The selected rows match combined requirements for all variables.
This function is used by HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing
and WildcardGlobbingVector
and make use of
and glob2rx
# Create data input
x <- data.frame(car = rownames(mtcars)[rep(1:NROW(mtcars), each = 35)], city = names(precip),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Create globbing/wildcards input
wg <- data.frame(rbind(c("Merc*", "C*"), c("F*", "??????"), c("!?????????*", "!???????*")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(wg) <- names(x)
# Select the following combinations:
# - Cars starting with Merc and cities starting with C
# - Cars starting with F and six-letter cities
# - Cars with less than nine letters and cities with less than seven letters
x[WildcardGlobbing(x, wg), ]
#> car city
#> 176 Valiant Reno
#> 180 Valiant Albany
#> 198 Valiant Dallas
#> 247 Merc 240D Concord
#> 253 Merc 240D Charlotte
#> 256 Merc 240D Cincinnati
#> 257 Merc 240D Cleveland
#> 258 Merc 240D Columbus
#> 264 Merc 240D Columbia
#> 277 Merc 240D Charleston
#> 279 Merc 240D Cheyenne
#> 281 Merc 230 Mobile
#> 282 Merc 230 Juneau
#> 288 Merc 230 Denver
#> 293 Merc 230 Miami
#> 296 Merc 230 Boise
#> 297 Merc 230 Chicago
#> 298 Merc 230 Peoria
#> 306 Merc 230 Boston
#> 309 Merc 230 Duluth
#> 315 Merc 230 Omaha
#> 316 Merc 280 Reno
#> 317 Merc 280 Concord
#> 320 Merc 280 Albany
#> 323 Merc 280 Charlotte
#> 326 Merc 280 Cincinnati
#> 327 Merc 280 Cleveland
#> 328 Merc 280 Columbus
#> 334 Merc 280 Columbia
#> 338 Merc 280 Dallas
#> 347 Merc 280 Charleston
#> 349 Merc 280 Cheyenne
#> 367 Merc 280C Chicago
#> 387 Merc 450SE Concord
#> 393 Merc 450SE Charlotte
#> 396 Merc 450SE Cincinnati
#> 397 Merc 450SE Cleveland
#> 398 Merc 450SE Columbus
#> 404 Merc 450SE Columbia
#> 417 Merc 450SE Charleston
#> 419 Merc 450SE Cheyenne
#> 437 Merc 450SL Chicago
#> 457 Merc 450SLC Concord
#> 463 Merc 450SLC Charlotte
#> 466 Merc 450SLC Cincinnati
#> 467 Merc 450SLC Cleveland
#> 468 Merc 450SLC Columbus
#> 474 Merc 450SLC Columbia
#> 487 Merc 450SLC Charleston
#> 489 Merc 450SLC Cheyenne
#> 596 Fiat 128 Reno
#> 600 Fiat 128 Albany
#> 618 Fiat 128 Dallas
#> 880 Fiat X1-9 Albany
#> 898 Fiat X1-9 Dallas
#> 981 Ford Pantera L Mobile
#> 982 Ford Pantera L Juneau
#> 988 Ford Pantera L Denver
#> 998 Ford Pantera L Peoria
#> 1006 Ford Pantera L Boston
#> 1009 Ford Pantera L Duluth
#> 1020 Ferrari Dino Albany
#> 1038 Ferrari Dino Dallas