"""Functions for reading and writing GeoDataFrames in Statistics Norway's GCS Dapla."""
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
from collections.abc import Iterable
from pathlib import Path
import dapla as dp
import geopandas as gpd
import joblib
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import shapely
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from geopandas.io.arrow import _geopandas_to_arrow
from pandas import DataFrame
from pyarrow import ArrowInvalid
from ..geopandas_tools.general import get_common_crs
from ..geopandas_tools.sfilter import sfilter
PANDAS_FALLBACK_INFO = " Set pandas_fallback=True to ignore this error."
def read_geopandas(
gcs_path: str | Path | list[str | Path] | tuple[str | Path] | GeoSeries,
pandas_fallback: bool = False,
file_system: dp.gcs.GCSFileSystem | None = None,
mask: GeoSeries | GeoDataFrame | shapely.Geometry | tuple | None = None,
threads: int | None = None,
) -> GeoDataFrame | DataFrame:
"""Reads geoparquet or other geodata from one or more files on GCS.
If the file has 0 rows, the contents will be returned as a pandas.DataFrame,
since geopandas does not read and write empty tables.
Does not currently read shapefiles or filegeodatabases.
gcs_path: path to one or more files on Google Cloud Storage.
Multiple paths are read with threading.
pandas_fallback: If False (default), an exception is raised if the file can
not be read with geopandas and the number of rows is more than 0. If True,
the file will be read with pandas if geopandas fails.
file_system: Optional file system.
mask: Optional geometry mask to keep only intersecting geometries.
If 'gcs_path' is an iterable of multiple paths, only the files
with a bbox that intersects the mask are read, then filtered by location.
threads: Number of threads to use if reading multiple files. Defaults to
the number of files to read or the number of available threads (if lower).
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to geopandas' read_parquet
or read_file, depending on the file type.
A GeoDataFrame if it has rows. If zero rows, a pandas DataFrame is returned.
if file_system is None:
file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
if not isinstance(gcs_path, (str | Path | os.PathLike)):
kwargs |= {"file_system": file_system, "pandas_fallback": pandas_fallback}
cols = {}
if mask is not None:
if not isinstance(gcs_path, GeoSeries):
bounds_series: GeoSeries = get_bounds_series(
bounds_series = gcs_path
new_bounds_series = sfilter(bounds_series, mask)
if not len(new_bounds_series):
if isinstance(kwargs.get("columns"), Iterable):
cols = {col: [] for col in kwargs["columns"]}
cols = {}
for path in bounds_series.index:
cols |= {col: [] for col in _get_columns(path, file_system)}
except ArrowInvalid as e:
if file_system.isfile(path):
raise ArrowInvalid(e, path) from e
return GeoDataFrame(cols | {"geometry": []})
paths = list(new_bounds_series.index)
if isinstance(gcs_path, GeoSeries):
paths = list(gcs_path.index)
paths = list(gcs_path)
if threads is None:
threads = min(len(paths), int(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) or 1
# recursive read with threads
with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=threads, backend="threading") as parallel:
dfs: list[GeoDataFrame] = parallel(
joblib.delayed(read_geopandas)(x, **kwargs) for x in paths
if dfs:
df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
df = GeoDataFrame(df)
except Exception as e:
if not pandas_fallback:
raise e
df = GeoDataFrame(cols | {"geometry": []})
if mask is not None:
return sfilter(df, mask)
return df
if not isinstance(gcs_path, str):
gcs_path = str(gcs_path)
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(gcs_path)}.") from e
if "parquet" in gcs_path or "prqt" in gcs_path:
with file_system.open(gcs_path, mode="rb") as file:
df = gpd.read_parquet(file, **kwargs)
except ValueError as e:
if "Missing geo metadata" not in str(e) and "geometry" not in str(e):
raise e.__class__(
f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} for {gcs_path}."
