Non-negative regression fits with a sparse overparameterized model matrix
Assuming z = t(x) %*% y + noise
, a non-negatively modified least squares estimate of t(x) %*% y
is made.
- x
A matrix
- z
A single column matrix
- limit
Lower limit for non-zero fits. Set to
to avoid the non-zero restriction.- viaQR
Least squares fits obtained using
.- printInc
Printing "..." to console when
The problem is first reduced by elimination some rows of x
(elements of y
) using GaussIndependent
Thereafter least squares fits are obtained using solve
or qr
Possible negative fits will be forced to zero in the next estimation iteration(s).
data2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
x <- ModelMatrix(data2, formula = ~fylke + kostragr * hovedint - 1)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% data2$ant + rnorm(ncol(x), sd = 3)
LSfitNonNeg(x, z)
#> (-)..........-z......
#> 20 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#> [,1]
#> 1-Total-Total 124.16486
#> 4-Total-Total 53.15576
#> 5-Total-Total 121.52242
#> 6-Total-Total 204.05782
#> 8-Total-Total 104.23415
#> 10-Total-Total 99.99149
#> Total-300-Total 599.12021
#> Total-400-Total 108.00628
#> Total-Total-annet 87.11441
#> Total-Total-arbeid 52.20565
#> Total-Total-soshjelp 344.18318
#> Total-Total-trygd 223.62325
#> Total-300-annet 71.44359
#> Total-300-arbeid 52.20565
#> Total-300-soshjelp 282.23779
#> Total-300-trygd 193.23318
#> Total-400-annet 15.67083
#> Total-400-arbeid 0.00000
#> Total-400-soshjelp 61.94538
#> Total-400-trygd 30.39007
LSfitNonNeg(x, z, limit = NULL)
#> (-)..........
#> 20 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#> [,1]
#> 1-Total-Total 124.083059
#> 4-Total-Total 53.073953
#> 5-Total-Total 121.440610
#> 6-Total-Total 203.976011
#> 8-Total-Total 104.152349
#> 10-Total-Total 99.909680
#> Total-300-Total 599.283822
#> Total-400-Total 107.351839
#> Total-Total-annet 87.332560
#> Total-Total-arbeid 51.060386
#> Total-Total-soshjelp 344.401322
#> Total-Total-trygd 223.841393
#> Total-300-annet 71.143636
#> Total-300-arbeid 53.269117
#> Total-300-soshjelp 281.937840
#> Total-300-trygd 192.933228
#> Total-400-annet 16.188924
#> Total-400-arbeid -2.208732
#> Total-400-soshjelp 62.463482
#> Total-400-trygd 30.908165
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
mf <- ~region*mnd + hovedint*mnd + fylke*hovedint*mnd + kostragr*hovedint*mnd
data4 <- SSBtoolsData("sosialFiktiv")
x <- ModelMatrix(data4, formula = mf)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% data4$ant + rnorm(ncol(x), sd = 3)
zFit <- LSfitNonNeg(x, z)
} # }