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Make a model matrix, x, that corresponds to data and represents all hierarchies crossed. This means that aggregates corresponding to numerical variables can be computed as t(x) %*% y, where y is a matrix with one column for each numerical variable.


  inputInOutput = TRUE,
  crossTable = FALSE,
  total = "Total",
  hierarchyVarNames = c(mapsFrom = "mapsFrom", mapsTo = "mapsTo", sign = "sign", level =
  unionComplement = FALSE,
  reOrder = TRUE,
  select = NULL,
  removeEmpty = FALSE,
  selectionByMultiplicationLimit = 10^7,
  makeColnames = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,



Matrix or data frame with data containing codes of relevant variables


List of hierarchies, which can be converted by AutoHierarchies. Thus, the variables can also be coded by "rowFactor" or "", which correspond to using the categories in the data.


Logical vector (possibly recycled) for each element of hierarchies. TRUE means that codes from input are included in output. Values corresponding to "rowFactor" or "" are ignored. Also see note.


Cross table in output when TRUE


See AutoHierarchies


Variable names in the hierarchy tables as in HierarchyFix


Logical vector (possibly recycled) for each element of hierarchies. When TRUE, sign means union and complement instead of addition or subtraction. Values corresponding to "rowFactor" and "colFactor" are ignored.


When TRUE (default) output codes are ordered in a way similar to a usual model matrix ordering.


Data frame specifying variable combinations for output or a named list specifying code selections for each variable (see details).


When TRUE and when select is not a data frame, empty columns (only zeros) are not included in output.


With non-NULL select and when the number of elements in the model matrix exceeds this limit, the computation is performed by a slower but more memory efficient algorithm.


Colnames included when TRUE (default).


Whether to print information during calculations. FALSE is default.


Extra unused parameters


A sparse model matrix or a list of two elements (model matrix and cross table)


This function makes use of AutoHierarchies and HierarchyCompute via HierarchyComputeDummy. Since the dummy matrix is transposed in comparison to HierarchyCompute, the parameter rowSelect is renamed to select and makeRownames is renamed to makeColnames.

The select parameter as a list can be partially specified in the sense that not all hierarchy names have to be included. The parameter inputInOutput will only apply to hierarchies that are not in the select list (see note).


The select as a list is run via a special coding of the inputInOutput parameter. This parameter is converted into a list (as.list) and select elements are inserted into this list. This is also an additional option for users of the function.


Øyvind Langsrud


# Create some input
z <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_withEU")
ageHier <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_ageHier")
geoDimList <- FindDimLists(z[, c("geo", "eu")], total = "Europe")[[1]]

# First example has list output
Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList), inputInOutput = FALSE, 
                        crossTable = TRUE)
#> $modelMatrix
#> 18 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>       Y15-64:Europe Y15-64:EU Y15-64:nonEU
#>  [1,]             1         1            .
#>  [2,]             1         .            1
#>  [3,]             1         1            .
#>  [4,]             1         1            .
#>  [5,]             1         .            1
#>  [6,]             1         1            .
#>  [7,]             1         1            .
#>  [8,]             1         .            1
#>  [9,]             1         1            .
#> [10,]             1         1            .
#> [11,]             1         .            1
#> [12,]             1         1            .
#> [13,]             1         1            .
#> [14,]             1         .            1
#> [15,]             1         1            .
#> [16,]             1         1            .
#> [17,]             1         .            1
#> [18,]             1         1            .
#> $crossTable
#>      age    geo
#> 1 Y15-64 Europe
#> 2 Y15-64     EU
#> 3 Y15-64  nonEU

m1 <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList), inputInOutput = FALSE)
m2 <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList))
m3 <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList, year = ""),
                              inputInOutput = FALSE)
m4 <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList, year = "allYears"), 
                              inputInOutput = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))

# Illustrate the effect of unionComplement, geoHier2 as in the examples of HierarchyCompute
geoHier2 <- rbind(data.frame(mapsFrom = c("EU", "Spain"), mapsTo = "EUandSpain", sign = 1), 
                  SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_geoHier")[, -4])
m5 <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoHier2, year = "allYears"), 
                              inputInOutput = FALSE)  # Spain is counted twice
m6 <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoHier2, year = "allYears"), 
                              inputInOutput = FALSE, unionComplement = TRUE)

# Compute aggregates
ths_per <- as.matrix(z[, "ths_per", drop = FALSE])  # matrix with the values to be aggregated
Matrix::t(m1) %*% ths_per  # Matrix::crossprod(m1, ths_per) is equivalent and faster
#> 3 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#>               ths_per
#> Y15-64:Europe   680.8
#> Y15-64:EU       670.2
#> Y15-64:nonEU     10.6
Matrix::t(m2) %*% ths_per
#> 18 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#>                 ths_per
#> Y15-64:Europe     680.8
#> Y15-64:EU         670.2
#> Y15-64:nonEU       10.6
#> Y15-64:Iceland     10.6
#> Y15-64:Portugal   108.8
#> Y15-64:Spain      561.4
#> Y15-29:Europe     243.5
#> Y15-29:EU         237.9
#> Y15-29:nonEU        5.6
#> Y15-29:Iceland      5.6
#> Y15-29:Portugal    38.5
#> Y15-29:Spain      199.4
#> Y30-64:Europe     437.3
#> Y30-64:EU         432.3
#> Y30-64:nonEU        5.0
#> Y30-64:Iceland      5.0
#> Y30-64:Portugal    70.3
#> Y30-64:Spain      362.0
Matrix::t(m3) %*% ths_per
#> 9 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#>                    ths_per
#> Y15-64:Europe:2014   222.3
#> Y15-64:Europe:2015   225.0
#> Y15-64:Europe:2016   233.5
#> Y15-64:EU:2014       219.0
#> Y15-64:EU:2015       221.5
#> Y15-64:EU:2016       229.7
#> Y15-64:nonEU:2014      3.3
#> Y15-64:nonEU:2015      3.5
#> Y15-64:nonEU:2016      3.8
Matrix::t(m4) %*% ths_per
#> 12 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#>                        ths_per
#> Y15-64:Europe:allYears   680.8
#> Y15-64:Europe:2014       222.3
#> Y15-64:Europe:2015       225.0
#> Y15-64:Europe:2016       233.5
#> Y15-64:EU:allYears       670.2
#> Y15-64:EU:2014           219.0
#> Y15-64:EU:2015           221.5
#> Y15-64:EU:2016           229.7
#> Y15-64:nonEU:allYears     10.6
#> Y15-64:nonEU:2014          3.3
#> Y15-64:nonEU:2015          3.5
#> Y15-64:nonEU:2016          3.8
Matrix::t(m5) %*% ths_per
#> 4 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#>                            ths_per
#> Y15-64:EUandSpain:allYears  1231.6
#> Y15-64:EU:allYears           670.2
#> Y15-64:Europe:allYears       680.8
#> Y15-64:nonEU:allYears         10.6
Matrix::t(m6) %*% ths_per
#> 4 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#>                            ths_per
#> Y15-64:EUandSpain:allYears   670.2
#> Y15-64:EU:allYears           670.2
#> Y15-64:Europe:allYears       680.8
#> Y15-64:nonEU:allYears         10.6

# Example using the select parameter as a data frame
select <- data.frame(age = c("Y15-64", "Y15-29", "Y30-64"), geo = c("EU", "nonEU", "Spain"))
m2a <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList), select = select)

# Same result by slower alternative
m2B <- Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList), crossTable = TRUE)
m2b <- m2B$modelMatrix[, Match(select, m2B$crossTable), drop = FALSE]
Matrix::t(m2b) %*% ths_per
#> 3 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#>              ths_per
#> Y15-64:EU      670.2
#> Y15-29:nonEU     5.6
#> Y30-64:Spain   362.0

# Examples using the select parameter as a list
Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList), 
       inputInOutput = FALSE, 
       select = list(geo = c("nonEU", "Portugal")))
#> 18 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>       Y15-64:nonEU Y15-64:Portugal
#>  [1,]            .               .
#>  [2,]            1               .
#>  [3,]            .               1
#>  [4,]            .               .
#>  [5,]            1               .
#>  [6,]            .               1
#>  [7,]            .               .
#>  [8,]            1               .
#>  [9,]            .               1
#> [10,]            .               .
#> [11,]            1               .
#> [12,]            .               1
#> [13,]            .               .
#> [14,]            1               .
#> [15,]            .               1
#> [16,]            .               .
#> [17,]            1               .
#> [18,]            .               1
Hierarchies2ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList), 
       select = list(geo = c("nonEU", "Portugal"), age = c("Y15-64", "Y15-29")))
#> 18 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>       Y15-64:nonEU Y15-64:Portugal Y15-29:nonEU Y15-29:Portugal
#>  [1,]            .               .            .               .
#>  [2,]            1               .            1               .
#>  [3,]            .               1            .               1
#>  [4,]            .               .            .               .
#>  [5,]            1               .            .               .
#>  [6,]            .               1            .               .
#>  [7,]            .               .            .               .
#>  [8,]            1               .            1               .
#>  [9,]            .               1            .               1
#> [10,]            .               .            .               .
#> [11,]            1               .            .               .
#> [12,]            .               1            .               .
#> [13,]            .               .            .               .
#> [14,]            1               .            1               .
#> [15,]            .               1            .               1
#> [16,]            .               .            .               .
#> [17,]            1               .            .               .
#> [18,]            .               1            .               .