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SSBtools on CRAN pkgdown website GitHub Repository


Functions used by other packages from Statistics Norway are gathered. General data manipulation functions, algorithms for statistical disclosure control (Langsrud, 2024) and functions for hierarchical computations by sparse model matrices are included (Langsrud, 2023).


You can install SSBtools from CRAN with


Alternatively install from GitHub bydevtools::install_github("statisticsnorway/SSBtools") if you want to test the newest changes.

Some of the functions

AutoHierarchies() Ensure standardized coding of hierarchies
GaussIndependent()/GaussRank() Linearly independent rows and columns by Gaussian elimination
GaussSuppression() Secondary suppression by Gaussian elimination
FindHierarchies()/FindDimLists() Finding hierarchies automatically from data
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing() Find variable combinations by advanced wildcard/globbing specifications.
HierarchyCompute() Hierarchical Computations
Match() Matching rows in data frames
Mipf() Iterative proportional fitting from matrix input
ModelMatrix() Model matrix from hierarchies and/or a formula (common interface)
RowGroups() Create numbering according to unique rows
SSBtoolsData() Function that returns a dataset
aggregate_by_pkg() Aggregate by base R or data.table
aggregate_multiple_fun() Wrapper to aggregate
map_hierarchies_to_data() Add variables to dataset based on hierarchies
model_aggregate() Hierarchical aggregation via model specification
tables_by_formulas() Tabular Statistics Based on Formulas
quantile_weighted() Weighted quantiles

📌 See the broader list of available functions.

Official version on CRAN: