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x13 can be run as usual (automdl) or with a PICKMDL specification. The ARIMA model, outliers and filters can be identified at a certain date and then held fixed (with a new outlier-span).


  corona = FALSE,
  pickmdl_method = "first",
  star = 1,
  when_star = warning,
  when_automdl = message,
  when_finalnotok = NULL,
  identification_end = NULL, = NULL,
  identify_t_filter = FALSE,
  identify_s_filter = FALSE,
  identify_outliers = TRUE,
  identify_arima_mu = TRUE,
  automdl.enabled = FALSE,
  fastfirst = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  output = "sa",
  add_comment = TRUE,
  old_crit2 = NA

x13_automdl(..., automdl.enabled = TRUE)



x13 parameter


An x13_spec output object or a list of several objects as outputted from x13_spec_pickmdl. In the case of a single object and when automdl.enabled is FALSE, spec will be converted internally by x13_spec_pickmdl with default five arima model specifications.


Whether to update spec by outliers according to corona_outliers. FALSE or NULL means no update. TRUE or "ssb" means update.


Further x13 parameters (currently only parameter userdefined is additional parameter to x13).


crit_selection parameter or one of the two extra possibilities, "first_automdl" or "first_tryautomdl". In both cases the crit_selection parameter is "first" and the automdl model is added as the last pickmdl model.

  • "first_automdl": The automdl model is chosen whenever no pickmdl model is ok. In other words, the star parameter changes.

  • "first_tryautomdl": When no pickmdl model is ok: The automdl model is chosen if this model is ok, otherwise the star model is chosen.


crit_selection parameter


crit_selection parameter


Function to be called when automdl since no pickmdl model ok. Supply NULL to do nothing.


Function to be called, e.g. warning, when final run with final model is not ok. Supply NULL to do nothing. See crit_ok.


To shorten the series before runs used to identify (arima) parameters. That is, the series is shortened by window(series, end = identification_end).

To set x13_spec parameter before runs used to identify (arima) parameters. This is an alternative to identification_end.


When TRUE, Henderson trend filter is identified by the shortened (see above) series.


When TRUE, Seasonal moving average filter is identified by the shortened series.


When TRUE, Outliers are identified by the shortened series.


When TRUE, is identified by the shortened series (see arima_mu).


When TRUE, automdl is performed instead of pickmdl. If spec is a list of several objects as outputted from x13_spec_pickmdl, only first object is used.


When TRUE and when pickmdl with crit_selection parameter "first", only as many models as needed are run. This affects the output when output = "all".


Printing information to console when TRUE.


One of "sa" (default), "spec" (final spec), "sa_spec" (both) and "all". See examples.


When TRUE, a comment attribute (character vector with ok, ok_final and mdl_nr) will be added to the x13 output object. Use comment to get the attribute or ok to get the attribute converted to a list.


Logical. The p-value criterion used for PICKMDL criterion number 2. Set to FALSE for "Ljung-Box" and to TRUE for "Ljung-Box (residuals at seasonal lags)". This parameter can be overridden by setting the "pickmdl.old_crit2" option, in which case the option value will take precedence. The default value (NA) means that old_crit2 = (date_found < "2024-10-15"), where date_found refers to the end date according to identification_end or If none of these is specified, old_crit2 is set to FALSE. The default value is chosen to ensure that the new criterion is phased in automatically.


By default an x13 output object, or otherwise a list as specified by parameter output.


myseries <- pickmdl_data("myseries")

spec_a  <- x13_spec(spec = "RSA3", transform.function = "Log")

a <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_a, verbose = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to FALSE since no identification specification. 
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  2  1  0  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2021-10-01  New outliers: 2011-06 
#>       ok ok_final   mdl_nr 
#>   "TRUE"   "TRUE"      "3" 
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
#> $ok_final
#> [1] TRUE
#> $mdl_nr
#> [1] 3
#>       ok ok_final   mdl_nr 
#>        1        1        3 
#> y = regression model + arima (2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Phi(1)      0.9848      0.061
#> Phi(2)      0.5766      0.061
#> BTheta(1)  -0.8921      0.045
#>             Estimate Std. Error
#> TC (6-2011)  -0.1905      0.047
#> Residual standard error: 0.06728 on 183 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 230.6, aic =  1260 aicc =  1260, bic(corrected for length) = -5.286

a2 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_a, identification_end = c(2014, 2))
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.8434      0.040
#> BTheta(1)  -0.9735      0.044
#> Residual standard error: 0.0707 on 185 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood =   216, aic =  1285 aicc =  1285, bic(corrected for length) = -5.243

