falsy CRS-es will be ignored and None will be returned if all CRS-es are falsy. If strict is True, Returns: pyproj.CRS object or None (if all crs are None). Raises: ValueError if there are more than one crs. If strict is True, None is included. """ crs = set() for obj in iterable: try: crs.add( except AttributeError: pass if not crs: try: crs = list(set(iterable)) except TypeError: return None truthy_crs = list({x for x in crs if x}) if strict and len(truthy_crs) != len(crs): raise ValueError("Mix of falsy and truthy CRS-es found.") if len(truthy_crs) > 1: # sometimes the bbox is slightly different, resulting in different # hash values for same crs. Therefore, trying to actually_different = set() for x in truthy_crs: if x.to_string() in {j.to_string() for j in actually_different}: continue actually_different.add(x) if len(actually_different) == 1: return next(iter(actually_different)) raise ValueError("'crs' mismatch.", truthy_crs) return pyproj.CRS(truthy_crs[0])
def is_bbox_like(obj: Any) -> bool: if ( hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and len(obj) == 4 and all(isinstance(x, numbers.Number) for x in obj) ): return True return False def is_wkt(text: str) -> bool: gemetry_types = ["point", "polygon", "line", "geometrycollection"] return any(x in text.lower() for x in gemetry_types) def _push_geom_col(gdf: GeoDataFrame) -> GeoDataFrame: """Makes the geometry column the rightmost column in the GeoDataFrame. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame. Returns: The GeoDataFrame with the geometry column pushed all the way to the right. """ geom_col = gdf._geometry_column_name return gdf.reindex(columns=[c for c in gdf.columns if c != geom_col] + [geom_col])
[docs] def drop_inactive_geometry_columns(gdf: GeoDataFrame) -> GeoDataFrame: """Removes geometry columns in a GeoDataFrame if they are not active.""" for col in gdf.columns: if ( isinstance(gdf[col].dtype, GeometryDtype) and col != gdf._geometry_column_name ): gdf = gdf.drop(col, axis=1) return gdf
def _rename_geometry_if(gdf: GeoDataFrame) -> GeoDataFrame: geom_col = gdf._geometry_column_name if geom_col == "geometry" and geom_col in gdf.columns: return gdf elif geom_col in gdf.columns: return gdf.rename_geometry("geometry") geom_cols = list( {col for col in gdf.columns if isinstance(gdf[col].dtype, GeometryDtype)} ) if len(geom_cols) == 1: gdf._geometry_column_name = geom_cols[0] return gdf.rename_geometry("geometry") raise ValueError( "There are multiple geometry columns and none are the active geometry" )
[docs] def clean_geoms( gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, ignore_index: bool = False, ) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Fixes geometries, then removes empty, NaN and None geometries. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries to be cleaned. ignore_index: If True, the resulting axis will be labeled 0, 1, …, n - 1. Defaults to False Returns: GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries with fixed geometries and only the rows with valid, non-empty and not-NaN/-None geometries. Examples: --------- >>> import sgis as sg >>> import pandas as pd >>> from shapely import wkt >>> gdf = sg.to_gdf([ ... "POINT (0 0)", ... "LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2)", ... "POLYGON ((3 3, 4 4, 3 4, 3 3))" ... ]) >>> gdf geometry 0 POINT (0.00000 0.00000) 1 LINESTRING (1.00000 1.00000, 2.00000 2.00000) 2 POLYGON ((3.00000 3.00000, 4.00000 4.00000, 3.... Add None and empty geometries. >>> missing = pd.DataFrame({"geometry": [None]}) >>> empty = sg.to_gdf(wkt.loads("POINT (0 0)").buffer(0)) >>> gdf = pd.concat([gdf, missing, empty]) >>> gdf geometry 0 POINT (0.00000 0.00000) 1 LINESTRING (1.00000 1.00000, 2.00000 2.00000) 2 POLYGON ((3.00000 3.00000, 4.00000 4.00000, 3.... 0 None 0 POLYGON EMPTY Clean. >>> sg.clean_geoms(gdf) geometry 0 POINT (0.00000 0.00000) 1 LINESTRING (1.00000 1.00000, 2.00000 2.00000) 2 POLYGON ((3.00000 3.00000, 4.00000 4.00000, 3.... """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "GeoSeries.notna", UserWarning) if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame): # only repair if necessary if not gdf.geometry.is_valid.all(): gdf.geometry = gdf.make_valid() notna = gdf.geometry.notna() if not notna.all(): gdf = gdf.loc[notna] is_empty = gdf.geometry.is_empty if is_empty.any(): gdf = gdf.loc[~is_empty] elif isinstance(gdf, GeoSeries): if not gdf.is_valid.all(): gdf = gdf.make_valid() notna = gdf.notna() if not notna.all(): gdf = gdf.loc[notna] is_empty = gdf.is_empty if is_empty.any(): gdf = gdf.loc[~is_empty] else: raise TypeError(f"'gdf' should be GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries, got {type(gdf)}") if ignore_index: gdf = gdf.reset_index(drop=True) return gdf
