"""Prepare a GeoDataFrame of line geometries for directed network analysis."""
import warnings
from collections.abc import Sequence
import pandas as pd
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from shapely.constructive import reverse
from ..helpers import return_two_vals
from ..helpers import unit_is_meters
def make_directed_network_norway(gdf: GeoDataFrame, dropnegative: bool) -> GeoDataFrame:
"""Runs the method make_directed_network for Norwegian road data.
The parameters in make_directed_network are set to the correct values for
Norwegian road data as of 2023.
The data can be downloaded here:
gdf: Road GeoDataFrame.
dropnegative: Whether to keep rows with negative minute values in both directions.
These are mostly circles with no impact on the analyses, but there might be
exceptions. Keeping negative values will result in an error when building the
network graph. Recode these rows to a non-negative values if you want
to keep them.
2022 data for the municipalities of Oslo and Eidskog can be read directly like this:
>>> import sgis as sg
>>> roads = sg.read_parquet_url(
... "https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/statisticsnorway/ssb-sgis/main/tests/testdata/roads_oslo_2022.parquet"
... )
>>> roads[["oneway", "drivetime_fw", "drivetime_bw", "geometry"]]
oneway drivetime_fw drivetime_bw geometry
119702 B 0.216611 0.216611 MULTILINESTRING Z ((258028.440 6674249.890 413...
199710 FT 0.099323 -1.000000 MULTILINESTRING Z ((271778.700 6653238.900 138...
199725 FT 0.173963 -1.000000 MULTILINESTRING Z ((271884.510 6653207.540 142...
199726 FT 0.011827 -1.000000 MULTILINESTRING Z ((271884.510 6653207.540 142...
199733 FT 0.009097 -1.000000 MULTILINESTRING Z ((271877.373 6653214.697 141...
... ... ... ... ...
1944129 FT 0.010482 -1.000000 MULTILINESTRING Z ((268649.503 6651869.320 111...
1944392 B 0.135561 0.135561 MULTILINESTRING Z ((259501.570 6648459.580 3.2...
1944398 B 0.068239 0.068239 MULTILINESTRING Z ((258292.600 6648313.440 18....
1944409 B 0.023629 0.023629 MULTILINESTRING Z ((258291.452 6648289.258 19....
1944415 B 0.175876 0.175876 MULTILINESTRING Z ((260762.830 6650240.620 43....
[93395 rows x 4 columns]
And converted to a directed network like this:
>>> roads_directed = sg.make_directed_network_norway(roads, dropnegative=True)
>>> roads_directed[["minutes", "geometry"]]
minutes geometry
0 0.216611 MULTILINESTRING Z ((258028.440 6674249.890 413...
1 0.028421 MULTILINESTRING Z ((266382.600 6639604.600 -99...
2 0.047592 MULTILINESTRING Z ((266349.200 6639372.499 171...
3 0.026180 MULTILINESTRING Z ((266360.515 6639120.493 172...
4 0.023978 MULTILINESTRING Z ((266351.263 6639416.154 169...
... ... ...
175620 0.007564 MULTILINESTRING Z ((268641.225 6651871.624 111...
175621 0.020246 MULTILINESTRING Z ((268669.748 6651890.291 110...
175622 0.036810 MULTILINESTRING Z ((268681.757 6651886.457 110...
175623 0.003019 MULTILINESTRING Z ((268682.748 6651886.162 110...
175624 0.036975 MULTILINESTRING Z ((268694.594 6651881.688 111...
[175541 rows x 2 columns]
if gdf["drivetime_fw"].isna().any():
raise ValueError("Missing values in the columns 'drivetime_fw'")
if gdf["drivetime_bw"].isna().any():
raise ValueError("Missing values in the columns 'drivetime_bw'")
return make_directed_network(
direction_vals_bft=("B", "FT", "TF"),
minute_cols=("drivetime_fw", "drivetime_bw"),
def make_directed_network(
gdf: GeoDataFrame,
direction_col: str,
direction_vals_bft: tuple[str, str, str],
dropna: bool | None = None,
dropnegative: bool | None = None,
minute_cols: tuple[str, str] | str | None = None,
speed_col_kmh: str | None = None,
flat_speed_kmh: int | None = None,
reverse_tofrom: bool = True,
) -> GeoDataFrame:
"""Flips the line geometries of roads going backwards and in both directions.
gdf: GeoDataFrame of line geometries.
direction_col: name of column specifying the direction of the line
direction_vals_bft: tuple or list with the values of the direction
column. Must be in the order 'both directions', 'from', 'to'.
E.g. ('B', 'F', 'T').
dropna: When minutes_cols is set, whether to drop rows with missing values
in both columns. Alternatively, set these rows to a positive value before
making the directed network.
dropnegative: When minutes_cols is set, whether to drop rows with negative values
in both columns. Not dropping them will cause an error when building a
network graph. Alternatively, set these rows to a positive value before
making the directed network.
minute_cols (optional): column or columns containing the number of minutes
it takes to traverse the line. If one column name is given, this will
be used for both directions. If tuple/list with two column names,
the first column will be used as the minute column for the forward
direction, and the second column for roads going backwards.
speed_col_kmh (optional): name of column with the road speed limit.
flat_speed_kmh (optional): Speed in kilometers per hour to use as the speed for
all roads.
reverse_tofrom: If the geometries of the lines going backwards
(i.e. has the last value in 'direction_vals_bft'). Defaults to True.
