From hierarchies to a sparse model matrix with possible cross table by wrapping HierarchyCompute
- data
- hierarchies
- crossTable
Cross table in output when TRUE
- ...
Further parameters sent to
This function is a special wrapper of HierarchyCompute
and the input argument hierarchies is specified the same way.
That is, variables can also be coded by "rowFactor"
( but not colFactor).
# Data and hierarchies used in the examples
x <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp") # Employment in sport in thousand persons from Eurostat database
geoHier <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_geoHier")
ageHier <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_ageHier")
HierarchyComputeDummy(x, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoHier, year = "rowFactor"),
inputInOutput = FALSE, crossTable = TRUE)
#> $modelMatrix
#> 18 x 9 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#> Y15-64:Europe:2014 Y15-64:nonEU:2014 Y15-64:EU:2014 Y15-64:Europe:2015
#> [1,] 1 . 1 .
#> [2,] 1 1 0 .
#> [3,] 1 . 1 .
#> [4,] 1 . 1 .
#> [5,] 1 1 0 .
#> [6,] 1 . 1 .
#> [7,] . . . 1
#> [8,] . . . 1
#> [9,] . . . 1
#> [10,] . . . 1
#> [11,] . . . 1
#> [12,] . . . 1
#> [13,] . . . .
#> [14,] . . . .
#> [15,] . . . .
#> [16,] . . . .
#> [17,] . . . .
#> [18,] . . . .
#> Y15-64:nonEU:2015 Y15-64:EU:2015 Y15-64:Europe:2016 Y15-64:nonEU:2016
#> [1,] . . . .
#> [2,] . . . .
#> [3,] . . . .
#> [4,] . . . .
#> [5,] . . . .
#> [6,] . . . .
#> [7,] . 1 . .
#> [8,] 1 0 . .
#> [9,] . 1 . .
#> [10,] . 1 . .
#> [11,] 1 0 . .
#> [12,] . 1 . .
#> [13,] . . 1 .
#> [14,] . . 1 1
#> [15,] . . 1 .
#> [16,] . . 1 .
#> [17,] . . 1 1
#> [18,] . . 1 .
#> Y15-64:EU:2016
#> [1,] .
#> [2,] .
#> [3,] .
#> [4,] .
#> [5,] .
#> [6,] .
#> [7,] .
#> [8,] .
#> [9,] .
#> [10,] .
#> [11,] .
#> [12,] .
#> [13,] 1
#> [14,] 0
#> [15,] 1
#> [16,] 1
#> [17,] 0
#> [18,] 1
#> $crossTable
#> age geo year
#> 1 Y15-64 Europe 2014
#> 2 Y15-64 nonEU 2014
#> 3 Y15-64 EU 2014
#> 4 Y15-64 Europe 2015
#> 5 Y15-64 nonEU 2015
#> 6 Y15-64 EU 2015
#> 7 Y15-64 Europe 2016
#> 8 Y15-64 nonEU 2016
#> 9 Y15-64 EU 2016