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Small count rounding via a dummy matrix and by an algorithm inspired by PLS


  formula = NULL,
  roundBase = 3,
  singleRandom = FALSE,
  crossTable = TRUE,
  total = "Total",
  maxIterRows = 1000,
  maxIter = 1e+07,
  x = NULL,
  hierarchies = NULL,
  xReturn = FALSE,
  maxRound = roundBase - 1,
  zeroCandidates = FALSE,
  forceInner = FALSE,
  identifyNew = TRUE,
  step = 0,
  preRounded = NULL,
  leverageCheck = FALSE,
  easyCheck = TRUE,
  printInc = TRUE,
  rndSeed = 123,
  dimVar = NULL,
  plsWeights = NULL,
  preDifference = NULL,
  allSmall = FALSE,



Input data as a data frame (inner cells)


Variable holding counts (name or number)


Model formula defining publishable cells. Will be used to calculate x (via ModelMatrix). When NULL, x must be supplied.


Rounding base


Single random draw when TRUE (instead of algorithm)


When TRUE, cross table in output and caculations via FormulaSums()


String used to name totals


See details


Maximum number of iterations


Dummy matrix defining publishable cells


List of hierarchies, which can be converted by AutoHierarchies. Thus, a single string as hierarchy input is assumed to be a total code. Exceptions are "rowFactor" or "", which correspond to only using the categories in the data.


Dummy matrix in output when TRUE (as input parameter x)


Inner cells contributing to original publishable cells equal to or less than maxRound will be rounded.


When TRUE, inner cells in input with zero count (and multiple of roundBase when maxRound is in use) contributing to publishable cells will be included as candidates to obtain roundBase value. With vector input, the rule is specified individually for each cell. This can be specified as a vector, a variable in data or a function generating it (see details).


When TRUE, all inner cells will be rounded. Use vector input to force individual cells to be rounded. This can be specified as a vector, a variable in data or a function generating it (see details). Can be combined with parameter zeroCandidates to allow zeros and roundBase multiples to be rounded up.


When TRUE, new cells may be identified after initial rounding to ensure all rounded publishable cells equal to or less than maxRound to be roundBase multiples. Use NA for the a less conservative behavior (old behavior). Then it is ensured that no nonzero rounded publishable cells are smaller than roundBase. When maxRound is default, there is no difference between TRUE and NA.


When step>1, the original forward part of the algorithm is replaced by a kind of stepwise. After step steps forward, backward steps may be performed. The step parameter is also used for backward-forward iteration at the end of the algorithm; step backward steps may be performed. For greater control, the step parameter can be specified as a vector. Additionally, it can be provided as a list to trigger a final re-run iteration. See details.


A vector or a variable in data that contains a mixture of missing values and predetermined values of rounded inner cells. Can also be specified as a function generating it (see details).


When TRUE, all inner cells that depends linearly on the published cells and with small frequencies (<=maxRound) will be rounded. The computation of leverages can be very time and memory consuming. The function Reduce0exact is called. The default leverage limit is 0.999999. Another limit can be sent as input instead of TRUE. Checking is performed before and after (since new zeros) rounding. Extra iterations are performed when needed.


A light version of the above leverage checking. Checking is performed after rounding. Extra iterations are performed when needed. Reduce0exact is called with reduceByLeverage=FALSE and reduceByColSums=TRUE.


Printing iteration information to console when TRUE


If non-NULL, a random generator seed to be used locally within the function without affecting the random value stream in R.


The main dimensional variables and additional aggregating variables. This parameter can be useful when hierarchies and formula are unspecified.


A vector of weights for each cell to be published or a function generating it (see details). For use in the algorithm criterion.


A data.frame with differences already obtained from rounding another subset of data. There must be columns that match crossTable. Differences must be in the last column.


When TRUE, all small inner cells (<= maxRound) are rounded. This parameter is a simplified alternative to specifying forceInner (see details).


Further parameters sent to ModelMatrix. In particular, one can specify removeEmpty=TRUE to omit empty combinations. The parameter inputInOutput can be used to specify whether to include codes from input. The parameter avoidHierarchical (Formula2ModelMatrix) can be combined with formula input.


A list where the two first elements are two column matrices. The first matrix consists of inner cells and the second of cells to be published. In each matrix the first and the second column contains, respectively, original and rounded values. By default the cross table is the third element of the output list.