The Network class, with the network attribute updated with flipped
geometries for lines going backwards and both directions.
Adds the column 'minutes' if either 'speed_col_kmh', 'minute_col' or
'flat_speed_kmh' is specified.
ValueError: If 'flat_speed_kmh' or 'speed_col_kmh' is specified and the unit of
the coordinate reference system is not 'metre'.
_validate_minute_args(minute_cols, speed_col_kmh, flat_speed_kmh)
_validate_direction_args(gdf, direction_col, direction_vals_bft)
if minute_cols is not None and any(x is None for x in [dropnegative, dropna]):
raise ValueError(
"Must specify 'dropna' and 'dropnegative' when 'minute_cols' is given."
if speed_col_kmh is not None and any(x is None for x in [dropnegative, dropna]):
raise ValueError(
"Must specify 'dropna' and 'dropnegative' when 'speed_col_kmh' is given."
if (flat_speed_kmh or speed_col_kmh) and not unit_is_meters(gdf):
raise ValueError(
"The crs must have 'metre' as units when calculating minutes."
"Change crs or calculate minutes manually."
b, f, t = direction_vals_bft
if minute_cols and minute_cols != "minutes" and minute_cols[0] != "minutes":
gdf = gdf.drop("minutes", axis=1, errors="ignore")
if minute_cols:
min_f, min_t = return_two_vals(minute_cols)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
"'minute_cols' should be column name (string) or tuple/list with "
"values of directions forwards and backwards, in that order."
) from e
if dropna:
gdf = gdf.loc[~((gdf[min_f].isna()) & (gdf[min_t].isna()))]
if dropnegative:
gdf = gdf.loc[~((gdf[min_f] < 0) & (gdf[min_t] < 0))]
# select the directional and bidirectional rows.
ft = gdf.loc[gdf[direction_col] == f]
tf = gdf.loc[gdf[direction_col] == t]
both_ways = gdf.loc[gdf[direction_col] == b]
both_ways2 = both_ways.copy()
if minute_cols:
# to single minute column
both_ways = both_ways.rename(columns={min_f: "minutes"}, errors="raise")
both_ways2 = both_ways2.rename(columns={min_t: "minutes"}, errors="raise")
ft = ft.rename(columns={min_f: "minutes"}, errors="raise")
tf = tf.rename(columns={min_t: "minutes"}, errors="raise")
both_ways2.geometry = reverse(both_ways2.geometry)
if reverse_tofrom:
tf.geometry = reverse(tf.geometry)
gdf = pd.concat([both_ways, both_ways2, ft, tf], ignore_index=True)
if minute_cols and minute_cols != "minutes" and minute_cols[0] != "minutes":
gdf = gdf.drop([min_f, min_t], axis=1, errors="ignore")
if speed_col_kmh:
gdf = _get_speed_from_col(gdf, speed_col_kmh)
if flat_speed_kmh:
meters_per_min = (flat_speed_kmh / 60) * 1000
gdf["minutes"] = gdf.length / meters_per_min
return gdf
def _validate_minute_args(
minute_cols: Sequence[str], speed_col_kmh: str, flat_speed_kmh: str
) -> None:
if not minute_cols and not speed_col_kmh and not flat_speed_kmh:
"Minute column will not be calculated when both 'minute_cols', "
"'speed_col_kmh' and 'flat_speed_kmh' is None",
if sum([bool(minute_cols), bool(speed_col_kmh), bool(flat_speed_kmh)]) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Can only calculate minutes from either 'speed_col_kmh', "
"'minute_cols' or 'flat_speed_kmh'."
def _validate_direction_args(
gdf: GeoDataFrame, direction_col: str, direction_vals_bft: Sequence[str]
) -> None:
if len(direction_vals_bft) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"'direction_vals_bft' should be tuple/list with values of directions "
"both, from and to. E.g. ('B', 'F', 'T')"
b, f, t = direction_vals_bft
if not all(gdf.loc[gdf[direction_col].isin(direction_vals_bft)]):
raise ValueError(
f"direction_col '{direction_col}' should have only three unique",
f"values. unique values in {direction_col}:",
", ".join(gdf[direction_col].fillna("nan").unique()),
f"Got {direction_vals_bft}.",
if "b" in t.lower() and "t" in b.lower() and "f" in f.lower():
f"The 'direction_vals_bft' should be in the order 'both ways', "
f"'from', 'to'. Got {b, f, t}. Is this correct?",
def _get_speed_from_col(gdf: GeoDataFrame, speed_col_kmh: str) -> GeoDataFrame:
if len(gdf.loc[(gdf[speed_col_kmh].isna()) | (gdf[speed_col_kmh] == 0)]):
raise ValueError(
f"speed_col_kmh {speed_col_kmh!r} cannot have missing values or zeros"
gdf["minutes"] = gdf.length / (gdf[speed_col_kmh].astype(float) * 1000 / 60)
return gdf