Theory for rate model estimations in statstruk¶
The statstruk package is based on standard statistical theory and that described in the Norwegian document: Bruk av applikasjonen Struktur. A summary of the theory used in programming statstruk is described here.
The package can be used to calculate model-based estimates for totals (\(T\)) of a target variable collected from sampled units (\(s\)) in a population (\(U\))). Standard and robust estimates for the uncertainty (variance) of the estimates are also calculated in the package. The methods provided are common for business surveys at Statistics Norway.
There are 3 common models used for estimating: rate, regression and homogenous models. Rate model estimation is describes here.
Rate model estimation¶
Estimates based on a rate model are based on the following model:
where \(y_{hi}\) is the variable of interest for unit \(i\) in stratum \(h\), \(\beta_h\) is the rate for the stratum, \(x_{hi}\) is the explanatory variable, and \(\epsilon_{hi}\) is the residual.
The variance structure of the residuals for a rate model is:
Total estimation¶
The value for \(\beta_h\) is estimated using:
where \(y_{s_h}\) is the sum of the variable of interest for the sample in stratum \(h\) and \(x_{s_h}\) is the sum of the explanatory variables for the sampled units in stratum \(h\).
The estimate for the total (\(T_h\)) in stratum \(h\) is:
where \(X_h\) is the sum of the explanatory variable in stratum \(h\) for the population.
Standard variance estimation¶
A standard estimation for the uncertainty of the total estimate (\(\hat{T_h}\)), for a rate model, can be described as
where \(\hat{\sigma}_h^2\) is estimated from the model as
Furthermore, the standard error (SE) is
and the coefficient of variation (CV) is then
Robust variance estimation¶
The Struktur application programmed in SAS also includes robust variance estimation. Three of these are programmed in the statstruk package. These are summarized in this section.
We define the robust variance estimate for a rate model in two parts:
where \(X_{h|s_h}\) is the sum of the explanatory variable in stratum \(h\) excluding the sum of those in the sample in that stratum (\(s_h\)). The variable \(d_{hi}\) is then defined in the following ways:
where \(e_{hi}\) is the residual of observation \(i\) in the model in stratum \(h\) and \(v_{hi}\) is the \(i\)th value of the diagonal from the hat matrix, defined for a rate model as
where \(W_h\) is the vector of weights which is \(1/X_h\) for a rate model.
Domain estimation¶
We are often interested in estimating totals that are not only at the strata level. If domains are simply aggregated strata we can estimate the total for domain, \(d\) as
Similarly the variance can also be summed to calculate the uncertainty of the domain estimates
If the domains are not aggregations of several strata, we need to adjust the estimates for the total and uncertainty to account for this. The estimate of the total (\(T_{hd}\)) for domain, \(d\), in stratum, \(h\), is
and a total for the domain (\(\hat{T}_d\)) as
A standard variance for the domain estimate can be calculated by first the variance of the strata domains as
where \(X_{hd|s_h}\) is the sum of the explanatory variable in the population for strata \(h\), and domain \(d\), excluding the \(x\) values in the sample for that domain and stratum. The total for the domain is the sum over the strata as
Outlier detection¶
Estimation based on models can be strongly influenced by outliers that have a strong influnce on the model estimates. The statstruk package provides two outlier detection metrics: studentized residual values and the difference of fits values (DFFITS or G).
Studentized residuals¶
The studentized residuals (\(t_{hi|i}\)) are calculated using an estimate for \(\sigma_h\) based on a fitted model without observation, \(i\), and is sometimes referred to as the external studentized residuals. The studentized residuals are calculated as
where \(\hat{\beta}_{h|i}\) refers to the model estimate for the rate excluding observation \(i\). Absolute values of the studentized residual values above a criteria are then classified as outliers. A general threshold criteria used in statstruk is 2 but can be adjusted.
The difference of fits (\(G\)) can be calculated from the studentized residuals and hat values as
Absolute values of \(G\) above a specified threshold are classified as outliers. The thresold value used for outlier values of \(G\) in rate models is generally \(\lambda \sqrt{1/n_h}\) where \(\lambda\) is often set to 2 but can be adjusted.