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An algorithm that allocates the total sample proportionally between strata (proportional to an x-variable or to the number of units). The algorithm takes into account any min/max per stratum and take-all/take-none strata


  take_all = NULL,
  take_none = NULL,
  min_n = NULL,
  max_n = NULL,
  max_it = 1000



The population size within each strata (a vector of integers)


The X-total, per stratum, to which the allocation should be proportional (a vector of numbers in the range [0, Inf)). If a stratum has X=0, that stratum will not be allocated samples unless the stratum has min_n>0 or take_all=1. If X = N, the allocation becomes proportional to the number of units


The total desired sample size (an integer)


Optional. A vector of 0’s and 1’s, where 1 indicates that the stratum is a take-all stratum


Optional. A vector of 0’s and 1’s, where 1 indicates that the stratum is a take-none stratum


Optional. Minimum sample size in each stratum. This can be a single integer used in all strata or a vector of integers (one for each stratum). NA's and 0 are allowed. Strata with take_none=1 override min_n. If min_n>max_n (and take_all/take_none = 0), min_n is overridden by max_n


Optional. Maximum sample size in each stratum. This can be a single integer used in all strata or a vector of integers (one for each stratum). NA's are allowed. Strata with take_all=1 override max_n


The maximum number of iterations for the algorithm (default 1000). An integer (it's advisable to choose a large value)


A data frame with the variables (in addition to the input):


Allocated sample size


If the algorithm managed to give exact totn, then n_adjusted=n, otherwise n_adjusted is an adjusted version of n so that sum(n_adjusted)=totn


Lower bounds for n, based on the input


Upper bounds for n, based on the input


Number of completed iterations in the algorithm


It is not guaranteed that the algorithm will achieve the desired sample size totn exactly, even with numerous iterations. In such cases, a warning is given. However, the adjusted version of n, n_adjusted, always gives the desired sample size.
The allocated sample size n is independent of how the strata are ordered in the input (i.e., a specific stratum receives the same sample size regardless of how the input are sorted). However, n_adjusted may vary with the sorting of the input (except when the algorithm achieve the desired sample size totn exactly, because then n_adjusted=n).

The algorithm:
First, calculate a value k by dividing totn by the sum of the elements in X (k=totn/sum(X)). Then, calculate n by multiplying k with X (n=k*X). The elements in n are then rounded to the nearest integer and adjusted for any constraints such as min_n/max_n or take_all/take_none. If sum(n)=totn, the allocation is complete. If the sum of n does not equal totn, an iterative algorithm starts: First, k is adjusted, either by decreasing it if the sum(n)>totn or increasing it if sum(n)<totn. Then n=k*X, rounded to the nearest integer and adjusted for any constraints. This iteration is done until sum(n)=totn or the maximum number of iterations is reached.


  N <- c(55, 610, 2900, 25, 1850)  # N in each strata
  X <- c(85000, 100000, 250000, 5000, 200000)  # X in each strata
# Total sample size of 500, allocated proportionally to X
  prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 500)
#>     n n_adjusted LB   UB    N      X it_number
#> 1  55         55  0   55   55  85000        12
#> 2  80         80  0  610  610 100000        12
#> 3 201        201  0 2900 2900 250000        12
#> 4   4          4  0   25   25   5000        12
#> 5 160        160  0 1850 1850 200000        12
# Total sample size of 500, allocated proportionally to the number of units (N)
  prop_alloc(N = N, X = N, totn = 500)
#>     n n_adjusted LB   UB    N    X it_number
#> 1   5          5  0   55   55   55         0
#> 2  56         56  0  610  610  610         0
#> 3 267        267  0 2900 2900 2900         0
#> 4   2          2  0   25   25   25         0
#> 5 170        170  0 1850 1850 1850         0
# Example with minimum and maximum number to be allocated per stratum
  max_n <- c(40, 200, 300, NA, 300)
  prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 500, min_n = 5, max_n = max_n)
#>     n n_adjusted LB  UB    N      X min_n max_n it_number
#> 1  40         40  5  40   55  85000     5    40         9
#> 2  83         83  5 200  610 100000     5   200         9
#> 3 207        207  5 300 2900 250000     5   300         9
#> 4   5          5  5  25   25   5000     5    NA         9
#> 5 165        165  5 300 1850 200000     5   300         9
# Example with take-all stratum and maximum number to be allocated per stratum
  take_all <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
  prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 500, max_n = 200, take_all = take_all)
#>     n n_adjusted LB  UB    N      X take_all max_n it_number
#> 1  55         55  0  55   55  85000        0   200         7
#> 2  76         76  0 200  610 100000        0   200         7
#> 3 191        191  0 200 2900 250000        0   200         7
#> 4  25         25 25  25   25   5000        1   200         7
#> 5 153        153  0 200 1850 200000        0   200         7
# Example where the algorithm does not give exactly the desired total sample size
  N <- c(58, 610, 2900, 15, 1850)
  X <- c(88000, 100000, 250000, 50000, 200000)
  prop_alloc(N = N, X = X, totn = 200)
#> Warning: The algorithm failed to achieve the desired sample size of 200 units. The algorithm returned a sample of 199 units.
#>   n_adjusted is an adjusted version of the allocation n, which has exactly sample size 200
#>    n n_adjusted LB   UB    N      X it_number
#> 1 26         27  0   58   58  88000      1000
#> 2 29         29  0  610  610 100000      1000
#> 3 72         72  0 2900 2900 250000      1000
#> 4 14         14  0   15   15  50000      1000
#> 5 58         58  0 1850 1850 200000      1000