) from e
df = dp.read_pandas(gcs_path, **kwargs)
if pandas_fallback or not len(df):
return df
more_txt = PANDAS_FALLBACK_INFO if not len(df) else ""
raise e.__class__(
f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} for {df}." + more_txt
) from e
except Exception as e:
raise e.__class__(f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} for {gcs_path}.") from e
with file_system.open(gcs_path, mode="rb") as file:
df = gpd.read_file(file, **kwargs)
except ValueError as e:
if "Missing geo metadata" not in str(e) and "geometry" not in str(e):
raise e
df = dp.read_pandas(gcs_path, **kwargs)
if pandas_fallback or not len(df):
return df
more_txt = PANDAS_FALLBACK_INFO if not len(df) else ""
raise e.__class__(
f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} for {df}. " + more_txt
) from e
except Exception as e:
raise e.__class__(
f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} for {df}." + more_txt
) from e
if mask is not None:
return sfilter(df, mask)
return df
def _get_bounds_parquet(
path: str | Path, file_system: dp.gcs.GCSFileSystem, pandas_fallback: bool = False
) -> tuple[list[float], dict] | tuple[None, None]:
with file_system.open(path) as f:
num_rows = pq.read_metadata(f).num_rows
except ArrowInvalid as e:
if not file_system.isfile(f):
return None, None
raise ArrowInvalid(e, path) from e
if not num_rows:
return None, None
meta = pq.read_schema(f).metadata
meta = json.loads(meta[b"geo"])["columns"]["geometry"]
except KeyError as e:
if pandas_fallback:
return None, None
raise KeyError(
f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} for {path}." + PANDAS_FALLBACK_INFO,
# f"{num_rows=}",
# meta,
) from e
return meta["bbox"], meta["crs"]
def _get_columns(path: str | Path, file_system: dp.gcs.GCSFileSystem) -> pd.Index:
with file_system.open(path) as f:
schema = pq.read_schema(f)
index_cols = _get_index_cols(schema)
return pd.Index(schema.names).difference(index_cols)
def _get_index_cols(schema: pyarrow.Schema) -> list[str]:
cols = json.loads(schema.metadata[b"pandas"])["index_columns"]
return [x for x in cols if not isinstance(x, dict)]
def get_bounds_series(
paths: list[str | Path] | tuple[str | Path],
file_system: dp.gcs.GCSFileSystem | None = None,
threads: int | None = None,
pandas_fallback: bool = False,
) -> GeoSeries:
"""Get a GeoSeries with file paths as indexes and the file's bounds as values.
The returned GeoSeries can be used as the first argument of 'read_geopandas'
along with the 'mask' keyword.
paths: Iterable of file paths in gcs.
file_system: Optional instance of dp.gcs.GCSFileSystem.
If None, an instance is created within the function.
Note that this is slower in long loops.
threads: Number of threads to use if reading multiple files. Defaults to
the number of files to read or the number of available threads (if lower).
pandas_fallback: If False (default), an exception is raised if the file has
no geo metadata. If True, the geometry value is set to None for this file.
A geopandas.GeoSeries with file paths as indexes and bounds as values.
>>> import sgis as sg
>>> import dapla as dp
>>> file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
>>> all_paths = file_system.ls("...")
Get the bounds of all your file paths, indexed by path.
>>> bounds_series = sg.get_bounds_series(all_paths, file_system)
>>> bounds_series
.../0301.parquet POLYGON ((273514.334 6638380.233, 273514.334 6...
.../1101.parquet POLYGON ((6464.463 6503547.192, 6464.463 65299...
.../1103.parquet POLYGON ((-6282.301 6564097.347, -6282.301 660...
.../1106.parquet POLYGON ((-46359.891 6622984.385, -46359.891 6...
.../1108.parquet POLYGON ((30490.798 6551661.467, 30490.798 658...
.../5628.parquet POLYGON ((1019391.867 7809550.777, 1019391.867...
.../5630.parquet POLYGON ((1017907.145 7893398.317, 1017907.145...
.../5632.parquet POLYGON ((1075687.587 7887714.263, 1075687.587...
.../5634.parquet POLYGON ((1103447.451 7874551.663, 1103447.451...
.../5636.parquet POLYGON ((1024129.618 7838961.91, 1024129.618 ...
Length: 357, dtype: geometry
Make a grid around the total bounds of the files,
and read geometries intersecting with the mask in a loop.
>>> grid = sg.make_grid(bounds_series, 10_000)
>>> for mask in grid.geometry:
... df = sg.read_geopandas(
... bounds_series,
... mask=mask,
... file_system=file_system,
... )
if file_system is None:
file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
if threads is None:
threads = min(len(paths), int(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) or 1
with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=threads, backend="threading") as parallel:
bounds: list[tuple[list[float], dict]] = parallel(
path, file_system=file_system, pandas_fallback=pandas_fallback
for path in paths
crss = {json.dumps(x[1]) for x in bounds}
crs = get_common_crs(
for crs in crss
if not any(str(crs).lower() == txt for txt in ["none", "null"])
return GeoSeries(
[shapely.box(*bbox[0]) if bbox[0] is not None else None for bbox in bounds],
def write_geopandas(
df: GeoDataFrame,
gcs_path: str | Path,
overwrite: bool = True,
pandas_fallback: bool = False,
file_system: dp.gcs.GCSFileSystem | None = None,
write_covering_bbox: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Writes a GeoDataFrame to the speficied format.
Does not currently write to shapelfile or filegeodatabase.
df: The GeoDataFrame to write.
gcs_path: The path to the file you want to write to.
overwrite: Whether to overwrite the file if it exists. Defaults to True.
pandas_fallback: If False (default), an exception is raised if the file can
not be written with geopandas and the number of rows is more than 0. If True,
the file will be written without geo-metadata if >0 rows.
file_system: Optional file sustem.
write_covering_bbox: Writes the bounding box column for each row entry with column name "bbox".
Writing a bbox column can be computationally expensive, but allows you to specify
a bbox in : func:read_parquet for filtered reading.
Note: this bbox column is part of the newer GeoParquet 1.1 specification and should be
considered as experimental. While writing the column is backwards compatible, using it
for filtering may not be supported by all readers.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to parquet.write_table
(for parquet) or geopandas' to_file method (if not parquet).
if not isinstance(gcs_path, str):
gcs_path = str(gcs_path)
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(gcs_path)}.") from e
if not overwrite and exists(gcs_path):
raise ValueError("File already exists.")
if not isinstance(df, GeoDataFrame):
raise ValueError("DataFrame must be GeoDataFrame.")
if file_system is None:
file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
if not len(df):
if pandas_fallback:
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df.geometry = df.geometry.astype(str)
df.geometry = None
dp.write_pandas(df, gcs_path, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
more_txt = PANDAS_FALLBACK_INFO if not pandas_fallback else ""
raise e.__class__(
f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e} for {df}. " + more_txt
) from e
file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
if ".parquet" in gcs_path or "prqt" in gcs_path:
with file_system.open(gcs_path, mode="wb") as buffer:
table = _geopandas_to_arrow(
pq.write_table(table, buffer, compression="snappy", **kwargs)
layer = kwargs.pop("layer", None)
if ".gpkg" in gcs_path:
driver = "GPKG"
layer = Path(gcs_path).stem
elif ".geojson" in gcs_path:
driver = "GeoJSON"
elif ".gml" in gcs_path:
driver = "GML"
elif ".shp" in gcs_path:
driver = "ESRI Shapefile"
driver = None
with file_system.open(gcs_path, "wb") as file:
df.to_file(file, driver=driver, layer=layer)
def exists(path: str | Path) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the path exists, and False if it doesn't.
path (str): The path to the file or directory.
True if the path exists, False if not.
file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
return file_system.exists(path)
def check_files(
folder: str,
contains: str | None = None,
within_minutes: int | None = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Returns DataFrame of files in the folder and subfolders with times and sizes.
folder: Google cloud storage folder.
contains: Optional substring that must be in the file path.
within_minutes: Optionally include only files that were updated in the
last n minutes.
file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
# (recursive doesn't work, so doing recursive search below)
info = file_system.ls(folder, detail=True, recursive=True)
if not info:
return pd.DataFrame(columns=["kb", "mb", "name", "child", "path"])
fileinfo = [
(x["name"], x["size"], x["updated"])
for x in info
if x["storageClass"] != "DIRECTORY"
folderinfo = [x["name"] for x in info if x["storageClass"] == "DIRECTORY"]
fileinfo += _get_files_in_subfolders(folderinfo)
df = pd.DataFrame(fileinfo, columns=["path", "kb", "updated"])
if contains:
df = df.loc[df["path"].str.contains(contains)]
except TypeError:
for item in contains:
df = df.loc[df["path"].str.contains(item)]
if not len(df):
return df
df = df.set_index("updated").sort_index()
df["name"] = df["path"].apply(lambda x: Path(x).name)
df["child"] = df["path"].apply(lambda x: Path(x).parent.name)
df["kb"] = df["kb"].round(1)
df["mb"] = (df["kb"] / 1_000_000).round(1)
df.index = (
df.index.name = None
if not within_minutes:
return df[["kb", "mb", "name", "child", "path"]]
the_time = pd.Timestamp.now() - pd.Timedelta(minutes=within_minutes)
return df.loc[lambda x: x.index > the_time, ["kb", "mb", "name", "child", "path"]]
def _get_files_in_subfolders(folderinfo: list[dict]) -> list[tuple]:
file_system = dp.FileClient.get_gcs_file_system()
fileinfo = []
while folderinfo:
new_folderinfo = []
for m in folderinfo:
more_info = file_system.ls(m, detail=True, recursive=True)
if not more_info:
more_fileinfo = [
(x["name"], x["size"], x["updated"])
for x in more_info
if x["storageClass"] != "DIRECTORY"
more_folderinfo = [
for x in more_info
if x["storageClass"] == "DIRECTORY" and x["name"] not in folderinfo
folderinfo = new_folderinfo
return fileinfo