# As above, another way
a3 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_a, = "2014-03-01")
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.8434      0.040
#> BTheta(1)  -0.9735      0.044
#> Residual standard error: 0.0707 on 185 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood =   216, aic =  1285 aicc =  1285, bic(corrected for length) = -5.243

a4 <- x13_automdl(myseries, spec_a, identification_end = c(2014, 2))
#> y = regression model + arima (1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Phi(1)     -0.9522      0.030
#> Theta(1)   -1.1092      0.072
#> Theta(2)    0.3625      0.071
#> BTheta(1)  -1.0000      0.045
#>      Estimate Std. Error
#> Mean  0.02675      0.004
#> Residual standard error: 0.06489 on 183 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood =   232, aic =  1268 aicc =  1268, bic(corrected for length) = -5.331

# As above, another way
spec_a_single  <- x13_spec(spec = "RSA3", transform.function = "Log")
a5 <- x13_automdl(myseries, spec_a_single, = "2014-03-01")
#> y = regression model + arima (1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Phi(1)     -0.9522      0.030
#> Theta(1)   -1.1092      0.072
#> Theta(2)    0.3625      0.071
#> BTheta(1)  -1.0000      0.045
#>      Estimate Std. Error
#> Mean  0.02675      0.004
#> Residual standard error: 0.06489 on 183 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood =   232, aic =  1268 aicc =  1268, bic(corrected for length) = -5.331

allvar <- pickmdl_data("allvar")

spec_b <- x13_spec(
            spec = "RSA3", transform.function = "Log",
            usrdef.varEnabled = TRUE, 
            usrdef.varType = c("Calendar", "Calendar"), 
            usrdef.var = allvar, 
            outlier.enabled = FALSE, 
            usrdef.outliersEnabled = TRUE,
            usrdef.outliersType = rep("LS", 20), 
            usrdef.outliersDate = c("2009-01-01", "2016-01-01", 
                                    "2020-03-01", "2020-04-01", "2020-05-01", 
                                    "2020-06-01", "2020-07-01", "2020-08-01", 
                                    "2020-09-01", "2020-10-01", "2020-11-01", 
                                    "2020-12-01", "2021-01-01", "2021-02-01",
                                    "2021-03-01", "2021-04-01", "2021-05-01",
                                    "2021-06-01", "2021-07-01", "2021-08-01"))
b <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_b, identification_end = c(2020, 2))                                     
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.8214      0.045
#> BTheta(1)  -0.8562      0.051
#>               Estimate Std. Error
#> arb_dag       0.010938      0.001
#> skuddar       0.055092      0.028
#> LS (1-2009)  -0.090294      0.030
#> LS (1-2016)  -0.039840      0.030
#> LS (3-2020)  -0.004550      0.053
#> LS (4-2020)  -0.126323      0.069
#> LS (5-2020)   0.067283      0.068
#> LS (6-2020)  -0.013231      0.068
#> LS (7-2020)   0.108865      0.068
#> LS (8-2020)  -0.118575      0.069
#> LS (9-2020)   0.043492      0.068
#> LS (10-2020) -0.021723      0.068
#> LS (11-2020)  0.027382      0.068
#> LS (12-2020)  0.031743      0.069
#> LS (1-2021)  -0.071634      0.069
#> LS (2-2021)  -0.004503      0.069
#> LS (3-2021)   0.009891      0.069
#> LS (4-2021)   0.024852      0.069
#> LS (5-2021)  -0.051741      0.069
#> LS (6-2021)  -0.035384      0.070
#> LS (7-2021)  -0.017531      0.069
#> LS (8-2021)   0.056976      0.060
#> Residual standard error: 0.04928 on 163 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 290.6, aic =  1180 aicc =  1188, bic(corrected for length) = -5.352

