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The linear equation, z = t(x) %*% y, is (hopefully) solved for y by iterative proportional fitting


  z = NULL,
  iter = 100,
  yStart = matrix(1, nrow(x), 1),
  eps = 0.01,
  tol = 1e-10,
  reduceBy0 = FALSE,
  reduceByColSums = FALSE,
  reduceByLeverage = FALSE,
  returnDetails = FALSE,
  y = NULL



a matrix


a single column matrix


maximum number of iterations


a starting estimate of y


stopping criterion. Maximum allowed value of max(abs(z - t(x) %*% yHat))


Another stopping criterion. Maximum absolute difference between two iterations.


When TRUE, Reduce0exact used within the function


Parameter to Reduce0exact (when TRUE)


Parameter to Reduce0exact (when TRUE)


More output when TRUE.


It is possible to set z to NULL and supply original y instead (z = t(x) %*% y)


yHat, the estimate of y


The algorithm will work similar to loglin when the input x-matrix is a overparameterized model matrix – as can be created by ModelMatrix and FormulaSums. See Examples.


Øyvind Langsrud


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
x <- ModelMatrix(data2, formula = ~fylke + kostragr * hovedint - 1)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% data2$ant  # same as FormulaSums(data2, ant~fylke + kostragr * hovedint -1)
yHat <- Mipf(x, z)

# loglm comparison  

if (require(MASS)){

# Increase accuracy
yHat <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-04)

# Run loglm and store fitted values in a data frame
outLoglm <- loglm(ant ~ fylke + kostragr * hovedint, data2, eps = 1e-04, iter = 100)
dfLoglm <-

# Problem 1: Variable region not in output, but instead the variable .Within.  
# Problem 2: Extra zeros since hierarchy not treated. Impossible combinations in output.

# By sorting data, it becomes clear that the fitted values are the same.
max(abs(sort(dfLoglm$Freq, decreasing = TRUE)[1:nrow(data2)] - sort(yHat, decreasing = TRUE)))

# Modify so that region is in output. Problem 1 avoided.
x <- ModelMatrix(data2, formula = ~region + kostragr * hovedint - 1)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% data2$ant  # same as FormulaSums(data2, ant~fylke + kostragr * hovedint -1)
yHat <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-04)
outLoglm <- loglm(ant ~ region + kostragr * hovedint, data2, eps = 1e-04, iter = 100)
dfLoglm <-

# Now it is possible to merge data
merg <- merge(cbind(data2, yHat), dfLoglm)

# Identical output
max(abs(merg$yHat - merg$Freq))

} # }

# loglin comparison  

# Generate input data for loglin
n <- 5:9
tab <- array(sample(1:prod(n)), n)

# Input parameters
iter <- 20
eps <- 1e-05

# Estimate yHat by loglin
out <- loglin(tab, list(c(1, 2), c(1, 3), c(1, 4), c(1, 5), c(2, 3, 4), c(3, 4, 5)), 
              fit = TRUE, iter = iter, eps = eps)
#> 7 iterations: deviation 5.075708e-08 
yHatLoglin <- matrix(((out$fit)), ncol = 1)

# Transform the data for input to Mipf
df <-
names(df)[1:5] <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
x <- ModelMatrix(df, formula = ~A:B + A:C + A:D + A:E + B:C:D + C:D:E - 1)
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% df$Freq

# Estimate yHat by Mipf
yHatPMipf <- Mipf(x, z, iter = iter, eps = eps)
#> :......  6 iterations: deviation 4.842877e-08

# Maximal absolute difference
max(abs(yHatPMipf - yHatLoglin))
#> [1] 1.964509e-10

# Note: loglin reports one iteration extra 

# Another example. Only one iteration needed.
max(abs(Mipf(x = FormulaSums(df, ~A:B + C - 1), 
             z = FormulaSums(df, Freq ~ A:B + C -1)) 
             - matrix(loglin(tab, list(1:2, 3), fit = TRUE)$fit, ncol = 1)))
#> :.  1 iterations: deviation 2.142042e-072 iterations: deviation 2.160668e-07 
#> [1] 1.482476e-10

# Examples utilizing Reduce0exact 

z3 <- SSBtoolsData("z3")
x <- ModelMatrix(z3, formula = ~region + kostragr * hovedint + region * mnd2 + fylke * mnd + 
                     mnd * hovedint + mnd2 * fylke * hovedint - 1)

# reduceBy0, but no iteration improvement. Identical results.
t <- 360
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 0.1)
#> :...  4 iterations: deviation 0.04788942
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 0.1)
#> -z(432*216->72*116):...  4 iterations: deviation 0.04788942
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 0.1)
#> -z(432*216->72*116):...  4 iterations: deviation 0.04788942
max(abs(a1 - a2))
#> [1] 0
max(abs(a1 - a3))
#> [1] 0

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Improvement by reduceByColSums. Changing eps and iter give more similar results.
t <- 402
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1)
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1)
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1)
max(abs(a1 - a2))
max(abs(a1 - a3))

# Improvement by ReduceByLeverage. Changing eps and iter give more similar results.
t <- 378
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1)
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1)
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1)
a4 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByLeverage = TRUE, eps = 1)
max(abs(a1 - a2))
max(abs(a1 - a3))
max(abs(a1 - a4))

# Example with small eps and "Iteration stopped since tol reached"
t <- 384
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-14)
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1e-14)
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1e-14)
max(abs(a1 - a2))
max(abs(a1 - a3))
} # }

# All y-data found by reduceByColSums (0 iterations). 
t <- 411
y <- z3$ant
y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
z <- Matrix::t(x) %*% y
a1 <- Mipf(x, z)
#> :.  1 iterations: deviation 4.440892e-16
a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE)
#> -z(432*216->13*84):.  1 iterations: deviation 0
a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE)
#> -zx-(432*216->0*0)   0 iterations
max(abs(a1 - y))
#> [1] 4.440892e-16
max(abs(a2 - y))
#> [1] 0
max(abs(a3 - y))
#> [1] 0