Source code for sgis.geopandas_tools.polygon_operations

"""Functions for polygon geometries."""

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from shapely import STRtree
from shapely import area
from shapely import box
from shapely import buffer
from shapely import difference
from shapely import get_exterior_ring
from shapely import get_interior_ring
from shapely import get_num_interior_rings
from shapely import get_parts
from shapely import is_empty
from shapely import make_valid
from shapely import polygons
from shapely import unary_union
from shapely.errors import GEOSException

from .general import _parallel_unary_union
from .general import _parallel_unary_union_geoseries
from .general import _push_geom_col
from .general import clean_geoms
from .general import get_grouped_centroids
from .general import to_lines
from .geometry_types import get_geom_type
from .geometry_types import make_all_singlepart
from .geometry_types import to_single_geom_type
from .neighbors import get_neighbor_indices
from .overlay import _try_difference
from .overlay import clean_overlay
from .polygons_as_rings import PolygonsAsRings
from .sfilter import sfilter
from .sfilter import sfilter_inverse

[docs] def get_polygon_clusters( *gdfs: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, cluster_col: str = "cluster", allow_multipart: bool = False, predicate: str | None = "intersects", as_string: bool = False, ) -> GeoDataFrame | tuple[GeoDataFrame]: """Find which polygons overlap without dissolving. Devides polygons into clusters in a fast and precice manner by using spatial join and networkx to find the connected components, i.e. overlapping geometries. If multiple GeoDataFrames are given, the clusters will be based on all combined. This can be used instead of dissolve+explode, or before dissolving by the cluster column. This has been tested to be a lot faster if there are many non-overlapping polygons, but somewhat slower than dissolve+explode if most polygons overlap. Args: gdfs: One or more GeoDataFrames of polygons. cluster_col: Name of the resulting cluster column. allow_multipart: Whether to allow mutipart geometries in the gdfs. Defaults to False to avoid confusing results. predicate: Spatial predicate. Defaults to "intersects". as_string: Whether to return the cluster column values as a string with x and y coordinates. Convinient to always get unique ids. Defaults to False because of speed. Returns: One or more GeoDataFrames (same amount as was given) with a new cluster column. Examples: --------- Create geometries with three clusters of overlapping polygons. >>> import sgis as sg >>> gdf = sg.to_gdf([(0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (4, 4), (4, 3), (7, 7)]) >>> buffered = sg.buff(gdf, 1) >>> gdf geometry 0 POLYGON ((1.00000 0.00000, 0.99951 -0.03141, 0... 1 POLYGON ((2.00000 1.00000, 1.99951 0.96859, 1.... 2 POLYGON ((1.00000 1.00000, 0.99951 0.96859, 0.... 3 POLYGON ((5.00000 4.00000, 4.99951 3.96859, 4.... 4 POLYGON ((5.00000 3.00000, 4.99951 2.96859, 4.... 5 POLYGON ((8.00000 7.00000, 7.99951 6.96859, 7.... Add a cluster column to the GeoDataFrame: >>> gdf = sg.get_polygon_clusters(gdf, cluster_col="cluster") >>> gdf cluster geometry 0 0 POLYGON ((1.00000 0.00000, 0.99951 -0.03141, 0... 1 0 POLYGON ((2.00000 1.00000, 1.99951 0.96859, 1.... 2 0 POLYGON ((1.00000 1.00000, 0.99951 0.96859, 0.... 3 1 POLYGON ((5.00000 4.00000, 4.99951 3.96859, 4.... 4 1 POLYGON ((5.00000 3.00000, 4.99951 2.96859, 4.... 5 2 POLYGON ((8.00000 7.00000, 7.99951 6.96859, 7.... If multiple GeoDataFrames are given, all are returned with common cluster values. >>> gdf2 = sg.to_gdf([(0, 0), (7, 7)]) >>> gdf, gdf2 = sg.get_polygon_clusters(gdf, gdf2, cluster_col="cluster") >>> gdf2 cluster geometry 0 0 POINT (0.00000 0.00000) 1 2 POINT (7.00000 7.00000) >>> gdf cluster geometry 0 0 POLYGON ((1.00000 0.00000, 0.99951 -0.03141, 0... 1 0 POLYGON ((2.00000 1.00000, 1.99951 0.96859, 1.... 