# automdl instead  
b1 <- x13_automdl(myseries, spec_b, identification_end = c(2020, 2))
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.8214      0.045
#> BTheta(1)  -0.8562      0.051
#>               Estimate Std. Error
#> arb_dag       0.010938      0.001
#> skuddar       0.055092      0.028
#> LS (1-2009)  -0.090294      0.030
#> LS (1-2016)  -0.039840      0.030
#> LS (3-2020)  -0.004550      0.053
#> LS (4-2020)  -0.126323      0.069
#> LS (5-2020)   0.067283      0.068
#> LS (6-2020)  -0.013231      0.068
#> LS (7-2020)   0.108865      0.068
#> LS (8-2020)  -0.118575      0.069
#> LS (9-2020)   0.043492      0.068
#> LS (10-2020) -0.021723      0.068
#> LS (11-2020)  0.027382      0.068
#> LS (12-2020)  0.031743      0.069
#> LS (1-2021)  -0.071634      0.069
#> LS (2-2021)  -0.004503      0.069
#> LS (3-2021)   0.009891      0.069
#> LS (4-2021)   0.024852      0.069
#> LS (5-2021)  -0.051741      0.069
#> LS (6-2021)  -0.035384      0.070
#> LS (7-2021)  -0.017531      0.069
#> LS (8-2021)   0.056976      0.060
#> Residual standard error: 0.04928 on 163 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 290.6, aic =  1180 aicc =  1188, bic(corrected for length) = -5.352

# effect of identify_t_filter and identify_s_filter
rndseries <- ts(rep(1:12, 20) + (1 + (1:240)/20) * runif(240) + 0.5 * c(rep(1, 120), (1:120)^2), 
                frequency = 12, start = c(2000, 1))
spec_c <- x13_spec(outlier.enabled = FALSE)               
c1 <- x13_automdl(rndseries, spec_c, identification_end = c(2009, 12))    
#> Monitoring and Quality Assessment Statistics:
#>       M stats
#> M(1)    0.200
#> M(2)    0.024
#> M(3)    0.020
#> M(4)    0.139
#> M(5)    0.268
#> M(6)    0.783
#> M(7)    1.307
#> M(8)    0.915
#> M(9)    0.730
#> M(10)   0.120
#> M(11)   0.120
#> Q       0.472
#> Q-M2    0.535
#> Final filters: 
#> Seasonal filter:  3x3
#> Trend filter:  13 terms Henderson moving average
c2 <- x13_automdl(rndseries, spec_c, identification_end = c(2009, 12), identify_t_filter = TRUE) 
#> Monitoring and Quality Assessment Statistics:
#>       M stats
#> M(1)    0.248
#> M(2)    0.023
#> M(3)    0.000
#> M(4)    0.139
#> M(5)    0.289
#> M(6)    0.768
#> M(7)    1.288
#> M(8)    0.933
#> M(9)    0.731
#> M(10)   0.060
#> M(11)   0.059
#> Q       0.470
#> Q-M2    0.533
#> Final filters: 
#> Seasonal filter:  3x3
#> Trend filter:  23-Henderson
c3 <- x13_automdl(rndseries, spec_c, identification_end = c(2009, 12), identify_t_filter = TRUE, 
                  identify_s_filter = TRUE)     
#> Monitoring and Quality Assessment Statistics:
#>       M stats
#> M(1)    0.378
#> M(2)    0.032
#> M(3)    0.069
#> M(4)    0.338
#> M(5)    0.317
#> M(6)    0.751
#> M(7)    1.270
#> M(8)    0.830
#> M(9)    0.735
#> M(10)   0.093
#> M(11)   0.092
#> Q       0.531
#> Q-M2    0.592
#> Final filters: 
#> Seasonal filter:  3x5
#> Trend filter:  23-Henderson

# Warning when transform.function = "None"
spec_d  <- x13_spec(spec = "RSA3", transform.function = "None")
d <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_d, verbose = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to FALSE since no identification specification. 
#> Warning: No model is ok according to criteria
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  1  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2021-10-01  No new outliers.

# Warning avoided (when_star) and 2nd (star) model selected 
d2 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_d, star = 2, when_star = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to FALSE since no identification specification. 
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  2  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2021-10-01  No new outliers.

# automdl since no pickmdl model ok, but still not ok 
d3 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_d, pickmdl_method = "first_automdl", verbose = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to FALSE since no identification specification. 
#> Warning: No model is ok according to criteria
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  2  1  1  0  1  1 
#> automdl since no pickmdl model ok
#> outlier.from updated: 2021-10-01  No new outliers.