Small count rounding of necessary inner cells are performed so that all small frequencies of cross-classifications to be published (publishable cells) are rounded. This is equivalent to changing micro data since frequencies of unique combinations are changed. Thus, additivity and consistency are guaranteed. The matrix multiplication formula is: yPublish = t(x) %*% yInner, where x is the dummy matrix.

Parameters zeroCandidates, forceInner, preRounded and plsWeights can be specified as functions. The supplied functions take the following arguments: data, yPublish, yInner, crossTable, x, roundBase, maxRound, and ..., where the first two are numeric vectors of original counts. When allSmall is TRUE, forceInner is set to function(yInner, maxRound, ...) yInner <= maxRound.

Details about the step parameter:

  • step as a numeric vector is converted to three parameters by

    • step1 <- step[1]

    • step2 <- ifelse(length(step)>=2, step[2], round(step/2))

    • step3 <- ifelse(length(step)>=3, step[3], step[1])

    After step1 steps forward, up to step2 backward steps may be performed. At the end of the algorithm; up to step3 backward steps may be executed repeatedly.

  • step when provided as a list (of numeric vectors), is adjusted to a length of 3 using rep_len(step, 3).

    • step[[1]] is used in the main iterations.

    • step[[2]], when non-NULL, is used in a final re-run iteration.

    • step[[3]] is used in extra iterations caused by easyCheck or leverageCheck.

    Setting step = list(0) will result in standard behavior, with the exception that an extra re-run iteration is performed. The most detailed setting is achieved by setting step to a length-3 list where each element has length 3.


Iterations are needed since after initial rounding of identified cells, new cells are identified. If cases of a high number of identified cells the algorithm can be too memory consuming (unless singleRandom=TRUE). To avoid problems, not more than maxIterRows cells are rounded in each iteration. The iteration limit (maxIter) is by default set to be high since a low number of maxIterRows may need a high number of iterations.

See also

See the user-friendly wrapper PLSrounding and see Round2 for rounding by other algorithm


# See similar and related examples in PLSrounding documentation
RoundViaDummy(SmallCountData("e6"), "freq")
#> [-**.:=]
#> $yInner
#>      original rounded
#> [1,]        2       3
#> [2,]        3       3
#> [3,]        7       7
#> [4,]        1       0
#> [5,]        5       5
#> [6,]        6       6
#> $yPublish
#>                original rounded
#> Total:Total          24      24
#> Total:2018           12      13
#> Total:2019           12      11
#> EU:Total             21      21
#> EU:2018              10      10
#> EU:2019              11      11
#> nonEU:Total           3       3
#> nonEU:2018            2       3
#> nonEU:2019            1       0
#> Iceland:Total         3       3
#> Iceland:2018          2       3
#> Iceland:2019          1       0
#> Portugal:Total        8       8
#> Portugal:2018         3       3
#> Portugal:2019         5       5
#> Spain:Total          13      13
#> Spain:2018            7       7
#> Spain:2019            6       6
#> $crossTable
#>         geo  year
#> 1     Total Total
#> 2     Total  2018
#> 3     Total  2019
#> 4        EU Total
#> 5        EU  2018
#> 6        EU  2019
#> 7     nonEU Total
#> 8     nonEU  2018
#> 9     nonEU  2019
#> 10  Iceland Total
#> 11  Iceland  2018
#> 12  Iceland  2019
#> 13 Portugal Total
#> 14 Portugal  2018
#> 15 Portugal  2019
#> 16    Spain Total
#> 17    Spain  2018
#> 18    Spain  2019
RoundViaDummy(SmallCountData("e6"), "freq", formula = ~eu * year + geo)
#> [-**.:=]
#> $yInner
#>      original rounded
#> [1,]        2       3
#> [2,]        3       3
#> [3,]        7       7
#> [4,]        1       0
#> [5,]        5       5
#> [6,]        6       6
#> $yPublish
#>                original rounded
#> Total-Total          24      24
#> Total-EU             21      21
#> Total-nonEU           3       3
#> 2018-Total           12      13
#> 2019-Total           12      11
#> Total-Iceland         3       3
#> Total-Portugal        8       8
#> Total-Spain          13      13
#> 2018-EU              10      10
#> 2019-EU              11      11
#> 2018-nonEU            2       3
#> 2019-nonEU            1       0
#> $crossTable
#>     year      geo
#> 1  Total    Total
#> 2  Total       EU
#> 3  Total    nonEU
#> 4   2018    Total
#> 5   2019    Total
#> 6  Total  Iceland
#> 7  Total Portugal
#> 8  Total    Spain
#> 9   2018       EU
#> 10  2019       EU
#> 11  2018    nonEU
#> 12  2019    nonEU
RoundViaDummy(SmallCountData("e6"), "freq", hierarchies = 
   list(geo = c("EU", "@Portugal", "@Spain", "Iceland"), year = c("2018", "2019")))
#> [-**.:=]
#> $yInner
#>      original rounded
#> [1,]        2       3
#> [2,]        3       3
#> [3,]        7       7
#> [4,]        1       0
#> [5,]        5       5
#> [6,]        6       6
#> $yPublish
#>                original rounded
#> Total:Total          24      24
#> Total:2018           12      13
#> Total:2019           12      11
#> EU:Total             21      21
#> EU:2018              10      10
#> EU:2019              11      11
#> Iceland:Total         3       3
#> Iceland:2018          2       3
#> Iceland:2019          1       0
#> Portugal:Total        8       8
#> Portugal:2018         3       3
#> Portugal:2019         5       5
#> Spain:Total          13      13
#> Spain:2018            7       7
#> Spain:2019            6       6
#> $crossTable
#>         geo  year
#> 1     Total Total
#> 2     Total  2018
#> 3     Total  2019
#> 4        EU Total
#> 5        EU  2018
#> 6        EU  2019
#> 7   Iceland Total
#> 8   Iceland  2018
#> 9   Iceland  2019
#> 10 Portugal Total
#> 11 Portugal  2018
#> 12 Portugal  2019
#> 13    Spain Total
#> 14    Spain  2018
#> 15    Spain  2019

