The linear equation, z = t(x) %*% y
, is (hopefully) solved for y
iterative proportional fitting
- x
a matrix
- z
a single column matrix
- iter
maximum number of iterations
- yStart
a starting estimate of
- eps
stopping criterion. Maximum allowed value of
max(abs(z - t(x) %*% yHat))
- tol
Another stopping criterion. Maximum absolute difference between two iterations.
- reduceBy0
When TRUE,
used within the function- reduceByColSums
Parameter to
(when TRUE)- reduceByLeverage
Parameter to
(when TRUE)- returnDetails
More output when TRUE.
- y
It is possible to set
to NULL and supply originaly
instead (z = t(x) %*% y
The algorithm will work similar to loglin
when the input x-matrix is a overparameterized model matrix
– as can be created by ModelMatrix
and FormulaSums
. See Examples.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
x <- ModelMatrix(data2, formula = ~fylke + kostragr * hovedint - 1)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% data2$ant # same as FormulaSums(data2, ant~fylke + kostragr * hovedint -1)
yHat <- Mipf(x, z)
# loglm comparison
if (require(MASS)){
# Increase accuracy
yHat <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-04)
# Run loglm and store fitted values in a data frame
outLoglm <- loglm(ant ~ fylke + kostragr * hovedint, data2, eps = 1e-04, iter = 100)
dfLoglm <-
# Problem 1: Variable region not in output, but instead the variable .Within.
# Problem 2: Extra zeros since hierarchy not treated. Impossible combinations in output.
# By sorting data, it becomes clear that the fitted values are the same.
max(abs(sort(dfLoglm$Freq, decreasing = TRUE)[1:nrow(data2)] - sort(yHat, decreasing = TRUE)))
# Modify so that region is in output. Problem 1 avoided.
x <- ModelMatrix(data2, formula = ~region + kostragr * hovedint - 1)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% data2$ant # same as FormulaSums(data2, ant~fylke + kostragr * hovedint -1)
yHat <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-04)
outLoglm <- loglm(ant ~ region + kostragr * hovedint, data2, eps = 1e-04, iter = 100)
dfLoglm <-
# Now it is possible to merge data
merg <- merge(cbind(data2, yHat), dfLoglm)
# Identical output
max(abs(merg$yHat - merg$Freq))
} # }
# loglin comparison
# Generate input data for loglin
n <- 5:9
tab <- array(sample(1:prod(n)), n)
# Input parameters
iter <- 20
eps <- 1e-05
# Estimate yHat by loglin
out <- loglin(tab, list(c(1, 2), c(1, 3), c(1, 4), c(1, 5), c(2, 3, 4), c(3, 4, 5)),
fit = TRUE, iter = iter, eps = eps)
#> 7 iterations: deviation 5.075708e-08
yHatLoglin <- matrix(((out$fit)), ncol = 1)
# Transform the data for input to Mipf
df <-
names(df)[1:5] <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
x <- ModelMatrix(df, formula = ~A:B + A:C + A:D + A:E + B:C:D + C:D:E - 1)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% df$Freq
# Estimate yHat by Mipf
yHatPMipf <- Mipf(x, z, iter = iter, eps = eps)
#> :...... 6 iterations: deviation 4.842877e-08
# Maximal absolute difference
max(abs(yHatPMipf - yHatLoglin))
#> [1] 1.964509e-10
# Note: loglin reports one iteration extra
# Another example. Only one iteration needed.
max(abs(Mipf(x = FormulaSums(df, ~A:B + C - 1),
z = FormulaSums(df, Freq ~ A:B + C -1))
- matrix(loglin(tab, list(1:2, 3), fit = TRUE)$fit, ncol = 1)))
#> :. 1 iterations: deviation 2.142042e-072 iterations: deviation 2.160668e-07
#> [1] 1.482476e-10
# Examples utilizing Reduce0exact
z3 <- SSBtoolsData("z3")
x <- ModelMatrix(z3, formula = ~region + kostragr * hovedint + region * mnd2 + fylke * mnd +
mnd * hovedint + mnd2 * fylke * hovedint - 1)
# reduceBy0, but no iteration improvement. Identical results.
t <- 360
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 0.1)
#> :... 4 iterations: deviation 0.04788942
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 0.1)
#> -z(432*216->72*116):... 4 iterations: deviation 0.04788942
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 0.1)
#> -z(432*216->72*116):... 4 iterations: deviation 0.04788942
max(abs(a1 - a2))
#> [1] 0
max(abs(a1 - a3))
#> [1] 0
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Improvement by reduceByColSums. Changing eps and iter give more similar results.
t <- 402
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1)
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1)
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1)
max(abs(a1 - a2))
max(abs(a1 - a3))
# Improvement by ReduceByLeverage. Changing eps and iter give more similar results.
t <- 378
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1)
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1)
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1)
a4 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByLeverage = TRUE, eps = 1)
max(abs(a1 - a2))
max(abs(a1 - a3))
max(abs(a1 - a4))
# Example with small eps and "Iteration stopped since tol reached"
t <- 384
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-14)
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1e-14)
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1e-14)
max(abs(a1 - a2))
max(abs(a1 - a3))
} # }
# All y-data found by reduceByColSums (0 iterations).
t <- 411
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z)
#> :. 1 iterations: deviation 4.440892e-16
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE)
#> -z(432*216->13*84):. 1 iterations: deviation 0
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE)
#> -zx-(432*216->0*0) 0 iterations
max(abs(a1 - y))
#> [1] 4.440892e-16
max(abs(a2 - y))
#> [1] 0
max(abs(a3 - y))
#> [1] 0