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The hierarchical relations are stored as minimal datasets


  name_function = function(name, level) paste0(name, "_level_", level),
  single_vars = FALSE,
  from_dummy = NA,
  dummy_reorder = TRUE,
  combine_vars = TRUE,
  drop_codes = NULL,
  include_codes = NULL,



List of hierarchies in the same format as input to AutoHierarchies


A function defining how to name all columns except the first. The input consists of the hierarchy name (identical to the first column’s name, name) and the column number minus 1 (level).


When TRUE, a single variable is created for all codes except the input codes.


Logical value indicating the method for handling hierarchies.

  • When TRUE, the algorithm uses dummy-coded hierarchies.

  • When FALSE, the algorithm works directly on hierarchies standardized by AutoHierarchies, often resulting in well-structured output variables.

  • When NA (default), the algorithm first attempts the FALSE method; if not feasible, it falls back to the TRUE method.


When TRUE, dummy-coded hierarchies are reordered to potentially improve the structure of output variables.


When TRUE, an algorithm is applied to potentially reduce the number of output variables needed.


A named list of codes (except the input codes) to be dropped from the output. The list must have the same names as the hierarchies, but not all names/elements need to be included.


Similar to drop_codes, but specifies the codes to be included instead.


Additional parameters passed to AutoHierarchies


Named list of data frames


# Examples based on those from AutoHierarchies
# You may also try converting other examples from AutoHierarchies

z <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_withEU")
year_formula <- c("y_14 = 2014", "y_15_16 = y_all - y_14", "y_all = 2014 + 2015 + 2016")
geo_dim_list <- FindDimLists(z[, c("geo", "eu")], total = "Europe")[[1]]
age_hierarchy <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_ageHier")

hierarchies_as_vars(list(age = age_hierarchy, geo = geo_dim_list, year = year_formula))
#> $age
#>      age age_level_1
#> 1 Y15-29      Y15-64
#> 2 Y30-64      Y15-64
#> $geo
#>        geo geo_level_1 geo_level_2
#> 1  Iceland       nonEU      Europe
#> 2 Portugal          EU      Europe
#> 3    Spain          EU      Europe
#> $year
#>   year year_level_1 year_level_2
#> 1 2014         y_14        y_all
#> 2 2015      y_15_16        y_all
#> 3 2016      y_15_16        y_all
hierarchies_as_vars(list(age = age_hierarchy, geo = geo_dim_list, year = year_formula), 
                    singleVars = TRUE)
#> $age
#>      age age_level_1
#> 1 Y15-29      Y15-64
#> 2 Y30-64      Y15-64
#> $geo
#>        geo geo_level_1 geo_level_2
#> 1  Iceland       nonEU      Europe
#> 2 Portugal          EU      Europe
#> 3    Spain          EU      Europe
#> $year
#>   year year_level_1 year_level_2
#> 1 2014         y_14        y_all
#> 2 2015      y_15_16        y_all
#> 3 2016      y_15_16        y_all
# NAs are included in data when necessary
hierarchies_as_vars(list(f = c("AB = A + B", "AC = A + C", "CD = C + D", "ABCD = AB + CD")))                     
#> $f
#>   f f_level_1 f_level_2 f_level_3
#> 1 A        AB        AC      ABCD
#> 2 B        AB      <NA>      ABCD
#> 3 C        CD        AC      ABCD
#> 4 D        CD      <NA>      ABCD

# drop_codes and include_codes  
hierarchies_as_vars(list(age = age_hierarchy, geo = geo_dim_list, year = year_formula), 
                    drop_codes = list(geo = "nonEU", year = c("y_14", "y_all")))  
#> $age
#>      age age_level_1
#> 1 Y15-29      Y15-64
#> 2 Y30-64      Y15-64
#> $geo
#>        geo geo_level_1 geo_level_2
#> 1  Iceland        <NA>      Europe
#> 2 Portugal          EU      Europe
#> 3    Spain          EU      Europe
#> $year
#>   year year_level_1
#> 1 2014         <NA>
#> 2 2015      y_15_16
#> 3 2016      y_15_16
hierarchies_as_vars(list(age = age_hierarchy, geo = geo_dim_list, year = year_formula), 
                    include_codes = list(year = c("y_14", "y_all")))      
#> $age
#>      age age_level_1
#> 1 Y15-29      Y15-64
#> 2 Y30-64      Y15-64
#> $geo
#>        geo geo_level_1 geo_level_2
#> 1  Iceland       nonEU      Europe
#> 2 Portugal          EU      Europe
#> 3    Spain          EU      Europe
#> $year
#>   year year_level_1 year_level_2
#> 1 2014         y_14        y_all
#> 2 2015         <NA>        y_all
#> 3 2016         <NA>        y_all