[docs] def get_grouped_centroids( gdf: GeoDataFrame, groupby: str | list[str], as_string: bool = True ) -> pd.Series: """Get the centerpoint of the geometries within a group. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame. groupby: column to group by. as_string: If True (default), coordinates are returned in the format "{x}_{y}". If False, coordinates are returned as Points. Returns: A pandas.Series of grouped centroids with the index of 'gdf'. """ centerpoints = gdf.assign(geometry=lambda x: x.centroid) grouped_centerpoints = centerpoints.dissolve(by=groupby).assign( geometry=lambda x: x.centroid ) xs = grouped_centerpoints.geometry.x ys = grouped_centerpoints.geometry.y if as_string: grouped_centerpoints["wkt"] = [ f"{int(x)}_{int(y)}" for x, y in zip(xs, ys, strict=False) ] else: grouped_centerpoints["wkt"] = [ Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys, strict=False) ] return gdf[groupby].map(grouped_centerpoints["wkt"])
[docs] def sort_large_first(gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Sort GeoDataFrame by area in decending order. Args: gdf: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries. Returns: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries sorted from large to small in area. Examples: --------- Create GeoDataFrame with NaN values. >>> import sgis as sg >>> df = sg.to_gdf( ... [ ... (0, 1), ... (1, 0), ... (1, 1), ... (0, 0), ... (0.5, 0.5), ... ] ... ) >>> df.geometry = df.buffer([4, 1, 2, 3, 5]) >>> df["col"] = [None, 1, 2, None, 1] >>> df["col2"] = [None, 1, 2, 3, None] >>> df["area"] = df.area >>> df geometry col col2 area 0 POLYGON ((4.56136 0.53436, 4.54210 0.14229, 4.... NaN NaN 50.184776 1 POLYGON ((1.40111 0.71798, 1.39630 0.61996, 1.... 1.0 1.0 3.136548 2 POLYGON ((2.33302 0.49287, 2.32339 0.29683, 2.... 2.0 2.0 12.546194 3 POLYGON ((3.68381 0.46299, 3.66936 0.16894, 3.... NaN 3.0 28.228936 4 POLYGON ((5.63590 0.16005, 5.61182 -0.33004, 5... 1.0 NaN 78.413712 >>> sg.sort_large_first(df) geometry col col2 area 4 POLYGON ((5.63590 0.16005, 5.61182 -0.33004, 5... 1.0 NaN 78.413712 0 POLYGON ((4.56136 0.53436, 4.54210 0.14229, 4.... NaN NaN 50.184776 3 POLYGON ((3.68381 0.46299, 3.66936 0.16894, 3.... NaN 3.0 28.228936 2 POLYGON ((2.33302 0.49287, 2.32339 0.29683, 2.... 2.0 2.0 12.546194 1 POLYGON ((1.40111 0.71798, 1.39630 0.61996, 1.... 1.0 1.0 3.136548 >>> sg.sort_nans_last(sg.sort_large_first(df)) geometry col col2 area 2 POLYGON ((2.33302 0.49287, 2.32339 0.29683, 2.... 2.0 2.0 12.546194 1 POLYGON ((1.40111 0.71798, 1.39630 0.61996, 1.... 1.0 1.0 3.136548 4 POLYGON ((5.63590 0.16005, 5.61182 -0.33004, 5... 1.0 NaN 78.413712 3 POLYGON ((3.68381 0.46299, 3.66936 0.16894, 3.... NaN 3.0 28.228936 0 POLYGON ((4.56136 0.53436, 4.54210 0.14229, 4.... NaN NaN 50.184776 """ # using enumerate, then iloc on the sorted dict keys. # to avoid creating a temporary area column (which doesn't work for GeoSeries). area_mapper = dict(enumerate(gdf.area.values)) sorted_areas = dict(reversed(sorted(area_mapper.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]))) return gdf.iloc[list(sorted_areas)]
[docs] def sort_long_first(gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Sort GeoDataFrame by length in decending order. Args: gdf: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries. Returns: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries sorted from long to short in length. """ # using enumerate, then iloc on the sorted dict keys. # to avoid creating a temporary area column (which doesn't work for GeoSeries). length_mapper = dict(enumerate(gdf.length.values)) sorted_lengths = dict( reversed(sorted(length_mapper.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])) ) return gdf.iloc[list(sorted_lengths)]
[docs] def sort_short_first(gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Sort GeoDataFrame by length in ascending order. Args: gdf: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries. Returns: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries sorted from short to long in length. """ # using enumerate, then iloc on the sorted dict keys. # to avoid creating a temporary area column (which doesn't work for GeoSeries). length_mapper = dict(enumerate(gdf.length.values)) sorted_lengths = dict(sorted(length_mapper.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])) return gdf.iloc[list(sorted_lengths)]
[docs] def sort_small_first(gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Sort GeoDataFrame by area in ascending order. Args: gdf: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries. Returns: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries sorted from small to large in area. """ # using enumerate, then iloc on the sorted dict keys. # to avoid creating a temporary area column (which doesn't work for GeoSeries). area_mapper = dict(enumerate(gdf.area.values)) sorted_areas = dict(sorted(area_mapper.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])) return gdf.iloc[list(sorted_areas)]
[docs] def make_lines_between_points( arr1: NDArray[Point] | GeometryArray | GeoSeries, arr2: NDArray[Point] | GeometryArray | GeoSeries, ) -> NDArray[LineString]: """Creates an array of linestrings from two arrays of points. The operation is done rowwise. Args: arr1: GeometryArray og GeoSeries of points. arr2: GeometryArray og GeoSeries of points of same length as arr1. Returns: A numpy array of linestrings. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays have unequal shape. """ if arr1.shape != arr2.shape: raise ValueError("Arrays must have equal shape.") coords: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat( [ pd.DataFrame(get_coordinates(arr1), columns=["x", "y"]), pd.DataFrame(get_coordinates(arr2), columns=["x", "y"]), ] ).sort_index() return linestrings(coords.values, indices=coords.index)
[docs] def random_points(n: int, loc: float | int = 0.5) -> GeoDataFrame: """Creates a GeoDataFrame with n random points. Args: n: Number of points/rows to create. loc: Mean ('centre') of the distribution. Returns: A GeoDataFrame of points with n rows. Examples: --------- >>> import sgis as sg >>> points = sg.random_points(10_000) >>> points geometry 0 POINT (0.62044 0.22805) 1 POINT (0.31885 0.38109) 2 POINT (0.39632 0.61130) 3 POINT (0.99401 0.35732) 4 POINT (0.76403 0.73539) ... ... 9995 POINT (0.90433 0.75080) 9996 POINT (0.10959 0.59785) 9997 POINT (0.00330 0.79168) 9998 POINT (0.90926 0.96215) 9999 POINT (0.01386 0.22935) [10000 rows x 1 columns] Values with a mean of 100. >>> points = sg.random_points(10_000, loc=100) >>> points geometry 0 POINT (50.442 199.729) 1 POINT (26.450 83.367) 2 POINT (111.054 147.610) 3 POINT (93.141 141.456) 4 POINT (94.101 24.837) ... ... 9995 POINT (174.344 91.772) 9996 POINT (95.375 11.391) 9997 POINT (45.694 60.843) 9998 POINT (73.261 101.881) 9999 POINT (134.503 168.155) [10000 rows x 1 columns] """ if isinstance(n, (str, float)): n = int(n) x = np.random.rand(n) * float(loc) * 2 y = np.random.rand(n) * float(loc) * 2 return GeoDataFrame( (Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(x, y, strict=True)), columns=["geometry"] )
[docs] def random_points_in_polygons(gdf: GeoDataFrame, n: int, seed=None) -> GeoDataFrame: """Creates a GeoDataFrame with n random points within the geometries of 'gdf'. Args: gdf: A GeoDataFrame. n: Number of points/rows to create. seed: Optional random seet. Returns: A GeoDataFrame of points with n rows. """ all_points = [] rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) for i, geom in enumerate(gdf.geometry): minx, miny, maxx, maxy = geom.bounds xs = rng.uniform(minx, maxx, size=n * 500) ys = rng.uniform(miny, maxy, size=n * 500) points = GeoSeries(shapely_points(xs, y=ys), index=[i] * len(xs)) all_points.append(points) return ( pd.concat(all_points) .loc[lambda x: x.intersects(gdf.geometry)] .groupby(level=0) .head(n) )
