Proportional allocation
An algorithm that allocates the total sample proportionally between strata (proportional to an x-variable or to the number of units). The algorithm takes into account any min/max per stratum and take-all/take-none strata
take_all = NULL,
take_none = NULL,
min_n = NULL,
max_n = NULL,
max_it = 1000
- N
The population size within each strata (a vector of integers)
- X
The X-total, per stratum, to which the allocation should be proportional (a vector of numbers in the range [0, Inf)). If a stratum has X=0, that stratum will not be allocated samples unless the stratum has min_n>0 or take_all=1. If X = N, the allocation becomes proportional to the number of units
- totn
The total desired sample size (an integer)
- take_all
Optional. A vector of 0’s and 1’s, where 1 indicates that the stratum is a take-all stratum
- take_none
Optional. A vector of 0’s and 1’s, where 1 indicates that the stratum is a take-none stratum
- min_n
Optional. Minimum sample size in each stratum. This can be a single integer used in all strata or a vector of integers (one for each stratum). NA's and 0 are allowed. Strata with take_none=1 override min_n. If min_n>max_n (and take_all/take_none = 0), min_n is overridden by max_n
- max_n
Optional. Maximum sample size in each stratum. This can be a single integer used in all strata or a vector of integers (one for each stratum). NA's are allowed. Strata with take_all=1 override max_n
- max_it
The maximum number of iterations for the algorithm (default 1000). An integer (it's advisable to choose a large value)
A data frame with the variables (in addition to the input):
- n
Allocated sample size
- n_adjusted
If the algorithm managed to give exact totn, then n_adjusted=n, otherwise n_adjusted is an adjusted version of n so that sum(n_adjusted)=totn
- LU
Lower bounds for n, based on the input
- BU
Upper bounds for n, based on the input
- it_number
Number of completed iterations in the algorithm
It is not guaranteed that the algorithm will achieve the desired sample size totn exactly, even with numerous iterations. In
such cases, a warning is given. However, the adjusted version of n, n_adjusted, always gives the desired sample size.
The allocated sample size n is independent of how the strata are ordered in the input (i.e., a specific stratum receives the
same sample size regardless of how the input are sorted). However, n_adjusted may vary with the sorting of the input (except
when the algorithm achieve the desired sample size totn exactly, because then n_adjusted=n).
The algorithm:
First, calculate a value k by dividing totn by the sum of the elements in X (k=totn/sum(X)). Then, calculate n by multiplying
k with X (n=k*X). The elements in n are then rounded to the nearest integer and adjusted for any constraints such as
min_n/max_n or take_all/take_none. If sum(n)=totn, the allocation is complete. If the sum of n does not equal totn, an
iterative algorithm starts: First, k is adjusted, either by decreasing it if the sum(n)>totn or increasing it if sum(n)<totn.
Then n=k*X, rounded to the nearest integer and adjusted for any constraints. This iteration is done until sum(n)=totn or the
maximum number of iterations is reached.
N <- c(55, 610, 2900, 25, 1850) # N in each strata
X <- c(85000, 100000, 250000, 5000, 200000) # X in each strata
# Total sample size of 500, allocated proportionally to X
prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 500)
#> n n_adjusted LB UB N X it_number
#> 1 55 55 0 55 55 85000 12
#> 2 80 80 0 610 610 100000 12
#> 3 201 201 0 2900 2900 250000 12
#> 4 4 4 0 25 25 5000 12
#> 5 160 160 0 1850 1850 200000 12
# Total sample size of 500, allocated proportionally to the number of units (N)
prop_alloc(N = N, X = N, totn = 500)
#> n n_adjusted LB UB N X it_number
#> 1 5 5 0 55 55 55 0
#> 2 56 56 0 610 610 610 0
#> 3 267 267 0 2900 2900 2900 0
#> 4 2 2 0 25 25 25 0
#> 5 170 170 0 1850 1850 1850 0
# Example with minimum and maximum number to be allocated per stratum
max_n <- c(40, 200, 300, NA, 300)
prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 500, min_n = 5, max_n = max_n)
#> n n_adjusted LB UB N X min_n max_n it_number
#> 1 40 40 5 40 55 85000 5 40 9
#> 2 83 83 5 200 610 100000 5 200 9
#> 3 207 207 5 300 2900 250000 5 300 9
#> 4 5 5 5 25 25 5000 5 NA 9
#> 5 165 165 5 300 1850 200000 5 300 9
# Example with take-all stratum and maximum number to be allocated per stratum
take_all <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 500, max_n = 200, take_all = take_all)
#> n n_adjusted LB UB N X take_all max_n it_number
#> 1 55 55 0 55 55 85000 0 200 7
#> 2 76 76 0 200 610 100000 0 200 7
#> 3 191 191 0 200 2900 250000 0 200 7
#> 4 25 25 25 25 25 5000 1 200 7
#> 5 153 153 0 200 1850 200000 0 200 7
# Example where the algorithm does not give exactly the desired total sample size
N <- c(58, 610, 2900, 15, 1850)
X <- c(88000, 100000, 250000, 50000, 200000)
prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 200)
#> Warning: The algorithm failed to achieve the desired sample size of 200 units. The algorithm returned a sample of 199 units.
#> n_adjusted is an adjusted version of the allocation n, which has exactly sample size 200
#> n n_adjusted LB UB N X it_number
#> 1 26 27 0 58 58 88000 1000
#> 2 29 29 0 610 610 100000 1000
#> 3 72 72 0 2900 2900 250000 1000
#> 4 14 14 0 15 15 50000 1000
#> 5 58 58 0 1850 1850 200000 1000