2 0 POLYGON ((1.00000 1.00000, 0.99951 0.96859, 0.... 3 1 POLYGON ((5.00000 4.00000, 4.99951 3.96859, 4.... 4 1 POLYGON ((5.00000 3.00000, 4.99951 2.96859, 4.... 5 2 POLYGON ((8.00000 7.00000, 7.99951 6.96859, 7.... Dissolving 'by' the cluster column will make the dissolve much faster if there are a lot of non-overlapping polygons. >>> dissolved = gdf.dissolve(by="cluster", as_index=False) >>> dissolved cluster geometry 0 0 POLYGON ((0.99951 -0.03141, 0.99803 -0.06279, ... 1 1 POLYGON ((4.99951 2.96859, 4.99803 2.93721, 4.... 2 2 POLYGON ((8.00000 7.00000, 7.99951 6.96859, 7.... """ if isinstance(gdfs[-1], str): *gdfs, cluster_col = gdfs concated = [] orig_indices = () # take a copy only if there are gdfs with the same id # To not get any overwriting in the for loop if sum(df1 is df2 for df1 in gdfs for df2 in gdfs) > len(gdfs): gdfs = [gdf.copy() for gdf in gdfs] for i, gdf in enumerate(gdfs): if isinstance(gdf, GeoSeries): gdf = gdf.to_frame() if not isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError("'gdfs' should be GeoDataFrames or GeoSeries.") if not allow_multipart and len(gdf) != len(gdf.explode(index_parts=False)): raise ValueError( "All geometries should be exploded to singlepart " "in order to get correct polygon clusters. " "To allow multipart geometries, set allow_multipart=True" ) orig_indices = orig_indices + (gdf.index,) gdf = gdf.assign(i__=i) concated.append(gdf) concated = pd.concat(concated, ignore_index=True) if not len(concated): return concated.drop("i__", axis=1).assign(**{cluster_col: []}) concated[cluster_col] = get_cluster_mapper(concated, predicate) if as_string: concated[cluster_col] = get_grouped_centroids(concated, groupby=cluster_col) concated = _push_geom_col(concated) n_gdfs = concated["i__"].unique() if len(n_gdfs) == 1: concated.index = orig_indices[0] return concated.drop(["i__"], axis=1) unconcated = () for i in n_gdfs: gdf = concated[concated["i__"] == i] gdf.index = orig_indices[i] gdf = gdf.drop(["i__"], axis=1) unconcated = unconcated + (gdf,) return unconcated
def get_cluster_mapper( gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, predicate: str = "intersects" ) -> dict[int, int]: if not gdf.index.is_unique: raise ValueError("Index must be unique") neighbors = get_neighbor_indices(gdf, gdf, predicate=predicate) edges = [(source, target) for source, target in neighbors.items()] graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_edges_from(edges) return { j: i for i, component in enumerate(nx.connected_components(graph)) for j in component }
[docs] def eliminate_by_longest( gdf: GeoDataFrame | list[GeoDataFrame], to_eliminate: GeoDataFrame, *, remove_isolated: bool = False, fix_double: bool = True, ignore_index: bool = False, aggfunc: str | dict | list | None = None, grid_size=None, n_jobs: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> GeoDataFrame | tuple[GeoDataFrame]: """Dissolves selected polygons with the longest bordering neighbor polygon. Eliminates selected geometries by dissolving them with the neighboring polygon with the longest shared border. The index and column values of the large polygons will be kept, unless else is specified. Note that this might be a lot slower than eliminate_by_largest. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame with polygon geometries, or a list of GeoDataFrames. to_eliminate: The geometries to be eliminated by 'gdf'. remove_isolated: If False (default), polygons in 'to_eliminate' that share no border with any polygon in 'gdf' will be kept. If True, the isolated polygons will be removed. fix_double: If True, geometries to be eliminated will be erased by overlapping geometries to not get double surfaces if the geometries in 'to_eliminate' overlaps with multiple geometries in 'gdf'. ignore_index: If False (default), the resulting GeoDataFrame will keep the index of the large polygons. If True, the resulting axis will be labeled 0, 1, …, n - 1. aggfunc: Aggregation function(s) to use when dissolving/eliminating. Defaults to None, meaning the values of 'gdf' is used. Otherwise, aggfunc will be passed to pandas groupby.agg. note: The geometries of 'gdf' are sorted first, but if 'gdf' has missing values, the resulting polygons might get values from the polygons to be eliminated (if aggfunc="first"). grid_size: Rounding of the coordinates. Defaults to None. n_jobs: Number of threads to use. Defaults to 1. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the dissolve method. Returns: The GeoDataFrame (gdf) with the geometries of 'to_eliminate' dissolved in. If multiple GeoDataFrame are passed as 'gdf', they are returned as a tuple. Examples: --------- Create two polygons with a sliver in between: >>> sliver = sg.to_gdf(Polygon([(0, 0), (0.1, 1), (0, 2), (-0.1, 1)])) >>> small_poly = sg.to_gdf( ... Polygon([(0, 0), (-0.1, 1), (0, 2), (-1, 2), (-2, 2), (-1, 1)]) ... ) >>> large_poly = sg.to_gdf( ... Polygon([(0, 0), (0.1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 0)]) ... ) Using multiple GeoDataFrame as input, the sliver is eliminated into the small polygon (because it has the longest border with sliver). >>> small_poly_eliminated, large_poly_eliminated = sg.eliminate_by_longest( ... [small_poly, large_poly], sliver ... ) With only one input GeoDataFrame: >>> polys = pd.concat([small_poly, large_poly]) >>> eliminated = sg.eliminate_by_longest(polys, sliver) """ if not len(to_eliminate): return gdf if isinstance(gdf, (list, tuple)): # concat, then break up the dataframes in the end was_multiple_gdfs = True original_cols = [df.columns for df in gdf] gdf = pd.concat(df.assign(**{"_df_idx": i}) for i, df in enumerate(gdf)) else: was_multiple_gdfs = False crs = geom_type = get_geom_type(gdf) if not ignore_index: idx_mapper = dict(enumerate(gdf.index)) idx_name = gdf = gdf.reset_index(drop=True) gdf["_dissolve_idx"] = gdf.index to_eliminate = to_eliminate.assign(_eliminate_idx=lambda x: range(len(x))) # convert to lines to get the borders lines_eliminate = to_lines(to_eliminate[["_eliminate_idx", "geometry"]]) borders = clean_overlay( gdf[["_dissolve_idx", "geometry"]], lines_eliminate, keep_geom_type=False, grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs, ).loc[lambda x: x["_eliminate_idx"].notna()] borders["_length"] = borders.length # as DataFrame because GeoDataFrame constructor is expensive borders = pd.DataFrame(borders) longest_border = borders.sort_values("_length", ascending=False).drop_duplicates( "_eliminate_idx" ) to_dissolve_idx = longest_border.set_index("_eliminate_idx")["_dissolve_idx"] to_eliminate["_dissolve_idx"] = to_eliminate["_eliminate_idx"].map(to_dissolve_idx) actually_eliminate = to_eliminate.loc[to_eliminate["_dissolve_idx"].notna()] isolated = to_eliminate.loc[to_eliminate["_dissolve_idx"].isna()] containing_eliminators = ( pd.DataFrame( isolated.drop(columns="_dissolve_idx").sjoin( gdf[["_dissolve_idx", "geometry"]], predicate="contains" ) ) .drop(columns="index_right") .drop_duplicates("_eliminate_idx") ) eliminated = _eliminate( pd.DataFrame(gdf), pd.concat([actually_eliminate, containing_eliminators]), aggfunc, crs, fix_double, grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs, ) if not ignore_index: eliminated.index = = idx_name if not remove_isolated and len(isolated): eliminated = pd.concat([eliminated, isolated]) eliminated = eliminated.drop( ["_dissolve_idx", "_length", "_eliminate_idx", "_dissolve_idx"], axis=1, errors="ignore", ) out = GeoDataFrame(eliminated, geometry="geometry", crs=crs).pipe(clean_geoms) if geom_type != "mixed": out = to_single_geom_type(out, geom_type) out = out.reset_index(drop=True) if ignore_index else out if not was_multiple_gdfs: return out gdfs = () for i, cols in enumerate(original_cols): df = out.loc[out["_df_idx"] == i, cols] gdfs += (df,) return gdfs