# airline model (star) since automdl also not ok 
d4 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_d, pickmdl_method = "first_tryautomdl", verbose = TRUE,
                  when_finalnotok = warning) # also finalnotok warning
#> old_crit2 set to FALSE since no identification specification. 
#> Warning: No model is ok according to criteria
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  1  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2021-10-01  No new outliers.
#> Warning: FINAL RUN NOT OK

# As a2, with output = "all"
k <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_b, identification_end = c(2010, 2), output = "all",
                 fastfirst = FALSE) # With TRUE only one model in this case 
k$sa$decomposition  # As a2$decomposition 
#> Monitoring and Quality Assessment Statistics:
#>       M stats
#> M(1)    0.343
#> M(2)    0.349
#> M(3)    1.726
#> M(4)    0.435
#> M(5)    1.870
#> M(6)    0.702
#> M(7)    0.157
#> M(8)    0.197
#> M(9)    0.118
#> M(10)   0.160
#> M(11)   0.153
#> Q       0.610
#> Q-M2    0.646
#> Final filters: 
#> Seasonal filter:  3x9
#> Trend filter:  23-Henderson
k$mdl_nr            # index of selected model used to identify parameters
#> [1] 1
k$sa_mult[[k$mdl_nr]]$decomposition  # decomposition for model to identify
#> Monitoring and Quality Assessment Statistics:
#>       M stats
#> M(1)    0.264
#> M(2)    0.248
#> M(3)    1.539
#> M(4)    0.000
#> M(5)    3.000
#> M(6)    1.056
#> M(7)    0.285
#> M(8)    0.000
#> M(9)    0.000
#> M(10)   0.000
#> M(11)   0.000
#> Q       0.721
#> Q-M2    0.816
#> Final filters: 
#> Seasonal filter:  3x5
#> Trend filter:  23-Henderson
k$crit_tab          # Table of criteria 
#>           crit1     crit2      crit3    m_aic
#> [1,] 0.04327429 0.4368229 -0.7117072 344.0338
#> [2,] 0.04325725 0.5369880 -0.7497611 345.7862
#> [3,] 0.04875133 0.5635680  0.0000000 344.3432
#> [4,] 0.04160156 0.9047367 -0.9999670 345.5339
#> [5,] 0.04947505 0.6257011 -0.3132899 346.8342

# Effect of identify_outliers (TRUE is default)
m1 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, x13_spec("RSA3", outlier.usedefcv = FALSE, = 3), 
                  identification_end = c(2010, 2), identify_outliers = FALSE)
m2 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, x13_spec("RSA3", outlier.usedefcv = FALSE, = 3), 
                  identification_end = c(2010, 2), identify_outliers = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE, output = "all")
#> old_crit2 set to TRUE based on the date found (2010-03-01) and threshold (2024-10-15).
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  1  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2010-03-01  New outliers: 2008-03 
m3 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, m2$spec, identification_end = c(2018, 2), identify_outliers = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to TRUE based on the date found (2018-03-01) and threshold (2024-10-15).
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  2  1  2  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2018-03-01  New outliers: 2011-06, 2016-03 

#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.8434      0.040
#> BTheta(1)  -0.9735      0.044
#> Residual standard error: 0.0707 on 185 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood =   216, aic =  1285 aicc =  1285, bic(corrected for length) = -5.243
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.8271      0.042
#> BTheta(1)  -0.9189      0.044
#>             Estimate Std. Error
#> AO (3-2008)  -0.2046      0.068
#> Residual standard error: 0.07051 on 184 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 220.4, aic =  1278 aicc =  1279, bic(corrected for length) = -5.22
#> y = regression model + arima (2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Phi(1)      0.8897      0.145
#> Phi(2)      0.4636      0.080
#> Theta(1)   -0.2235      0.152
#> Theta(2)   -0.2411      0.132
#> BTheta(1)  -0.8802      0.045
#>             Estimate Std. Error
#> AO (3-2008)  -0.1418      0.054
#> TC (6-2011)  -0.1651      0.040
#> AO (3-2016)  -0.1853      0.054
#> Residual standard error: 0.06174 on 179 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 247.1, aic =  1235 aicc =  1236, bic(corrected for length) = -5.347