              'ant', ~region + hovedint + fylke*hovedint + kostragr*hovedint, 10)
#> [-**..:=]
#> $yInner
#>       original rounded
#>  [1,]       11      11
#>  [2,]        7      10
#>  [3,]        5       5
#>  [4,]       13      13
#>  [5,]        9       9
#>  [6,]       12      12
#>  [7,]        6       6
#>  [8,]        9       9
#>  [9,]        3       3
#> [10,]        9       9
#> [11,]        4       4
#> [12,]       11      11
#> [13,]        1       0
#> [14,]        8       8
#> [15,]        2       2
#> [16,]       14      14
#> [17,]        9       9
#> [18,]        4      10
#> [19,]        3       0
#> [20,]        0       0
#> [21,]        0       0
#> [22,]        2       0
#> [23,]       55      55
#> [24,]       29      29
#> [25,]       35      35
#> [26,]       17      17
#> [27,]       63      63
#> [28,]       24      24
#> [29,]       22      22
#> [30,]       38      38
#> [31,]        9       9
#> [32,]       32      32
#> [33,]       18      18
#> [34,]       36      36
#> [35,]       18      18
#> [36,]       25      25
#> [37,]       13      13
#> [38,]       52      52
#> [39,]       22      22
#> [40,]        8       8
#> [41,]       15      15
#> [42,]        2       2
#> [43,]       20      20
#> [44,]       11      11
#> $yPublish
#>                original rounded
#> Total-Total         706     709
#> A-Total             113     113
#> B-Total              55      57
#> C-Total              73      73
#> D-Total              45      45
#> E-Total             138     138
#> F-Total              67      67
#> G-Total              40      46
#> H-Total              65      62
#> I-Total              14      14
#> J-Total              61      61
#> K-Total              35      33
#> Total-annet          88      91
#> Total-arbeid         54      54
#> Total-soshjelp      342     342
#> Total-trygd         222     222
#> 1-Total             127     127
#> 4-Total              55      57
#> 5-Total             118     118
#> 6-Total             205     205
#> 8-Total             105     108
#> 10-Total             96      94
#> 300-Total           596     601
#> 400-Total           110     108
#> 1-annet              14      14
#> 4-annet               7      10
#> 5-annet              18      18
#> 6-annet              21      21
#> 8-annet              15      15
#> 10-annet             13      13
#> 1-arbeid             11      11
#> 4-arbeid              1       0
#> 5-arbeid             10      10
#> 6-arbeid             23      23
#> 8-arbeid              7      10
#> 10-arbeid             2       0
#> 1-soshjelp           64      64
#> 4-soshjelp           29      29
#> 5-soshjelp           52      52
#> 6-soshjelp           87      87
#> 8-soshjelp           60      60
#> 10-soshjelp          50      50
#> 1-trygd              38      38
#> 4-trygd              18      18
#> 5-trygd              38      38
#> 6-trygd              74      74
#> 8-trygd              23      23
#> 10-trygd             31      31
#> 300-annet            72      75
#> 400-annet            16      16
#> 300-arbeid           52      54
#> 400-arbeid            2       0
#> 300-soshjelp        283     283
#> 400-soshjelp         59      59
#> 300-trygd           189     189
#> 400-trygd            33      33
#> $crossTable
#>    region hovedint
#> 1   Total    Total
#> 2       A    Total
#> 3       B    Total
#> 4       C    Total
#> 5       D    Total
#> 6       E    Total
#> 7       F    Total
#> 8       G    Total
#> 9       H    Total
#> 10      I    Total
#> 11      J    Total
#> 12      K    Total
#> 13  Total    annet
#> 14  Total   arbeid
#> 15  Total soshjelp
#> 16  Total    trygd
#> 17      1    Total
#> 18      4    Total
#> 19      5    Total
#> 20      6    Total
#> 21      8    Total
#> 22     10    Total
#> 23    300    Total
#> 24    400    Total
#> 25      1    annet
#> 26      4    annet
#> 27      5    annet
#> 28      6    annet
#> 29      8    annet
#> 30     10    annet
#> 31      1   arbeid
#> 32      4   arbeid
#> 33      5   arbeid
#> 34      6   arbeid
#> 35      8   arbeid
#> 36     10   arbeid
#> 37      1 soshjelp
#> 38      4 soshjelp
#> 39      5 soshjelp
#> 40      6 soshjelp
#> 41      8 soshjelp
#> 42     10 soshjelp
#> 43      1    trygd
#> 44      4    trygd
#> 45      5    trygd
#> 46      6    trygd
#> 47      8    trygd
#> 48     10    trygd
#> 49    300    annet
#> 50    400    annet
#> 51    300   arbeid
#> 52    400   arbeid
#> 53    300 soshjelp
#> 54    400 soshjelp
#> 55    300    trygd
#> 56    400    trygd
mf <- ~region*mnd + hovedint*mnd + fylke*hovedint*mnd + kostragr*hovedint*mnd
a <- RoundViaDummy(SmallCountData('z3'), 'ant', mf, 5)
#> [-**........=-**.:=-**.:=]
b <- RoundViaDummy(SmallCountData('sosialFiktiv'), 'ant', mf, 4)
#> [-**.........:=]
print(cor(b[[2]]),digits=12) # Correlation between original and rounded
#>                original        rounded
#> original 1.000000000000 0.999999987033
#> rounded  0.999999987033 1.000000000000

# Demonstrate parameter leverageCheck 
# The 42nd inner cell must be rounded since it can be revealed from the published cells.
mf2 <- ~region + hovedint + fylke * hovedint + kostragr * hovedint
RoundViaDummy(SmallCountData("z2"), "ant", mf2, leverageCheck = FALSE)$yInner[42, ]
#> [-**.:=]
#> original  rounded 
#>        2        2 
RoundViaDummy(SmallCountData("z2"), "ant", mf2, leverageCheck = TRUE)$yInner[42, ]
#> [{-x-=H-}(check:1)-**..:={-zx-=H-}]
#> original  rounded 
#>        2        3 

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Demonstrate parameters maxRound, zeroCandidates and forceInner 
# by tabulating the inner cells that have been changed.
z4 <- SmallCountData("sosialFiktiv")
for (forceInner in c("FALSE", "z4$ant < 10")) 
  for (zeroCandidates in c(FALSE, TRUE)) 
    for (maxRound in c(2, 5)) {
      a <- RoundViaDummy(z4, "ant", formula = mf, maxRound = maxRound, 
                         zeroCandidates = zeroCandidates, 
                         forceInner = eval(parse(text = forceInner)))
      change <- a$yInner[, "original"] != a$yInner[, "rounded"]
      cat("      maxRound:", maxRound, "\n")
      cat("zeroCandidates:", zeroCandidates, "\n")
      cat("    forceInner:", forceInner, "\n\n")
      print(table(original = a$yInner[change, "original"], rounded = a$yInner[change, "rounded"]))
} # }