[docs] def eliminate_by_largest( gdf: GeoDataFrame | list[GeoDataFrame], to_eliminate: GeoDataFrame, *, max_distance: int | float | None = None, remove_isolated: bool = False, fix_double: bool = False, ignore_index: bool = False, aggfunc: str | dict | list | None = None, predicate: str = "intersects", grid_size=None, n_jobs: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> GeoDataFrame | tuple[GeoDataFrame]: """Dissolves selected polygons with the largest neighbor polygon. Eliminates selected geometries by dissolving them with the neighboring polygon with the largest area. The index and column values of the large polygons will be kept, unless else is specified. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame with polygon geometries, or a list of GeoDataFrames. to_eliminate: The geometries to be eliminated by 'gdf'. max_distance: Max distance to search for neighbors. Defaults to None, meaning 0. remove_isolated: If False (default), polygons in 'to_eliminate' that share no border with any polygon in 'gdf' will be kept. If True, the isolated polygons will be removed. fix_double: If True, geometries to be eliminated will be erased by overlapping geometries to not get double surfaces if the geometries in 'to_eliminate' overlaps with multiple geometries in 'gdf'. ignore_index: If False (default), the resulting GeoDataFrame will keep the index of the large polygons. If True, the resulting axis will be labeled 0, 1, …, n - 1. aggfunc: Aggregation function(s) to use when dissolving/eliminating. Defaults to None, meaning the values of 'gdf' is used. Otherwise, aggfunc will be passed to pandas groupby.agg. note: The geometries of 'gdf' are sorted first, but if 'gdf' has missing values, the resulting polygons might get values from the polygons to be eliminated (if aggfunc="first"). predicate: Binary predicate passed to sjoin. Defaults to "intersects". grid_size: Rounding of the coordinates. Defaults to None. n_jobs: Number of threads to use. Defaults to 1. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the dissolve method. Returns: The GeoDataFrame (gdf) with the geometries of 'to_eliminate' dissolved in. If multiple GeoDataFrame are passed as 'gdf', they are returned as a tuple. Examples: --------- Create two polygons with a sliver in between: >>> sliver = sg.to_gdf(Polygon([(0, 0), (0.1, 1), (0, 2), (-0.1, 1)])) >>> small_poly = sg.to_gdf( ... Polygon([(0, 0), (-0.1, 1), (0, 2), (-1, 2), (-2, 2), (-1, 1)]) ... ) >>> large_poly = sg.to_gdf( ... Polygon([(0, 0), (0.1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 0)]) ... ) Using multiple GeoDataFrame as input, the sliver is eliminated into the large polygon. >>> small_poly_eliminated, large_poly_eliminated = sg.eliminate_by_largest( ... [small_poly, large_poly], sliver ... ) With only one input GeoDataFrame: >>> polys = pd.concat([small_poly, large_poly]) >>> eliminated = sg.eliminate_by_largest(polys, sliver) """ return _eliminate_by_area( gdf, to_eliminate=to_eliminate, remove_isolated=remove_isolated, max_distance=max_distance, ignore_index=ignore_index, sort_ascending=False, aggfunc=aggfunc, predicate=predicate, fix_double=fix_double, grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs, )
def eliminate_by_smallest( gdf: GeoDataFrame | list[GeoDataFrame], to_eliminate: GeoDataFrame, *, max_distance: int | float | None = None, remove_isolated: bool = False, ignore_index: bool = False, aggfunc: str | dict | list | None = None, predicate: str = "intersects", fix_double: bool = False, grid_size=None, n_jobs: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> GeoDataFrame | tuple[GeoDataFrame]: return _eliminate_by_area( gdf, to_eliminate=to_eliminate, remove_isolated=remove_isolated, max_distance=max_distance, ignore_index=ignore_index, sort_ascending=True, aggfunc=aggfunc, predicate=predicate, fix_double=fix_double, grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs, ) def _eliminate_by_area( gdf: GeoDataFrame, to_eliminate: GeoDataFrame, remove_isolated: bool, max_distance: int | float | None, sort_ascending: bool, ignore_index: bool = False, aggfunc: str | dict | list | None = None, predicate="intersects", fix_double: bool = False, grid_size=None, n_jobs: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> GeoDataFrame: if not len(to_eliminate): return gdf if isinstance(gdf, (list, tuple)): was_multiple_gdfs = True original_cols = [df.columns for df in gdf] gdf = pd.concat(df.assign(**{"_df_idx": i}) for i, df in enumerate(gdf)) else: was_multiple_gdfs = False crs = geom_type = get_geom_type(gdf) if not ignore_index: idx_mapper = dict(enumerate(gdf.index)) idx_name = gdf = make_all_singlepart(gdf).reset_index(drop=True) to_eliminate = make_all_singlepart(to_eliminate).reset_index(drop=True) gdf["_area"] = gdf.area gdf["_dissolve_idx"] = gdf.index if max_distance: to_join = gdf[["_area", "_dissolve_idx", "geometry"]] to_join.geometry = to_join.buffer(max_distance) joined = to_eliminate.sjoin(to_join, predicate=predicate, how="left") else: joined = to_eliminate.sjoin( gdf[["_area", "_dissolve_idx", "geometry"]], predicate=predicate, how="left" ) # as DataFrames because GeoDataFrame constructor is expensive joined = ( pd.DataFrame(joined) .drop(columns="index_right") .sort_values("_area", ascending=sort_ascending) .loc[lambda x: ~x.index.duplicated(keep="first")] ) gdf = pd.DataFrame(gdf) notna = joined.loc[lambda x: x["_dissolve_idx"].notna()] eliminated = _eliminate( gdf, notna, aggfunc, crs, fix_double=fix_double, grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs, ) if not ignore_index: eliminated.index = = idx_name if not remove_isolated: isolated = joined.loc[joined["_dissolve_idx"].isna()] if len(isolated): eliminated = pd.concat([eliminated, isolated]) eliminated = eliminated.drop( ["_dissolve_idx", "_area", "_eliminate_idx", "_dissolve_idx"], axis=1, errors="ignore", ) out = GeoDataFrame(eliminated, geometry="geometry", crs=crs).pipe(clean_geoms) if geom_type != "mixed": out = to_single_geom_type(out, geom_type) out = out.reset_index(drop=True) if ignore_index else out if not was_multiple_gdfs: return out gdfs = () for i, cols in enumerate(original_cols): df = out.loc[out["_df_idx"] == i, cols] gdfs += (df,) return gdfs def _eliminate( gdf, to_eliminate, aggfunc, crs, fix_double, grid_size, n_jobs, **kwargs ): if not len(to_eliminate): return gdf in_to_eliminate = gdf["_dissolve_idx"].isin(to_eliminate["_dissolve_idx"]) to_dissolve = gdf.loc[in_to_eliminate] not_to_dissolve = gdf.loc[~in_to_eliminate].set_index("_dissolve_idx") to_eliminate["_to_eliminate"] = 1 if aggfunc is None: concatted = pd.concat( [to_dissolve, to_eliminate[["_to_eliminate", "_dissolve_idx", "geometry"]]] ) aggfunc = "first" else: concatted = pd.concat([to_dissolve, to_eliminate]) one_hit = concatted.loc[ lambda x: (x.groupby("_dissolve_idx").transform("size") == 1) & (x["_dissolve_idx"].notna()) ].set_index("_dissolve_idx") assert len(one_hit) == 0 many_hits = concatted.loc[ lambda x: x.groupby("_dissolve_idx").transform("size") > 1 ] if not len(many_hits): return one_hit # aggregate all columns except geometry kwargs.pop("as_index", None) eliminated = ( many_hits.drop(columns="geometry") .groupby("_dissolve_idx", **kwargs) .agg(aggfunc) .drop(["_area"], axis=1, errors="ignore") ) # aggregate geometry if fix_double: assert eliminated.index.is_unique many_hits = many_hits.set_index("_dissolve_idx") many_hits["_row_idx"] = range(len(many_hits)) # TODO kan dette fikses trygt med .duplicated og ~x.duplicated? eliminators: pd.Series = many_hits.loc[ many_hits["_to_eliminate"] != 1, "geometry" ] to_be_eliminated = many_hits.loc[many_hits["_to_eliminate"] == 1] # all_geoms: pd.Series = gdf.set_index("_dissolve_idx").geometry all_geoms: pd.Series = gdf.geometry tree = STRtree(all_geoms.values) left, right = tree.query( to_be_eliminated.geometry.values, predicate="intersects" ) pairs = pd.Series(right, index=left).to_frame("right") pairs["_dissolve_idx"] = dict(enumerate(to_be_eliminated.index)) ) # pairs = pairs.loc[lambda x: x["right"] != x["_dissolve_idx"]] soon_erased = to_be_eliminated.iloc[pairs.index] intersecting = all_geoms.iloc[pairs["right"]] shoud_not_erase = soon_erased.index != intersecting.index soon_erased = soon_erased[shoud_not_erase] intersecting = intersecting[shoud_not_erase] missing = to_be_eliminated.loc[ # (~to_be_eliminated.index.isin(soon_erased.index)) # | (~to_be_eliminated["_row_idx"].isin(soon_erased["_row_idx"])), # | (~to_be_eliminated["_row_idx"].isin(soon_erased.index)), "geometry", ] # allign and aggregate by dissolve index to not get duplicates in difference intersecting.index = soon_erased.index soon_erased = soon_erased.geometry.groupby(level=0).agg( lambda x: unary_union(x, grid_size=grid_size) ) intersecting = intersecting.groupby(level=0).agg( lambda x: unary_union(x, grid_size=grid_size) ) # from ..maps.maps import explore_locals # explore_locals() soon_erased.loc[:] = _try_difference( soon_erased.to_numpy(), intersecting.to_numpy(), grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs, geom_type="polygon", ) if n_jobs > 1: eliminated["geometry"] = GeoSeries( _parallel_unary_union_geoseries( pd.concat([eliminators, soon_erased, missing]), level=0, grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs, ), index=eliminated.index, ) else: eliminated["geometry"] = ( pd.concat([eliminators, soon_erased, missing]) .groupby(level=0) .agg( lambda x: make_valid( unary_union(x.dropna().values, grid_size=grid_size) ) ) ) else: if n_jobs > 1: eliminated["geometry"] = _parallel_unary_union( many_hits, by="_dissolve_idx", grid_size=grid_size, n_jobs=n_jobs ) else: eliminated["geometry"] = many_hits.groupby("_dissolve_idx")["geometry"].agg( lambda x: make_valid(unary_union(x.values, grid_size=grid_size)) ) # setting crs on the GeometryArrays to avoid warning in concat = crs try: = crs except AttributeError: pass = crs to_concat = [not_to_dissolve, eliminated, one_hit] assert all( == "_dissolve_idx" for df in to_concat) return pd.concat(to_concat).sort_index().drop(columns="_to_eliminate") def close_thin_holes(gdf: GeoDataFrame, tolerance: int | float) -> GeoDataFrame: gdf = make_all_singlepart(gdf) holes = get_holes(gdf) inside_holes = sfilter(gdf, holes, predicate="within").unary_union def to_none_if_thin(geoms): try: buffered_in = buffer( difference(polygons(geoms), inside_holes), -(tolerance / 2) ) return np.where(is_empty(buffered_in), None, geoms) except GEOSException: buffered_in = buffer( difference(make_valid(polygons(make_valid(geoms))), inside_holes), -(tolerance / 2), ) return np.where(is_empty(buffered_in), None, geoms) except ValueError as e: if not len(geoms): return geoms raise e if not (gdf.geom_type == "Polygon").all(): raise ValueError(gdf.geom_type.value_counts()) return PolygonsAsRings(gdf).apply_numpy_func_to_interiors(to_none_if_thin).to_gdf()
[docs] def close_all_holes( gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, *, ignore_islands: bool = False, copy: bool = True, ) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Closes all holes in polygons. It takes a GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries of polygons and returns the outer circle. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries of polygons. copy: if True (default), the input GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries is copied. Defaults to True. ignore_islands: If False (default), polygons inside the holes (islands) will be erased from the output geometries. If True, the entire holes will be closed and the islands kept, meaning there might be duplicate surfaces in the resulting geometries. Note that ignoring islands is a lot faster. Returns: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries of polygons with closed holes in the geometry column. Examples: --------- Let's create a circle with a hole in it. >>> point = sg.to_gdf([260000, 6650000], crs=25833) >>> point geometry 0 POINT (260000.000 6650000.000) >>> circle = sg.buff(point, 