# With corona outliers (even possible when series is not long enough) 
m4 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, spec_a, verbose = TRUE, corona = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to FALSE since no identification specification. 
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  2  1  0  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2021-10-01  New outliers: 2011-06 
#> y = regression model + arima (2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Phi(1)      1.0034      0.062
#> Phi(2)      0.5914      0.062
#> BTheta(1)  -1.0000      0.050
#>              Estimate Std. Error
#> LS (3-2020)   0.07527      0.065
#> LS (4-2020)  -0.19815      0.092
#> LS (5-2020)   0.05206      0.096
#> LS (6-2020)   0.02156      0.096
#> LS (7-2020)   0.14629      0.100
#> LS (8-2020)  -0.22966      0.102
#> LS (9-2020)   0.15744      0.102
#> LS (10-2020) -0.07074      0.103
#> LS (11-2020)  0.02439      0.103
#> LS (12-2020)  0.09929      0.103
#> LS (1-2021)  -0.19861      0.103
#> LS (2-2021)   0.06577      0.103
#> LS (3-2021)   0.06252      0.103
#> LS (4-2021)  -0.01084      0.103
#> LS (5-2021)  -0.11020      0.103
#> LS (6-2021)   0.04380      0.103
#> LS (7-2021)  -0.04410      0.103
#> LS (8-2021)  -0.03237      0.103
#> LS (9-2021)   0.18665      0.103
#> TC (6-2011)  -0.19161      0.045
#> Residual standard error: 0.05883 on 164 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 248.2, aic =  1263 aicc =  1270, bic(corrected for length) = -5.025
m5 <- x13_pickmdl(myseries, x13_spec("RSA3", outlier.usedefcv = FALSE, = 3), 
                  identification_end = c(2010, 2), identify_outliers = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE, corona = TRUE) 
#> old_crit2 set to TRUE based on the date found (2010-03-01) and threshold (2024-10-15).
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  1  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2010-03-01  New outliers: 2008-03 
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: no
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.7955      0.048
#> BTheta(1)  -0.9997      0.050
#>              Estimate Std. Error
#> LS (3-2020)    2.0624      5.852
#> LS (4-2020)  -19.8622      7.464
#> LS (5-2020)    9.9601      7.432
#> LS (6-2020)    2.2136      7.422
#> LS (7-2020)    3.4862      7.422
#> LS (8-2020)  -11.0665      7.432
#> LS (9-2020)   18.5012      7.432
#> LS (10-2020)  -8.2873      7.429
#> LS (11-2020)   2.7988      7.423
#> LS (12-2020)   5.2338      7.423
#> LS (1-2021)  -17.0809      7.423
#> LS (2-2021)    3.4744      7.408
#> LS (3-2021)    4.6064      7.450
#> LS (4-2021)    0.8282      7.464
#> LS (5-2021)  -11.0466      7.432
#> LS (6-2021)    8.4089      7.422
#> LS (7-2021)  -13.3171      7.422
#> LS (8-2021)    4.1312      7.432
#> LS (9-2021)   24.9996      7.432
#> AO (3-2008)  -18.9346      5.543
#> AO (3-2016)  -19.5750      5.543
#> AO (8-2018)   19.7377      5.580
#> AO (4-2017)  -15.8521      5.513
#> TC (10-2018)  14.0022      4.820
#> AO (3-2013)  -19.3536      5.689
#> TC (1-2013)   13.9826      4.881
#> Residual standard error: 5.189 on 159 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = -593.7, aic =  1245 aicc =  1256, bic(corrected for length) = 4.073

###########  quarterly series  #############
qseries <- pickmdl_data("qseries")    

# Effect of identify_outliers (TRUE is default)
q1 <- x13_pickmdl(qseries, x13_spec("RSA3", outlier.usedefcv = FALSE, = 3), 
                  identification_end = c(2010, 2), identify_outliers = FALSE)
q2 <- x13_pickmdl(qseries, x13_spec("RSA3", outlier.usedefcv = FALSE, = 3), 
                  identification_end = c(2010, 2), identify_outliers = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE, output = "all")
#> old_crit2 set to TRUE based on the date found (2010-07-01) and threshold (2024-10-15).
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  1  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2010-07-01  New outliers: 2008-07 
q3 <- x13_pickmdl(qseries, q2$spec, identification_end = c(2018, 2), identify_outliers = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to TRUE based on the date found (2018-07-01) and threshold (2024-10-15).
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  1  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2018-07-01  New outliers: 2014-04 

