easySdcTable 1.1.1
- Notes added in vignettes
- Maintenance notice and suggested alternative
- This package will be maintained to work, but will not be developed further. It is limited to handling problems with two linked frequency tables. For more advanced frequency table problems and for magnitude tables, the GaussSuppression package is recommended. Also, note that it is important to use easySdcTable’s own method
(default), not sdcTable’s"GAUSS"
. See comparisons at the GitHub Repository.
- This package will be maintained to work, but will not be developed further. It is limited to handling problems with two linked frequency tables. For more advanced frequency table problems and for magnitude tables, the GaussSuppression package is recommended. Also, note that it is important to use easySdcTable’s own method
- The singletons/zeros vignette
- The terminology in this vignette is somewhat misleading. According to Langsrud (2024), “ones and zeros” should have been used instead of “singletons and zeros.”
- Maintenance notice and suggested alternative
- New pkgdown website for the package, with logo
- This package now has a documentation site at https://statisticsnorway.github.io/ssb-easysdctable/.
- Some technical changes in documentation to comply with standards.
easySdcTable 1.0.7
CRAN release: 2022-12-22
- Improvements when microdata input (
freqVar = NULL
) combined with “Gauss”- Data is pre-aggregated prior to the Gauss algorithm. Efficiency is improved.
- This also improves singleton handling when
protectZeros = FALSE
- Data is pre-aggregated prior to the Gauss algorithm. Efficiency is improved.
easySdcTable 1.0.3
CRAN release: 2022-03-22
- Minor updates of vignettes
- Note a comment about “Gauss” and zeros omitted in input in “Introduction to ‘easySdcTable’”
easySdcTable 1.0.1
CRAN release: 2022-01-03
- Update of the vignette “The problem of singletons and zeros”
- For all the examples to still be relevant,
is used instead of"SIMPLEHEURISTIC"
- For all the examples to still be relevant,
easySdcTable 1.0.0
CRAN release: 2021-10-11
- Wrapper methos “SimpleSingle” and “Simple” re-defined to use “SIMPLEHEURISTIC_OLD”
- Possible after introduction of “SIMPLEHEURISTIC_OLD” in sdcTable 0.32.1
- Ensures same behavior as sdcTable versions prior to 0.32.
- Thus, “SimpleSingle” and “Simple” behave as earlier (see problems in 0.8.0 news below).
- New wrapper method “SIMPLEHEURISTICSingle”
- As “SimpleSingle” with “SIMPLEHEURISTIC” instead of “SIMPLEHEURISTIC_OLD”
easySdcTable 0.9.0
CRAN release: 2021-09-10
- Method “Gauss” improved when zeros omitted in input data.
- A potential pitfall when doing secondary suppression by Gaussian elimination is cases with
protectZeros = TRUE
and where zeros are omitted in input data. The underlying function, GaussSuppression, produce a warning in such cases (introduced in SSBtools version 1.2.2) with text: “Suppressed cells with empty input will not be protected. Extend input data with zeros?”. Cases where this warning occur is now avoided within ProtectTable. Internally data are automatically extended when needed.
- A potential pitfall when doing secondary suppression by Gaussian elimination is cases with
easySdcTable 0.8.0
CRAN release: 2021-08-12
- Method “Gauss” made default.
- Based on comparison of computing times, errors and the numbers of suppressed and revealed cells, this is a natural consequence after the release of sdcTable version 0.32.0 (see
comparison/Comparison of suppression methods while developing easySdcTable ver. 0.8.0.md
on the github page of easySdcTable).
- Based on comparison of computing times, errors and the numbers of suppressed and revealed cells, this is a natural consequence after the release of sdcTable version 0.32.0 (see
- Internal changes caused by changes in sdcTable version 0.32.0
- Now
is used insetad ofprotectLinkedTables
- Summary output from sdcTable is captured differently (for
- Now
- New tidy wrapper function,
, which returns a single data frame.
easySdcTable 0.7.0
CRAN release: 2021-05-20
- No changes in functionality. Only technical changes and minor improvements.
easySdcTable 0.6.0
CRAN release: 2020-07-27
- New method, “Gauss”, available
- An additional method that is not available in sdcTable
- Secondary suppression by Gaussian elimination
- Tau-argus problem fixed.
- Version 0.5.0 resulted in wrong tau-argus input when the useFancyQuotes option was TRUE.
easySdcTable 0.5.0
CRAN release: 2020-04-04
- Method “SimpleSingle” re-defined and made default.
- The new parameter, threshold, in sdcTable is used.
- The shiny functionality is now as two functions
- Run PTgui from the R console or use PTguiApp to make a server application
- PTxyz, new function
- ProtectTable with output ready for SuppressDec in package RegSDC