1000) >>> small_circle = sg.buff(point, 500) >>> circle_with_hole = circle.overlay(small_circle, how="difference") >>> circle_with_hole.area 0 2.355807e+06 dtype: float64 Close the hole. >>> holes_closed = sg.close_all_holes(circle_with_hole) >>> holes_closed.area 0 3.141076e+06 dtype: float64 """ if not isinstance(gdf, (GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries)): raise ValueError( f"'gdf' should be of type GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries. Got {type(gdf)}" ) if not len(gdf): return gdf if copy: gdf = gdf.copy() gdf = make_all_singlepart(gdf) if ignore_islands: geoms = gdf.geometry if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame) else gdf holes_closed = make_valid(polygons(get_exterior_ring(geoms))) if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame): gdf.geometry = holes_closed return gdf elif isinstance(gdf, GeoSeries): return GeoSeries(holes_closed, else: return holes_closed all_geoms = make_valid(gdf.unary_union) if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame): gdf.geometry = lambda x: _close_all_holes_no_islands(x, all_geoms) ) return gdf else: return x: _close_all_holes_no_islands(x, all_geoms))
[docs] def close_small_holes( gdf: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, max_area: int | float, *, ignore_islands: bool = False, copy: bool = True, ) -> GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries: """Closes holes in polygons if the area is less than the given maximum. It takes a GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries of polygons and fills the holes that are smaller than the specified area given in units of either square meters ('max_m2') or square kilometers ('max_km2'). Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries of polygons. max_area: The maximum area in the unit of the GeoDataFrame's crs. ignore_islands: If False (default), polygons inside the holes (islands) will be erased from the "hole" geometries before the area is calculated. If True, the entire polygon interiors will be considered, meaning there might be duplicate surfaces in the resulting geometries. Note that ignoring islands is a lot faster. copy: if True (default), the input GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries is copied. Defaults to True. Returns: A GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries of polygons with closed holes in the geometry column. Raises: ValueError: If the coordinate reference system of the GeoDataFrame is not in meter units. ValueError: If both 'max_m2' and 'max_km2' is given. Examples: --------- Let's create a circle with a hole in it. >>> point = sg.to_gdf([260000, 6650000], crs=25833) >>> point geometry 0 POINT (260000.000 6650000.000) >>> circle = sg.buff(point, 1000) >>> small_circle = sg.buff(point, 500) >>> circle_with_hole = circle.overlay(small_circle, how="difference") >>> circle_with_hole.area 0 2.355807e+06 dtype: float64 Close holes smaller than 1 square kilometer (1 million square meters). >>> holes_closed = sg.close_small_holes(circle_with_hole, max_area=1_000_000) >>> holes_closed.area 0 3.141076e+06 dtype: float64 The hole will not be closed if it is larger. >>> holes_closed = sg.close_small_holes(circle_with_hole, max_area=1_000) >>> holes_closed.area 0 2.355807e+06 dtype: float64 """ if not isinstance(gdf, (GeoSeries, GeoDataFrame)): raise ValueError( f"'gdf' should be of type GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries. Got {type(gdf)}" ) if not len(gdf): return gdf if copy: gdf = gdf.copy() gdf = make_all_singlepart(gdf) if not ignore_islands: all_geoms = make_valid(gdf.unary_union) if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame): gdf.geometry = lambda x: _close_small_holes_no_islands(x, max_area, all_geoms) ) return gdf else: return lambda x: _close_small_holes_no_islands(x, max_area, all_geoms) ) else: geoms = ( gdf.geometry.to_numpy() if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame) else gdf.to_numpy() ) exteriors = get_exterior_ring(geoms) assert len(exteriors) == len(geoms) max_rings = max(get_num_interior_rings(geoms)) if not max_rings: return gdf # looping through max for all geoms since arrays must be equal length interiors = np.array( [[get_interior_ring(geom, i) for i in range(max_rings)] for geom in geoms] ) assert interiors.shape == (len(geoms), max_rings), interiors.shape areas = area(polygons(interiors)) interiors[(areas < max_area) | np.isnan(areas)] = None results = polygons(exteriors, interiors) if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame): gdf.geometry = results return gdf else: return GeoSeries(results,
def _close_small_holes_no_islands(poly, max_area, all_geoms): """Closes small holes within one shapely geometry of polygons.""" # start with a list containing the polygon, # then append all holes smaller than 'max_km2' to the list. holes_closed = [poly] singlepart = get_parts(poly) for part in singlepart: n_interior_rings = get_num_interior_rings(part) if not (n_interior_rings): continue for n in range(n_interior_rings): hole = polygons(get_interior_ring(part, n)) try: no_islands = unary_union(hole.difference(all_geoms)) except GEOSException: no_islands = make_valid(unary_union(hole.difference(all_geoms))) if area(no_islands) < max_area: holes_closed.append(no_islands) return make_valid(unary_union(holes_closed)) def _close_all_holes_no_islands(poly, all_geoms): """Closes all holes within one shapely geometry of polygons.""" # start with a list containing the polygon, # then append all holes smaller than 'max_km2' to the list. holes_closed = [poly] singlepart = get_parts(poly) for part in singlepart: n_interior_rings = get_num_interior_rings(part) for n in range(n_interior_rings): hole = polygons(get_interior_ring(part, n)) try: no_islands = unary_union(hole.difference(all_geoms)) except GEOSException: no_islands = make_valid(unary_union(hole.difference(all_geoms))) holes_closed.append(no_islands) return make_valid(unary_union(holes_closed))
[docs] def get_gaps( gdf: GeoDataFrame, include_interiors: bool = False, grid_size: float | int | None = None, ) -> GeoDataFrame: """Get the gaps between polygons. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame of polygons. include_interiors: If False (default), the holes inside individual polygons will not be included as gaps. grid_size: Rounding of the coordinates. Note: See get_holes to find holes inside singlepart polygons. Returns: GeoDataFrame of polygons with only a geometry column. """ if not len(gdf): return GeoDataFrame({"geometry": []}, if not include_interiors: gdf = close_all_holes(gdf) bbox = GeoDataFrame( {"geometry": [box(*tuple(gdf.total_bounds)).buffer(1)]}, ) bbox_diff = make_all_singlepart( clean_overlay( bbox, gdf, how="difference", geom_type="polygon", grid_size=grid_size ) ) # remove the outer "gap", i.e. the surrounding area bbox_ring = get_exterior_ring(bbox.geometry.values) without_outer_ring = sfilter_inverse(bbox_diff, bbox_ring) return without_outer_ring.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def get_holes(gdf: GeoDataFrame, as_polygons=True) -> GeoDataFrame: """Get the holes inside polygons. Args: gdf: GeoDataFrame of polygons. as_polygons: If True (default), the holes will be returned as polygons. If False, they will be returned as LinearRings. Note: See get_gaps to find holes/gaps between undissolved polygons. Returns: GeoDataFrame of polygons or linearrings with only a geometry column. """ if not len(gdf): return GeoDataFrame({"geometry": []}, index=gdf.index, def as_linearring(x): return x astype = polygons if as_polygons else as_linearring geoms = make_all_singlepart(gdf.geometry).to_numpy() rings = [ GeoSeries(astype(get_interior_ring(geoms, i)), for i in range(max(get_num_interior_rings(geoms))) ] return ( GeoDataFrame({"geometry": (pd.concat(rings).pipe(clean_geoms).sort_index())}) if rings else GeoDataFrame({"geometry": []}, )