#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.2941      0.125
#> BTheta(1)  -0.7877      0.104
#> Residual standard error: 0.04514 on 59 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 102.1, aic = 369.5 aicc = 369.9, bic(corrected for length) = -6.063
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.4205      0.120
#> BTheta(1)  -0.7619      0.106
#>               Estimate Std. Error
#> LS (III-2008)   -0.134      0.037
#> Residual standard error: 0.04142 on 58 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 107.6, aic = 360.6 aicc = 361.3, bic(corrected for length) = -6.168
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.3971      0.122
#> BTheta(1)  -0.7461      0.106
#>               Estimate Std. Error
#> LS (III-2008) -0.13357      0.035
#> AO (II-2014)   0.09058      0.031
#> Residual standard error: 0.03882 on 57 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 111.7, aic = 354.3 aicc = 355.4, bic(corrected for length) = -6.231

# With corona outliers (even possible when series is not long enough) 
q4 <- x13_pickmdl(qseries, spec_a, verbose = TRUE, corona = TRUE)
#> old_crit2 set to FALSE since no identification specification. 
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  2  1  0  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2021-10-01  New outliers: 2008-07 
#> y = regression model + arima (2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Phi(1)      0.4350      0.134
#> Phi(2)      0.3402      0.130
#> BTheta(1)  -1.0000      0.103
#>                 Estimate Std. Error
#> LS (I-2020)   -0.0398499      0.038
#> LS (II-2020)  -0.0287782      0.042
#> LS (III-2020) -0.0745579      0.042
#> LS (IV-2020)   0.0850556      0.043
#> LS (I-2021)   -0.0006202      0.043
#> LS (II-2021)  -0.1151605      0.043
#> LS (III-2021)  0.0442247      0.043
#> LS (III-2008) -0.1253552      0.033
#> Residual standard error: 0.0335 on 50 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 116.8, aic = 358.1 aicc = 364.5, bic(corrected for length) = -6.06
q5 <- x13_pickmdl(qseries, x13_spec("RSA3", outlier.usedefcv = FALSE, = 3), 
                  identification_end = c(2010, 2), identify_outliers = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE, corona = TRUE) 
#> old_crit2 set to TRUE based on the date found (2010-07-01) and threshold (2024-10-15).
#>  p  d  q bp bd bq 
#>  0  1  1  0  1  1 
#> outlier.from updated: 2010-07-01  New outliers: 2008-07 
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.3110      0.136
#> BTheta(1)  -0.8427      0.084
#>                Estimate Std. Error
#> LS (I-2020)   -0.030835      0.035
#> LS (II-2020)  -0.021382      0.036
#> LS (III-2020) -0.082770      0.036
#> LS (IV-2020)   0.077653      0.036
#> LS (I-2021)    0.002271      0.037
#> LS (II-2021)  -0.098601      0.037
#> LS (III-2021)  0.034777      0.037
#> LS (III-2008) -0.133177      0.032
#> AO (II-2014)   0.093274      0.027
#> AO (II-2011)   0.085193      0.027
#> Residual standard error: 0.03105 on 49 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 124.8, aic = 344.2 aicc = 351.8, bic(corrected for length) = -6.146

# Demonstrate strange behavior of x13 with TC at end. Updating outlier.from matters.
# Explains why TC (III-2021) is in q4 and not in q5 
q11 <- x13(window(qseries, end = c(2020, 1)), 
    spec = x13_spec(spec = "RSA3", transform.function = "Log", 
    usrdef.outliersEnabled = TRUE, usrdef.outliersType = "TC", 
    usrdef.outliersDate = "2020-01-01"))  
q12 <- x13(window(qseries, end = c(2020, 1)), # same with outlier.from 
    spec = x13_spec(spec = "RSA3", transform.function = "Log", 
    usrdef.outliersEnabled = TRUE, usrdef.outliersType = "TC", 
    usrdef.outliersDate = "2020-01-01", outlier.from = "2020-04-01")) 
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.2676      0.135
#> BTheta(1)  -0.9100      0.093
#> Residual standard error: 0.04206 on 53 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 94.55, aic = 327.9 aicc = 328.4, bic(corrected for length) = -6.194
#> y = regression model + arima (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
#> Log-transformation: yes
#> Coefficients:
#>           Estimate Std. Error
#> Theta(1)   -0.2693      0.136
#> BTheta(1)  -0.9248      0.092
#>             Estimate Std. Error
#> TC (I-2020) -0.03069      0.043
#> Residual standard error: 0.04166 on 52 degrees of freedom
#> Log likelihood = 94.81, aic = 329.4 aicc = 330.2, bic(corrected for length) = -6.141