[docs] def to_lines(*gdfs: GeoDataFrame, copy: bool = True) -> GeoDataFrame: """Makes lines out of one or more GeoDataFrames and splits them at intersections. The GeoDataFrames' geometries are converted to LineStrings, then unioned together and made to singlepart. The lines are split at the intersections. Mimics 'feature to line' in ArcGIS. Args: *gdfs: one or more GeoDataFrames. copy: whether to take a copy of the incoming GeoDataFrames. Defaults to True. Returns: A GeoDataFrame with singlepart line geometries and columns of all input GeoDataFrames. Note: The index is preserved if only one GeoDataFrame is given, but otherwise ignored. This is because the union overlay used if multiple GeoDataFrames always ignores the index. Examples: --------- Convert single polygon to linestring. >>> import sgis as sg >>> from shapely.geometry import Polygon >>> poly1 = sg.to_gdf(Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)])) >>> poly1["poly1"] = 1 >>> line = sg.to_lines(poly1) >>> line geometry poly1 0 LINESTRING (0.00000 0.00000, 0.00000 1.00000, ... 1 Convert two overlapping polygons to linestrings. >>> poly2 = sg.to_gdf(Polygon([(0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 1.5), (1.5, 1.5), (1.5, 0.5)])) >>> poly2["poly2"] = 1 >>> lines = sg.to_lines(poly1, poly2) >>> lines poly1 poly2 geometry 0 1.0 NaN LINESTRING (0.00000 0.00000, 0.00000 1.00000, ... 1 1.0 NaN LINESTRING (0.50000 1.00000, 1.00000 1.00000, ... 2 1.0 NaN LINESTRING (1.00000 0.50000, 1.00000 0.00000, ... 3 NaN 1.0 LINESTRING (0.50000 0.50000, 0.50000 1.00000) 4 NaN 1.0 LINESTRING (0.50000 1.00000, 0.50000 1.50000, ... 5 NaN 1.0 LINESTRING (1.00000 0.50000, 0.50000 0.50000) Plot before and after. >>> sg.qtm(poly1, poly2) >>> lines["l"] = lines.length >>> sg.qtm(lines, "l") """ if not all(isinstance(gdf, (GeoSeries, GeoDataFrame)) for gdf in gdfs): raise TypeError("gdf must be GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries") if any(gdf.geom_type.isin(["Point", "MultiPoint"]).any() for gdf in gdfs): raise ValueError("Cannot convert points to lines.") def _shapely_geometry_to_lines(geom): """Get all lines from the exterior and interiors of a Polygon.""" # if lines (points are not allowed in this function) if geom.area == 0: return geom singlepart = get_parts(geom) lines = [] for part in singlepart: exterior_ring = get_exterior_ring(part) lines.append(exterior_ring) n_interior_rings = get_num_interior_rings(part) if not (n_interior_rings): continue interior_rings = [ LineString(get_interior_ring(part, n)) for n in range(n_interior_rings) ] lines += interior_rings return unary_union(lines) lines = [] for gdf in gdfs: if copy: gdf = gdf.copy() mapped = try: gdf.geometry = mapped except AttributeError: # geoseries gdf.loc[:] = mapped gdf = to_single_geom_type(gdf, "line") lines.append(gdf) if len(lines) == 1: return lines[0] if len(lines[0]) and len(lines[1]): unioned = lines[0].overlay(lines[1], how="union", keep_geom_type=True) else: unioned = pd.concat([lines[0], lines[1]], ignore_index=True) if len(lines) > 2: for line_gdf in lines[2:]: if len(line_gdf): unioned = unioned.overlay(line_gdf, how="union", keep_geom_type=True) else: unioned = pd.concat([unioned, line_gdf], ignore_index=True) return make_all_singlepart(unioned, ignore_index=True)
[docs] def clean_clip( gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, mask: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries | Geometry, keep_geom_type: bool | None = None, geom_type: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Clips and clean geometries. Geopandas.clip does a "fast and dirty clipping, with no guarantee for valid outputs". Here, the clipped geometries are made valid, and empty and NaN geometries are removed. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries to be clipped mask: the geometry to clip gdf geom_type: Optionally specify what geometry type to keep., if there are mixed geometry types. Must be either "polygon", "line" or "point". keep_geom_type: Defaults to None, meaning True if 'geom_type' is given and True if the geometries are single-typed and False if the geometries are mixed. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to geopandas.GeoDataFrame.clip Returns: The cleanly clipped GeoDataFrame. Raises: TypeError: If gdf is not of type GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries. """ if not isinstance(gdf, (GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries)): raise TypeError(f"'gdf' should be GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries, got {type(gdf)}") gdf, geom_type, keep_geom_type = _determine_geom_type_args( gdf, geom_type, keep_geom_type ) try: gdf = gdf.clip(mask, **kwargs).pipe(clean_geoms) except Exception: gdf = clean_geoms(gdf) try: mask = clean_geoms(mask) except TypeError: mask = make_valid(mask) return gdf.clip(mask, **kwargs).pipe(clean_geoms) if keep_geom_type: gdf = to_single_geom_type(gdf, geom_type) return gdf
def _determine_geom_type_args( gdf: GeoDataFrame, geom_type: str | None, keep_geom_type: bool | None ) -> tuple[GeoDataFrame, str, bool]: if geom_type: gdf = to_single_geom_type(gdf, geom_type) keep_geom_type = True elif keep_geom_type is None: geom_type = get_geom_type(gdf) if geom_type == "mixed": keep_geom_type = False else: keep_geom_type = True elif keep_geom_type: geom_type = get_geom_type(gdf) if geom_type == "mixed": raise ValueError("Cannot set keep_geom_type=True with mixed geometries") return gdf, geom_type, keep_geom_type def _merge_geometries(geoms: GeoSeries, grid_size=None) -> Geometry: return make_valid(unary_union(geoms, grid_size=grid_size)) def _parallel_unary_union( gdf: GeoDataFrame, n_jobs: int = 1, by=None, grid_size=None, **kwargs ) -> list[Geometry]: try: geom_col = gdf._geometry_column_name except AttributeError: geom_col = "geometry" if by is not None and not isinstance(by, str): gdf = gdf.copy() try: gdf["_by"] = gdf[by].astype(str).agg("-".join, axis=1) except KeyError: gdf["_by"] = by by = "_by" if is None: = 25833 _was_none = True else: _was_none = False if isinstance(gdf.index, pd.MultiIndex): gdf = gdf.reset_index(drop=True) dissolved = ( dask_geopandas.from_geopandas(gdf, npartitions=n_jobs).dissolve(by).compute() ) if _was_none: = None return dissolved.geometry def _parallel_unary_union_geoseries( ser: GeoSeries, n_jobs: int = 1, grid_size=None, **kwargs ) -> list[Geometry]: if is None: = 25833 _was_none = True else: _was_none = False if isinstance(ser.index, pd.MultiIndex): ser = ser.reset_index(drop=True) dissolved = ( dask_geopandas.from_geopandas(ser.to_frame("geometry"), npartitions=n_jobs) .dissolve(**kwargs) .compute() ) if _was_none: = None return dissolved.geometry def _parallel_unary_union( gdf: GeoDataFrame, n_jobs: int = 1, by=None, grid_size=None, **kwargs ) -> list[Geometry]: try: geom_col = gdf._geometry_column_name except AttributeError: geom_col = "geometry" with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading") as parallel: delayed_operations = [] for _, geoms in gdf.groupby(by, **kwargs)[geom_col]: delayed_operations.append( joblib.delayed(_merge_geometries)(geoms, grid_size=grid_size) ) return parallel(delayed_operations) def _parallel_unary_union_geoseries( ser: GeoSeries, n_jobs: int = 1, grid_size=None, **kwargs ) -> list[Geometry]: is_one_hit = ser.groupby(**kwargs).transform("size") == 1 one_hit = ser.loc[is_one_hit] many_hits = ser.loc[~is_one_hit] with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading") as parallel: delayed_operations = [] for _, geoms in many_hits.groupby(**kwargs): delayed_operations.append( joblib.delayed(_merge_geometries)(geoms, grid_size=grid_size) ) dissolved = pd.Series( parallel(delayed_operations), index=is_one_hit[lambda x: x is False].index.unique(), ) return pd.concat([dissolved, one_hit]).sort_index().values def _parallel_unary_union_geoseries( ser: GeoSeries, n_jobs: int = 1, grid_size=None, **kwargs ) -> list[Geometry]: with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading") as parallel: delayed_operations = [] for _, geoms in ser.groupby(**kwargs): delayed_operations.append( joblib.delayed(_merge_geometries)(geoms, grid_size=grid_size) ) return parallel(delayed_operations)